ASTE 4155: Nonformal Teaching Methods
Assignment: Weekly Participation Reflections
Rubric Description: Students are assigned to write a one-page, double-spaced reflection based on the lecture, readings, media offering, and other course material for the week. The instructor may or may not give specific prompts to direct student thoughts. Each reflection is work ten points, late submissions are not accepted. This assignment is assessed as complete or incomplete, based upon the student's ability to submit the assignment on time and to adequately recall and synthesize the course material in a meaningful way.
Outcomes Data 100% of students in the class completed the assignment on time and in an effective manner. This assignment was conducted weekly for 14 weeks. Students exceeded expectation on this assignment.
Assignment: Instructional Presentation
Outcomes Data 100% of students participated in the assignment. Students receive scores for three rubrics, one from the instructor and two from peer reviewers. The rubric is used to provide extensive feedback and serve as a constructive element for future presentations. All students received above an 80% of the total points, which was found to be an acceptable range for the skill and experience level of the group. In addition to this assessment, students must submit a self-narrative (no rubric) and reflect on their own awareness of their presentation skills.
Assignment: Lesson Plan #1
Assignment: Lesson Plan #2
Assignment: Lesson Plan #3
All of these lesson plans use the same rubric.
Outcomes Data The lesson plans are developed at different stages of the course. The expectation is that the lesson plans will improve as the students practice and gain more understanding of the content and context of the course. The grading gets progressively more difficult throughout the course. Students can revise and resubmit as many times as they wish before Week 14 of the course. All students received above 80% on Lesson Plan #1 and #2; on Lesson #3, 75% of students received above an 80% and 25% received above a 70%. Overall, 95% of students revised and resubmitted at least one lesson plan. Many students revised all their lesson plans in order to improve their score. The average grade for this assignment, at the end of the semester, was 97% or an A.
Assignment: Interview or cultural experiences
Outcomes Data: The average score on this assignment was 94% (A). This is a subjective experience of communication and observation, where the main goal is to push the student to reflect on the experiences of others and inclusivity of their own instruction and practice. Students cannot revise or resubmit this assignment following feedback from the instructor.
ASTE 2250: Introductory Internship
Assignment 2: Internship Goals
Rubric Description: Students identify possible skills to be observed or developed during their semester-long internship. The skills should be identified by 1) the type of skill; 2) who/what/where you will learn the skill from; 3) how you plan to develop the skill. Be specific in these descriptions and personal goals, including how you will know when you have properly learned a skill (or to a level of expectation established by you) for this course. Goals are subjective for the student and the experience desired and approved by the program leader. No rubric is necessary.
Outcomes Data: 100% of students submitted their goals and sponsorship contracts for their internship experiences. All goal statements were acceptable and did not require special approval or revision.
Assignment 3-14: Weekly Progress Reports
Rubric Description: Between weeks 3-14 of the semester, students are required to develop a minimum two-paragraph explanation and/or attachment of documents or pictures showing accomplishments during the week. They should be focused on achieving their internship goals. They are required to record 1) time spent on the goal, 2) tasks completed, 3) what was observed/learned. Grammar, formatting, and timeliness are considerations of their completion points. Late submissions receive point deductions.
Outcomes Data 100% of students submitted their weekly goals, although there were point deductions throughout the semester for late submissions. All students submitted content related to their internship goal statements. The assessment is valuable for keeping students on track and focused on goal achievement.
Paper #1: Two-page summary and self-narrative
Outcomes Data 100% of students completed their internship and this assignment. The average score was 97% on their summary.
Paper #2: Summary of progress and internship reflection
Outcomes Data 100% of students completed their internship and this assignment. The average score was 100% on their summary.
ASTE 3625: Youth Development Education, not taught in 2021 due to low enrollment.
No current info
ASTE 4250: Advanced Clinical Internship
Assignment: Internship Goals
Rubric Description Students identify possible skills to be observed or developed during their semester-long internship. The skills should be identified by 1) the type of skill; 2) who/what/where you will learn the skill from; 3) how you plan to develop the skill. Be specific in these descriptions and personal goals, including how you will know when you have properly learned a skill (or to a level of expectation established by you) for this course. Goals are subjective for the student and the experience desired and approved by the program leader. No rubric is necessary.
Outcomes Data: 100% of students submitted their goals and sponsorship contracts for their internship experiences. All goal statements were acceptable and did not require special approval or revision.
Paper #1: Summary and Self-Narrative
Outcomes Data: 100% of students completed their internship and this assignment. The average score was 97% on their summary.
Paper #2: Summary of Progress and Internship reflection
Rubric attached:
See aboveOutcomes Data 100% of students completed their internship and this assignment. The average score was 100% on their summary.
Project: Student Internship Portfolio
Outcomes Data 100% of students met instructor expectations, received an A grade on their portfolio.
Internship Supervisor Report Survey
Rubric attached.
Rubric continued.
Outcomes Data 100% of surveys were completed and returned to the program leader from internship sponsors. The information was shared with the students to assist them in improving their professional performance. The survey information was not used to influence their final grade. Information beneficial for conducting internships at the same location was noted for future reference.
ASTE 5220/6220: Volunteer Programs and Partnerships
Assignment: Students will reflect on prior volunteer experiences and conduct a peer review
Outcomes Data 93% was the average score on this assignment, with the lowest score at 90%. Students completed the assignment on time. One student did not submit this assignment. The peer review feedback met the expectation of the instructor and added to the student reflections given in other assignments in later assignments. This assignment was helpful for building a community-type relationship in a fully online course.
Assignment: Students will conduct two 30-minute interviews with a volunteer coordinator or volunteer administrator
No information available
Assignment: Students will develop one infographic as a volunteer recruitment tool
Outcomes Data: 88% of students completed this assignment. The average score was 86% (B). Student skill level widely varied on this assignment, with undergraduate students out-performing graduate students on infographic development with a digital tool. Two graduate students did not attempt to complete this assignment.
Assignment: Students will develop one five-to-seven-minute video presentation designed to retain volunteers
Rubric attached:
See aboveOutcomes Data: 88% of students completed this assignment. The average score was 86% (B). Student skill level widely varied on this assignment, with undergraduate students out-performing graduate students on video development using Adobe Spark. Two graduate students did not attempt to complete this assignment.
Assignment Students will participate in a minimum of ten hours of volunteer service, either face-to-face in the local community or in a virtual volunteer experience
Rubric Description: Students log their volunteer hours. Either they complete the assignment or not. This semester all volunteer activities were conducted remotely in compliance with Covid-19 protocols.
Outcomes Data 100% of students stated that they had completed a minimum of three hours of online volunteer service. Students used a wide variety of organizations and 90% of the students volunteered with an organization they had not previously served with before this class.
Assignment: Students will develop and present a video reflection pertaining to their required volunteer experience
Rubric Description: Students are expected to create a rubric and rate their performance. The rubric does not need to be formatted in a "traditional teaching" way, but it does need to be clear and easy-to-understand. The purpose is to give them the opportunity to think about how they would evaluate work and progress in a leadership role. They can include anything they want in their rubric, but the emphasis is: If you were a volunteer leader, why would your personal evaluation skills on a presentation like this really matter to them? Written rubrics are no more than one page (for tables or written paragraphs).
Outcomes Data: The average score on this final assignment was 90%, with only one non-submission. The quality of student work was fairly consistent and met expectation for the skill level of the group.
Assignment: Students will submit a six-page reflective summary of three different peer-reviewed journal articles pertaining to content discussed within the course
Outcomes Data: The average score on the summary was 76%. Most students struggled with APA formatting and the synthesis of research material. There were several students that stated they were unaware of how to conduct a search for relevant journal articles pertaining to the course content.ASTE 2710: Orientation to Agricultural Education
Assignment: Interest Approach Peer Evaluation
Rubric attached.
Interest Approach Peer EvaluationOutcomes Data none given
Assignment: Interest Approach
Outcomes Data none given
ASTE 3240: Teaching in Laboratory Settings
Assignment: Lesson Plan with PPAT Task 3
Rubric attached:
PPATTask3-1-Rubric1Outcomes Data: none given
Assignment: Safety Demonstration & Packet
Outcomes Data none given
ASTE 3300: Clinical Experience I in Agricultural Education
Assignment: Clinical I Teaching
clinical1Evaluationform.pdfOutcomes Data: The Clinical One Teaching Assessment is based on the Standards for School-Based Agricultural Education Teacher Preparation Programs. It assesses teaching effectiveness in the areas of learning environments, content knowledge, and reflection and continuous growth. This evaluation is completed by the cooperating teacher.
ASTE 3620: Managing the FFA and SAE Programs
Assignment: All AET assignments
Rubric attached:
TheAETRecordbookassessmentOutcomes Data None given
ASTE 4150: Methods of Teaching Agriculture
Assignment: Microteaching & Microteaching Packet
Rubric attached:
Rubric continued
Outcomes Data The curriculum project was implemented in Fall of 2020. Only one student has not passed this assessment in the past couple of years. The scope and sequence assignment has been utilized for over a decade. In the past 5 years, 100% of the students have passed this assessment and shown mastery in developing a curriculum scope and sequence. The microteaching assignments have been utilized for over a decade. In the past 5 years, 100% of the students have passed this assessment and shown mastery in planning, teaching, and reflecting on instruction.
ASTE 4210: Cognition and Evaluation of Student Learning in CTE
Course Objectives from the Syllabus that meet the Program Objective
- Students will develop a lesson unit plan that contains summative and formative assessment strategies.
- Course assignments
- Assignment: Unit Plan & Assessment
Assignment: Unit Plan & Assessment
Outcomes Data Student grades for Unit Plan 2 from Fall 2021 (N = 36)
A: 30, A-: 1, B+: 0, B: 1, B-: 1, C+: 0, C: 0, C-: 0, D+: 2, D: 0, F: 1
ASTE 4300: Clinical Experience II in Agricultural Education
Assignment: Clinical II Teaching Assignment
Outcomes Data There is a 100% passing rate specific to effective reflection on teaching practice. 100% of students have passed clinical II.
ASTE 5500: Agricultural Education Secondary Curriculum Seminar
Assignment: Reflection Prompts & Discussion
Rubric Description Discussion posts are assessed based on the students ability to post and discuss relevant content related to professional development and instructional application.
Outcomes Data There is a 100% passing rate specific to effective reflection on teaching practice. 100% of students have passed Seminar.
ASTE 5630: Agricultural Education Student Teaching
Assignments: PPAT Tasks2-4
Rubric attached:
PPAT Task 2, PPAT Task 3, PPAT Task 4Outcomes Data In the past years, only one student has not passed student teaching. Below are the average scores for the Final Student Teaching Assessment for the past few years in which we have collected data. Below is also the PPAT data for the past two years when this assessment was implemented. Starting in 2021, students not attaining a 36 or higher on the PPAT will not be able to license. The Final Student Teaching Assessment is based on the Standards for School-Based Agricultural Education Teacher Preparation Programs. It assesses overall teaching effectiveness. Cooperating teachers complete the assessment at the end of student teaching. Students are rated on 92 individual items. An overall score out of 100 is given.
Final Student Teaching Assessment
2016-2017 |
2017-2018 |
2018-2019 |
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
Overall Average |
Average score |
95.1 |
93.0 |
91.18 |
93.0 |
91.5 |
92.76 |
N graduates |
10 |
9 |
22 |
16 |
18 |
15 |
Range |
90-98 |
81-99 |
60-99 |
65-100 |
76-100 |
74.4-99.2 |
Ag Ed PPAT Scores
2019-2020 |
2020-2021 |
Overall Average |
Task 2 Average (x/12) |
8.44 |
7.53 |
7.99 |
Task 3 Average (x/16) |
10.75 |
10.74 |
10.75 |
Task 4 Average (x/32) |
20.29 |
20.29 |
Total (USU pass score is 36) |
38.59 |
38.59 |
Number of students |
N=16 |
N=18 |
Total N = 34 |