CTE Teaching Academy

Technology, Design & Technical Education

The Career and Technical Education Teaching Academy - Institutional Certificate of Proficiency (CTE Teaching Academy) serves to enhance the pipeline of qualified teachers and augment the knowledge and skills of current educators in specialized areas relevant to Career and Technical Education (CTE).

The CTE Teaching Academy is a 15-credit certificate program designed to enhance inservice secondary and post secondary teachers pedagogical techniques necessary for teaching CTE subjects, focusing on competency-based education methods. This program can be pursued independently or integrated into larger academic pathways such as an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in General Technology or a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Technology Systems.

This program is intended for the following individuals:

  • Professional (inservice) secondary level teachers seeking to meet licensure/endorsement requirements or to advance within their career (e.g., change lanes); or
  • Post-secondary teachers seeking additional teacher training.
Old Main Building at Utah State University

Course Delivery and Fees

All the courses will be taught online with once weekly face-to-face meetings to facilitate discussion. Badges will be offered for each course.


CTE Teaching Academy Course Offerings

Fall Semesters:

This course is focused on instructional methodology, teaching approaches, and principles of teaching diverse populations of students in laboratory and classroom settings within Career and Technical Education.

This course provides an overview of the various methods used to measure and evaluate student achievement within the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains with emphasis on performance-based, authentic assessment specific to the Career and Technical Education classroom.

This course focuses on principles and strategies for increasing teachers’ effectiveness and satisfaction in classroom management and discipline within Career and Technical Education. This course also focuses on establishing a positive classroom learning environment, student engagement, and motivation.

Spring Semesters:

This course is focused on instructional methodology, teaching approaches, and principles of teaching diverse populations of students in laboratory and classroom settings within Career and Technical Education.

This course is focused on the principles and practices of curriculum and course development in Career and Technical Education. The course emphasizes program, course, unit, and daily curriculum design.

This course is designed to help students and teachers understand the role of technology and media in CTE programs and to teach them how to use media and digital technologies effectively and appropriately.

CTE Teaching Academy to CTE Degree

The CTE Teaching Academy offers 18 credits of professional development coursework. These courses may be applied to the following degrees: General Technology AAS, or Technology Systems BS. The 18 credits are divided into six courses that will be taught two each semester, including the summer term for one year (two in the summer, two in the fall, and two in the spring).

Contact Information

Kaysville Contact Information

Melissa Thomas
Academic Advisor
Phone: 801-499-5120
Location: 80 East 725 South Kaysville, UT 84037

To make an appointment with Melissa visit, USU-Kaysville Advising

Logan & State-Wide Contact Information

Lisa Hunsaker
Academic Advisor, Non-Aviation
Phone: 435-797-0851
Email: lisa.hunsaker@usu.edu


Brigham City Contact Information

Amanda Peterson
Academic Advisor, Success Coordinator
Phone: 435-919-1228
Email: mandi.peterson@usu.edu