Brent Black

Plants, Soils, and Climate

Professor, Extension Fruit Specialist

Brent Black

Contact Information

Office Location: AGRS 330
Phone: 435-797-2174
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Plant Physiology, Oregon State University, 1999
MS, Horticulture, Michigan State University, 1994
BS, Plant and Soil Science, Utah State University, 1991


Career Extension Specialist Award, 2023

Utah State University Extension Specialists Association

Paul H. Shepard Award for Best Research Paper, 2021

American Pomological Society

Paul H. Shepard Award for Best Research Paper, 2020

American Pomological Society

Researcher of the Year (2019-2020), 2019

College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

Mentor to Ulysses P. Hedrick Award 2nd place winner, best student paper, 2019

American Pomological Society

Researcher of the Year, 2019

PSC Department

Mentor to Ulysses P. Hedrick Award winner, best student paper, 2018

American Pomological Society

Paul H. Shepard Award for Best Research Paper, 2017

American Pomological Society

Mentor to Ulysses P. Hedrick Award winner, best student paper, 2016

American Pomological Society

Paul H. Shepard Award for Best Research Paper, 2014

American Pomological Society

Paul H. Shepard Award for best research paper, 2011

Journal of the American Pomological Soceity

Mentor to Ulysses P. Hedrick Award winner, best student paper, 2011

American Pomological Society

Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2010

College of Agriculture

Mentor to Ulysses P. Hedrick Award winner, best student paper, 2009

American Pomological Society

Publications | Abstracts

  • Reeve, J., Black, B.L, (2023). Early Season Nitrogen Availability in High Tunnel Strawberries. Soil Science Society of America
  • Black, B.L, (2018). Propagation techniques for Sambucus cerulea (Blue Elderberry).. American Society for Horticultural Science *
  • Black, B.L, (2018). Propagation techniques for Sambucus cerulea (Blue Elderberry).. Proceedings of the International Plant Propagation Society *
  • Brym, Z., Black, B.L, (2013). Evaluating physiological efficiencies of branching structure in low-intensity tart cherry and high-density apple. American Society for Horticultural Science *
  • Maughan, T.L, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2013). Extending the strawberry season: high tunnels, low tunnels and targeted supplemental heating. American Society for Horticultural Science *
  • Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, Black, B.L, (2012). Involving the public in cultivar evaluation research. National Association of County Agricultural Agents
  • Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, Black, B.L, (2012). Involving the public in cultivar evaluation research. USU Extension Annual Conference
  • Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, Black, B.L, (2012). Involving the public in cultivar evaluation research. Diversified agriculture conference
  • Rowley, M.A, Ransom, C., Reeve, J., Black, B.L, (2011). Weed control utilizing mulch and organic herbicide combinations. Abstract Weed Science Society of America *
  • Particka, C., Black, B.L, (2010). Effect of gibberellic acid on flowering and growth of newly planted blueberries. HortScience
  • Hunter, B., Drost, D.T, Black, B.L, (2010). Frost protection for early high tunnel tomatoes. HortScience *
  • Rowley, D., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2010). High tunnel strawberry production systems for high elevations. HortScience
  • Crook, J.R, Black, B.L, (2010). Optimizing root formation for in vitro chokecherry (Prunus virginiana). HortScience
  • Hunter, B., Drost, D.T, Black, B.L, (2010). Frost protection for early high tunnel tomatoes. Intermountain Graduate Research Symposium
  • Crook, J.R, Black, B.L, (2010). Propagation and growth of chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) as an alternative, water-wise fruit crop for the Intermountain West. Utah State University Student Showcase *
  • Rowley, S., Cardon, G., Black, B.L, (2010). Utah-specific potassium and phosphorus nutrient management for tart cherry productivity and quality. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Papenfuss, K.A, Black, B.L, (2009). The effects of stage III regulated deficit irrigation on the health of ‘Montmorency’ tart cherry trees. Proceedings of the 6th International Cherry Symposium
  • Papenfuss, K.A, Black, B.L, (2009). Regulated deficit irrigation of ‘Montmorency’ tart cherry. Hortscience
  • Crook, J.R, Black, B.L, (2009). Chilling requirement to overcome bud dormancy in chokecherry. HortScience *
  • Crook, J.R, Black, B.L, (2009). Overcoming bud dormancy in chokecherry. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Newman, T., Black, B.L, (2008). Optimizing micropropagation of chokecherry. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Wright, L.R, Black, B.L, Hawks, A., Cardon, G.E, (2008). Strawberry Salinity Screening. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Particka, C., Black, B.L, (2008). Use of gibberellic acid to inhibit flower bud formation in newly established blueberries. HortScience *
  • Choski, K., Riedl, K., Ozgen, M., Scheerens, J.C, Schwartz, S.J, Black, B.L, Reese, R.N, (2008). Nutritional and antioxidant content of buffaloberry in comparison to autumnberry. Botany *
  • Papenfuss, K.A, Black, B.L, (2007). Influence of plant growth regulators on tart cherry fruit quality. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Black, B.L, Ehlenfeldt, M., (2007). Regulating crop load in highbush blueberry. Proceedings of the Western Plant Growth Regulator Society of America annual meetings
  • Rowley, L., Black, B.L, (2007). Seed propagation of chokecherries. Utah State University Student Showcase
  • Black, B.L, Frisby, J.W, Lewers, K.S, Takeda, F., (2007). A heat unit model for predicting blackberry flowering time. HortScience *
  • Papenfuss, K.A, Black, B.L, Lindstrom, T., Frisby, J.W, (2007). Influence of plant growth regulators on tart cherry fruit quality. HortScience *
  • Rowley, L., Black, B.L, (2007). Seed propagation of chokecherry. HortScience *
  • Black, B.L, Ehlenfeldt, M., Martin, R., (2006). Suppression of flowering in 'Bluecrop' highbush blueberry. HortScience *
  • Ozgen, M., Tulio, Jr., A.Z, Gazula, A., Scheerens, J.C, Reese, R.N, Miller, A.R, Wright, S.R, Black, B.L, Fordham, I.M, (2005). Comparison of autumnberry and cornelian cherry antioxidant potential with that of well-known fruit crops. HortScience
  • Stevens, M.D, Abbott, J.A, Lea-Cox, J.D, Black, B.L, (2005). Consumer preference among three cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Fordham, I.M, (2005). Domestication of Elaeagnus umbellata as an alternative fruit crop. Program of the Northeast Region meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science
  • Hester, E., Deitzer, G., Swartz, H., Demchak, K., Black, B.L, (2005). Effects of fall floating row covers on photosynthesis and yield of june-bearing strawberry. Program of the Northeast Region meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science
  • Black, B.L, (2004). Strawberry runner suppression with prohexadione-calcium. 5th International Strawberry Symposium
  • Stevens, M.D, Black, B.L, Lea-Cox, J.D, Hapeman, C.J, (2004). Sustainability of cold-climate strawberry production systems. 5th International Strawberry Symposium
  • Stevens, M.D, Black, B.L, Lea-Cox, J.D, Hapeman, C.J, (2003). Environmental impacts of cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Hokanson, S.C, Lewers, K.S, (2003). Fruit nitrogen content of eleven strawberry genotypes grown in advanced matted row culture. HortScience
  • Fordham, I.M, Clevidence, B.A, Zimmerman, R.H, Black, B.L, (2002). Autumn Olive: A Potential Alternative Crop. Intl. Hort. Congr. 2002, Symposium 14: Berry Crop Breeding, Production and Utilization for a New Century
  • Black, B.L, (2002). Further studies on the use of coal ash and compost as substrates for growing highbush blueberry. 9th North American Blueberry Research & Extension Workers Conference
  • Black, B.L, Enns, J.M, Swartz, H.J, (2002). Pre plant Winter Cover Crops for Weed Suppression in a Low input Strawberry Production System. Intl. Hort. Congr. 2002, Symposium 14: Berry Crop Breeding, Production and Utilization for a New Century
  • Black, B.L, Enns, J.M, Hokanson, S.C, (2001). A comparison of the advanced matted row and annual hill production systems in Maryland. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Enns, J.M, Hokanson, S.C, (2001). Advancing the matted-row strawberry production system. 5th North American Strawberry Conference
  • Parmentier-Line, C.M, Black, B.L, Fuchigami, L.H, Coleman, G.D, (2001). Ecotypic and genetic variation in poplar bark storage protein gene expression and accumulation. Washington Area Section - Amer. Soc. Plant Physiol. Spring Meeting
  • Enns, J.M, Hokanson, S.C, Black, B.L, (2000). Advanced matted row strawberry production system. Proceedings of the Southeast Strawberry Growers Exposition
  • Black, B.L, Zimmerman, R.H, (2000). Cropping highbush blueberry in coal ash-compost mixtures. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Zimmerman, R.H, (2000). Industrial and municipal by-products as substrates for highbush blueberry production. 7th Intl. Symposium on Vaccinium culture
  • Black, B.L, Fuchigami, L.H, Coleman, G.D, (1999). Antisense expression of poplar BSP cDNA alters long-day growth, dry weight partitioning and nitrogen content. Washington Area Section - Amer. Soc. Plant Physiol. Spring Meeting
  • Black, B.L, Fuchigami, L.H, Coleman, G.D, (1999). Genetic variation in bark storage protein accumulation in poplar. Amer. Soc. of Plant Physiol. Plant Biology ‘99 Program
  • Black, B.L, Zhu, B., Fuchigami, L.H, Coleman, G.D, (1998). Suppression of poplar bark storage protein accumulation alters growth and partitioning. Amer. Soc. of Plant Physiol. Plant Biology ‘98 Program
  • Coleman, G.D, Black, B.L, Fuchigami, L.H, (1997). Unique plant material for studying woody-plant nitrogen metabolism. HortScience
  • Hull, Jr., J., Bukovac, M.J, Black, B.L, (1995). Effect of concentration and time of Accel application on cropping of selected cultivars. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, Stopar, M., (1995). Growth response of apple fruit to NAA and Accel: Effect of intraspur competition and position on a spur. HortScience
  • Bukovac, M.J, Black, B.L, Hull, Jr., J., (1995). Interaction of NAA and Accel and Promalin on fruit size in 'Delicious' and 'Empire' apples. HortScience
  • Bukovac, M.J, Hull, J., Black, B.L, Stopar, M., (1994). Effects of benzyladenine on cropping and fruit size of 'Empire' apples. XXIVth International Horticultural Congress
  • Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, Hull Jr., J., (1994). Effects of NAA on fruit size of 'Delicious' apples. HortScience
  • Bukovac, M.J, Black, B.L, Hull, Jr., J., Stopar, M., (1994). Interaction between NAA and BA on cropping and fruit size in 'Delicious' and 'Empire' apples. HortScience
  • Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, Hull Jr., J., (1993). Effects of naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) on fruit size of Redchief 'Delicious' apples. HortScience

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Books

      Publications | Book Chapters

    • Black, B.L, Hill, R.W, Cardon, G., (2011). Irrigation Scheduling: Utah-Colorado Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide. A publication by Utah State University Extension and Western Colorado Research Center *
    • Roper, T.R, Black, B.L, (2011). Plant Growth Regulators and Thinning: Utah-Colorado Commercial Tree Fruit Production Guide. Utah State University Extension and Western Colorado Research Center, Colorado State University *
    • Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, (1996). Plant growth regulator application technology, uptake, and action: Tree Fruit Physiology: Growth and Development. Good Fruit Grower

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Fact Sheets

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Curriculum

    • Black, B.L, Maughan, T., (2014). Growing Small Fruits: Utah Master Gardener Manual. USU Extension
    • Black, B.L, Roper, T.R, Heflebower, R.F, Pace, M., Worwood, D.R, Murray, M., (2011). Growing Fruit Trees: Utah State University Master Gardener Manual. USU Extension *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Journal Articles

    Academic Journal

    • Molnar, C., Shires, M., Wright, A., Hoskins, M., Cowell, S., Nouri, M., Black, B.L, Harper, S.J, (2024). Putting ‘X’ into context: the diversity of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni’ strains associated with the induction of X-disease. Plant Disease, doi:
    • Cline, J., Black, B.L, Coneva, E., Cowgill, W., (2023). Performance of ‘Fuji’ Apple Trees on several size-controlling rootstocks in the 2014 NC-140 rootstock trial after eight years. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 77:4, 226-243.
    • Freundlich, G., Schaeffer, R., Tebeau, A., Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Alston, D.G, Reeve, J., (2023). Organic orchard floor management in peach: effects on arthropods and associated fruit injury in the Intermountain West. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116:6, 2052-2061. doi: 10.1093/jee/toad185
    • Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2023). Field production methods for season extension of peony ‘Coral Charm’. HortScience, 58:4, 389-394. doi:
    • Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
    • Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
    • Rauter, S., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Overwintering Improves Ranunculus Cut Flower Production in the US Intermountain West. Horticulturae, 8:12, 1128. doi:
    • Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., (2021). Improving Snapdragon Cut Flower Production through High Tunnel Season Extension, Transplant Timing, and Cultivar Selection. HortScience, 56
    • Cline, J., Black, B.L, (2021). Early Performance of ‘Fuji’ Apple Trees on several size-controlling rootstocks in the 2014 NC-140 Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 75:4, 203-215.
    • Wytsalucy, R., Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Black, B.L, Cardon, G., (2021). Improving Navajo spinach (Cleome serrulata Pursh) seed germination with cold stratification and hormone additions. Native Plants Journal, 22:3, 268-278.
    • Hansen, S., Black, B.L, Alston, D.G, Lindstrom, T., Olsen, S., (2021). A comparison of nine primocane fruiting raspberry cultivars for suitability to a high-elevation, arid climate. International Journal of Fruit Science / Taylor and Francis, 21:1, 500-508. doi:
    • Black, B.L, Minas, I., Reighard, G., Beddes, T., (2021). Alkaline Soil Tolerance of Rootstocks included in the NC-140 ‘Redhaven’ Peach Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 75:1, 9-16.
    • Autio, W., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, (2020). Budagovsky, Geneva, Pillnitz, and Malling apple rootstocks affect ‘Fuji’ performance over eight years in the 2010 NC-140 ‘Fuji’ Apple Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 74:4, 196-209.
    • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Black, B.L, Johnson, P.G, (2020). Sub-seasonal prediction for bloom dates of tart cherries in Utah and Michigan, USA: merging phenological models with CFSv2 forecast. . International Journal of Biometeorology, 64:12, 2141-2152. doi: 10.1007/s00484-020-02005-9
    • Hansen, S., Gunnell, J., Whaley, A., Dai, X., Harding, C., Black, B.L, (2020). Adaptability of tree species as windbreaks for urban farms in the U.S. Intermountain West. Horticulturae, 6:17, doi: 10.3390/horticulturae6010017
    • Wytsalucy, R., Gasic, K., Robbins, M., Cardon, G., Drost, D.T, Black, B.L, (2020). Genetic analysis of peaches grown by Native Americans in the North American Southwest. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 74:2, 76-83.
    • Stott, L., Black, B.L, Bugbee, B.G, (2020). Quantifying tree hydration using electromagnetic sensors. Horticulturae, 6:2, doi: 10.3390/horticulturae6010002
    • Reighard, G., Black, B.L, Lindstrom, T., (2020). Nine-year rootstock performance of the NC-140 ‘Redhaven’ peach trial across 13 states. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 74:1, 45-56.
    • Fazio, G., Adams, S., Lordan, J., Roberts, N., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, (2020). Rootstock, scion, and graft type influence graft union flexural strength of apple trees. . Journal of the American Pomological Society, 74:1, 24-44.
    • Stott, L., Black, B.L, Bugbee, B.G, (2019). Differences in drought tolerance among Gisela cherry rootstocks determined using automated weighing lysimeters. HortScience, 54:10, 1847-1852. doi: DOI:
    • Roper, T.R, Black, B.L, Stasiak, M., Marini, R.P, Cline, J., Robinson, T., (2019). Performance of ‘Montmorency’ Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) on Size-Controlling Rootstocks at Six NC-140 Trial Locations in North America. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 73:3, 168-177.
    • Culumber, M., Reeve, J., Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Alston, D.G, (2019). Organic orchard floor management influence on soil quality indicators: nutrient fluxes, microbial biomass and activity . Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 115:1, 101-115. doi: DOI 10.1007/s10705-019-10007-2
    • Wheeler, W., Wytsalucy, R., Black, B.L, Cardon, G., Bugbee, B.G, (2019). Drought tolerance of navajo and lovell peach trees: Precision water stress using automated weighing lysimeters. HortScience, 54:5, 799-803.
    • Black, B.L, Maughan, T., Nolasco, C., Christensen, B., (2019). Advancing primocane-fruiting raspberry production in the Intermountain West using spring protection. HortScience, 54:3, 476-479.
    • Hansen, S., Black, B.L, (2019). The Response of 'Montmorency' Tart Cherry to Renewal Pruning Strategies in a High-density System. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 73:1, 53-61.
    • Maughan, T., Black, B.L, Rupp, L.A, Yost, M., (2018). Propagation techniques for Sambucus cerulea (Blue Elderberry).. Native Plants Journal, 19:2, 80-88.
    • Adams, S., Lordan, J., Fazio, G., Bugbee, B.G, Francescatto, P., Robinson, T.L, Black, B.L, (2018). Effect of scion and graft type on transpiration, hydraulic resistance and xylem hormone profile of apples grafted on Geneva41 and M.9-NIC29 rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae, 227:2018, 213-222. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.09.052
    • Drost, D.T, Ernst, T., Black, B.L, (2017). Soil heating and secondary plant covers influence growth and yield of winter high tunnel spinach. HortScience, 52:9, 1251-1258. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI12142-17
    • Lordan, J., Robinson, T.L, Miranda Sazo, M., Cowgill, W., Black, B.L, Huffman, L., Grigg-McGuffin, K., Francescatto, P., McArtney, S., (2017). Use of Plant Growth Regulators for Feathering and Flower Suppression of Apple Nursery Trees. HortScience, 52:8, 10890-1091. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11918-17
    • Black, B.L, Lindstrom, T., Maughan, T., Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, (2017). Adaptability of Blackberry Cultivars to a High-Elevation Arid Climate. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 71:3, 183-191.
    • Autio, W., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, Crassweller, R., Fallahi, E., Parker, M., Parra Quezada, R., Wolfe, D., (2017). Budagovsky, Geneva, Pillnitz, and Malling apple rootstocks affect ‘Fuji’ performance over the first five years of the 2010 NC-140 Fuji Apple Rootstock Trial.. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 71:3, 167-182.
    • Autio, W., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, Blatt, S., Cochoran, D., Cowgill, W., Hampson, C., Hoover, E., Lang, G., Miller, D., Minas, I., Parra Quezada, R., Stasiak, M., (2017). Budagovsky, Geneva, Pillnitz, and Malling apple rootstocks affect ‘Honeycrisp’ performance over the first five years of the 2010 NC-140 Honeycrisp Apple Rootstock Trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 71:3, 149-166.
    • Tebeau, A.S, Alston, D.G, Ransom, C., Black, B.L, Reeve, J., Culumber, C.M, (2017). Effects of floor vegetation and fertility management on weed biomass and diversity in organic peach orchards. Weed Technology, 31:3, 404-415.
    • Adams, S., Black, B.L, Fazio, G., Roberts, N., (2017). The effect of plant growth regulators on apple graft union flexural strength and flexibility. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 71:1, 8-18.
    • Reeve, J., Culumber, M., Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Tebeau, A., Alston, D.G, (2017). Establishing organic and integrated peach orchards in Utah. Scientia Horticulturae, 214, 242-251.
    • Marini, R.P, Autio, W., Black, B.L, Cline, J., Cowgill, W., Crassweller, R., Hampson, C., Kushad, M., Moran, R., Parker, M., Perry, R., Reighard, G., Robinson, T., Wolfe, D., (2016). Time Required for Classifying Rootstock Vigor in Multi-location Rootstock Trials. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 70:2, 82-91.
    • Black, B.L, Lindstrom, T., Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, Heflebower, R.F, Alston, D.G, Maughan, T., (2015). Adaptability of floricane-fruiting raspberry cultivars to a high-elevation arid climate. Journal of Amercian Pomological Society, 69:2, 74-83.
    • Maughan, T., Curtis, K., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2015). Economic Evaluation of Implementing Strawberry Season Extension Production Technologies in the Intermountain West. HortScience, 50:3, 395-401.
    • Maughan, T., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2015). Critical temperature for sub-lethal cold injury of strawberry leaves. Scientia Horticulturae, 183, 8-12.
    • Curtis, K., Yeager, I., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Ward, R.A, (2014). Market and Pricing Potential for Extended Season Produce Sales. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 45:2
    • Marini, R.P, Black, B.L, Crassweller, R.M, Domoto, P.A, Hampson, C., Moran, R., Robinson, T., Stasiak, M., Wolfe, D., (2014). Performance of ‘Golden Delicious’ apple on 23 rootstocks at eight locations: A ten-year summary of the 2003 NC-140 dwarf rootstock trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 68:2, 54-68.
    • Reeve, J., Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Culumber, M., Alston, D.G, Tebeau, A., (2013). Developing organic stone-fruit production options for Utah and the Intermountain West United States. Acta Horticulturae, Proceedings # 1001, 65-72.
    • Marini, R.P, Autio, W.R, Black, B.L, Cline, J., Crassweller, R.M, Domoto, P.A, Moran, R., Robinson, T.L, Wolfe, D., (2013). Return bloom on ‘Golden Delicious’ apple trees as affected by previous season’s crop density on three rootstocks at 11 locations. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 67:2, 72-79.
    • Black, B.L, Lindstrom, T., Heflebower, R.F, Hunter, B., Olsen, S.H, Alston, D.G, (2013). Adaptability of primocane raspberry cultivars to a high-elevation arid climate. Journal of Amercian Pomological Society, 67:1, 47-56.
    • Marini, R., Autio, W.R, Black, B.L, Cline, J., Crassweller, R.M, Domoto, P.A, Hampson, C., Moran, R., Quezada, R.A, Stasiak, M., Robinson, T., Wolfe, D., (2012). The Influence of Crop Density on Annual Trunk Growth of ‘Golden Delicious’ Apple Trees on Three Rootstocks at 11 Locations.. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 66:4, 183-195.
    • Hunter, B., Drost, D.T, Black, B.L, Ward, R.A, (2012). Improving growth and productivity of early-season high tunnel tomatoes with targeted temperture additions. HortScience, 47:5, 733-740.
    • Marini, R., Crassweller, R.M, Autio, W.R, Black, B.L, Cline, J., Domoto, P.A, Hampson, C., Para Quezada, R.A, Robinson, T., Stasiak, M., Wolfe, D., (2012). Summary of the NC-140 apple physiology trial: The relationship between ‘Golden Delicious’ fruit weight and crop density at 10 locations as influenced by three dwarfing rootstocks. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 66:2, 78-90.
    • Ernst, T., Rowley, S.D, Black, B.L, Roper, T.R, (2012). Reviewing potential local fruit markets: A Utah case study. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 66:1, 16-22.
    • Rowley, M.A, Ransom, C., Reeve, J., Black, B.L, (2011). Mulch and organic herbicide combinations for in-row orchard weed suppression. International Journal of Fruit Science, 11:4, 316-331.
    • Rowley, M.A, Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Reeve, J., Creech, J.E, (2011). Alternative alleyways for tart cherry orchards. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:4, 208-217.
    • Rowley, D., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Feuz, D., (2011). Late season strawberry production using day-neutral cultivars in high-elevation high tunnels. HortScience, 46:11, 1480-1485.
    • Autio, W.R, Robinson, T.L, Black, B.L, Bradshaw, T., Cline, J.A, Crassweller, R.M, Embree, C.G, Hoover, E.E, Johnson, R.S, Lang, G., Parker, M.L, Reighard, G.L, Schupp, J.R, Stasiak, M., Warmund, M., Wolfe, D., (2011). Performance of ‘Fuji’ and ‘McIntosh’ apple trees after 10 years as affected by several dwarf rootstocks in the 1999 NC-140 apple rootstock trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:2, 2-20.
    • Autio, W.R, Robinson, T.L, Black, B.L, Bradshaw, T., Cline, J.A, Crassweller, R.M, Embree, C.G, Hoover, E.E, Johnson, R.S, Lang, G., Parker, M.L, Perry, R.L, Reighard, G.L, Stasiak, M., Warmund, M., Wolfe, D., (2011). Performance of ‘Fuji’ and ‘McIntosh’ apple trees after 10 years as affected by several semi-dwarf rootstocks in the 1999 NC-140 apple rootstock trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:2, 21-38.
    • Stevens, M.D, Black, B.L, Lea-Cox, J.D, Feuz, D., (2011). Horticultural and economic considerations in the sustainability of three cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortScience, 46:3, 445-451.
    • Johnson, S., Anderson, R., Autio, W., Beckman, T., Black, B.L, Byers, P., Cline, J., Chavez-Gonzalez, C., Cowgill, W., Godin, R., Greene, G., Kaps, M., Kamas, J., Larsen, H., Lindstrom, T., Miller, D., Newell, M., Ophardt, D., Ouellette, D., Parra-Quezada, R., Pokharel, R., Reighard, G., Robinson, T., Schupp, J., Stein, L., Taylor, K., Walsh, C., Ward, D., Warmund, M., Whiting, M., (2011). Performance of the 2002 NC-140 Cooperative Peach Rootstock Planting. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:1, 17-25.
    • Reighard, G.L, Beckman, T., Belding, R., Black, B.L, Byers, P., Cline, J., Cowgill, W., Godin, R., Johnson, S., Kamas, J., Kaps, M., Larsen, H., Lindstrom, T., Newell, M., Ouellette, D., Phokharel, R., Stein, L., Taylor, K., Walsh, C., Ward, D., Whiting, M., (2011). Six-year performance of 14 Prunus rootstocks at 11 sites in the 2001 NC-140 peach trial. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:1, 26-41.
    • Rowley, D., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Feuz, D., (2010). Early season extension using June-bearing Chandler’ strawberry in high elevation high tunnels. HortScience, 45:10, 1464-1469.
    • Papenfuss, K.A, Black, B.L, (2010). Regulated deficit irrigation of 'Montmorency' tart cherry. Hortscience, 45:10, 1437-1440.
    • Crook, J.R, Black, B.L, (2010). Chilling requirement to overcome bud dormancy in chokecherry. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 64:2, 86-91.
    • Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Lindstrom, T., Reeve, J., Gunnell, J., Reighard, G.L, (2010). A comparison of root distribution patterns among Prunus rootstocks. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 64:1, 52-62.
    • Hawks, A., Cardon, G., Black, B.L, (2009). Comparing Strawberry Salt Tolerance Using A Low Volume Near-Continuous Gradient Dosing System. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 63(4), 136-141.
    • Hawks, A., Cardon, G., Black, B.L, (2009). Comparing strawberry salt tolerance using a low volume near-continuous gradient dosing system.. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 63, 136-141.
    • Marini, R.P, Black, B.L, Crassweller, R.M, Domoto, P.A, Hampson, C., Johnson, S., Kosala, K., McArtney, S., Masabni, J., Moran, R., Quezada, R.P, Robinson, T., Rom, C.R, (2009). Performance of 'Golden Delicious' apple on 23 rootstocks at 12 locations: A five year summary of the 2003 NC-140 dwarf rootstock trial.. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 63:3, 115-127.
    • Stevens, M.D, Black, B.L, Lea-Cox, J.D, Sadeghi, A.M, Harman-Fetcho, J., Pfeil, E., Downey, P., Rowland, R., Hapeman, C.J, (2009). A comparison of three cold-climate strawberry production systems: Environmental effects. HortScience, 44:2, 298-305.
    • Black, B.L, Frisby, J.W, Lewers, K.S, Takeda, F., Finn, C., (2008). A heat unit model for predicting bloom dates in Rubus. HortScience, 43:7, 2000-2004.
    • Black, B.L, (2007). Seed Stratification of an Intermountain West Chokecherry Ecotype. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 61, 179-182.
    • Stevens, M.D, Lea-Cox, J.D, Black, B.L, Abbott, J.A, (2007). A comparison of fruit quality and consumer preferences among three cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortTechnology, 17:4, 586-591.
    • Black, B.L, Ehlenfeldt, M., (2007). Foliar applications of GA4+7 reduce flowering in highbush blueberry. HortScience, 42, 555-558.
    • Black, B.L, (2006). Strawberry runner suppression with prohexadione-calcium. Acta Horticulturae, 708, 249-252.
    • Black, B.L, (2006). Sustainability of cold-climate strawberry production systems. Acta Horticulturae, 708, 69-72.
    • Black, B.L, Fordham, I.M, Perkins-Veazie, P., (2005). Autumnberry (Elaeagnus umbellata): A potential cash crop. J. Amer. Pomological Soc., 59:3, 125-134.
    • Black, B.L, Hokanson, S.C, Lewers, K.S, (2005). Fruit nitrogen content of sixteen strawberry genotypes grown in an advanced matted row production system. HortScience, 40, 1190-1193.
    • Black, B.L, Swartz, H.J, Deitzer, G.F, Butler, B., Chandler, C.K, (2005). The effects of conditioning strawberry plug plants under altered red/far red light environment on subsequent performance. HortScience, 40, 1263-1267.
    • Hokanson, S.C, Takeda, F., Enns, J.M, Black, B.L, (2004). Influence of cold storage duration on strawberry runner tip viability and field performance. HortScience, 39, 1596-1600.
    • Black, B.L, (2004). Prohexadione-calcium decreases fall runners and advances branch crowns of ' Chandler ' strawberry in a cold-climate annual production system. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 129, 479-485.
    • Black, B.L, Swartz, H.J, Millner, P., Steiner, P., (2003). Pre-plant crop rotation and compost amendments for improving raspberry establishment. J. Amer. Pomological Soc., 57, 149-156.
    • Black, B.L, Enns, J.M, Hokanson, S.C, (2002). A comparison of temperate-climate strawberry production systems using eastern genotypes. HortTechnology, 12:4, 670-675.
    • Black, B.L, Zimmerman, R.H, (2002). Mixtures of coal ash and compost as substrates for highbush blueberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 127:5, 869-877.
    • Black, B.L, (2002). Nitrate reductase activity in leaves, stems, and roots of hybrid poplar. Tree Physiology, 22:717-724
    • Black, B.L, Parmentier-Line, C., Fuchigami, L.H, Coleman, G.D, (2001). Ecotypic and genetic variation in poplar bark storage protein accumulation. Tree Physiology, 21:17, 1289-1297.
    • Stopar, M., Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, (1997). The effect of NAA and BA on carbon dioxide assimilation by shoot leaves of spur-type 'Delicious' and 'Empire' apple trees. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 122, 837-840.
    • Black, B.L, Bukovac, M.J, Hull, Jr., J., (1995). Effect of spray volume and time of NAA application on fruit size and cropping of Redchief 'Delicious'. Scientia Hortic., 64, 253-264.
    • Black, B.L, Petracek, P.D, Bukovac, M.J, (1995). The effect of temperature on uptake of NAA by leaves of Redchief 'Delicious' Apple. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 120, 441-445.

    Public or Trade Journal

    • Autio, W., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, Bradshaw, T., Cline, J., Crassweller, R., Embree, C., Hoover, E., Kosola, K., Masabni, J., Parker, M., Perry, R., Reighard, G., Schupp, J., Warmund, M., (2008). 1999 NC-140 Fuji and McIntosh dwarf apple rootstock trials: an update after eight growing seasons. Compact Fruit Tree, 41:1, 23-25. *
    • Autio, W., Robinson, T., Black, B.L, Bradshaw, T., Cline, J., Crassweller, R., Embree, C., Hoover, E., Kosola, K., Masabni, J., Parker, M., Perry, R., Reighard, G., Schupp, J., Warmund, M., (2008). 1999 NC-140 Fuji and McIntosh semi-dwarf apple rootstock trials: an update after eight growing seasons. Compact Fruit Tree, 41:1, 26-28. *
    • Black, B.L, (2007). Autumn olive: Weed or new cash crop. New York Berry News, 6(1), 17-19. *
    • Black, B.L, Fordham, I., (2005). Autumn olive: weed or new cash crop?. Pomona: Journal of North American Fruit Explorers, 38, 3. *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Technical Reports

    Research Reports

    • Ransom, C., Black, B.L, Whitesides, R.E, (2009). A survey of weeds in Utah tart cherry orchards. Western Society of Weed Science 2009 Research Progress Report *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


    Magazine/Trade Publications

    • Black, B.L, (2011). Irrigation management for tart cherry orchards. Fruit Grower News *


    • Stock, M.N, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2019). Improving production schedules for high-value perennial flowers in Utah: Peony. Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG) Cut Flower Quarterly *


    • Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, Hansen, S., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Evaluating production strategies for Ranunculus in the Intermountain West. The Cut Flower Quarterly/Association of Cut Flower Growers *
    • Black, B.L, (2008). Summer Farm Tour. Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter *
    • Black, B.L, (2008). Iron Chlorosis. Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter *
    • Black, B.L, (2008). Soil and Tissue Fertility Testing: Get the Most out of Your Orchard Crops. Utah Pests News *
    • Black, B.L, (2007). Bear Lake Raspberry Farm Tour. Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter *
    • Black, B.L, (2007). The results are in: An overview of the 2006 Utah Fruit and Berry Survey. Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter *
    • Black, B.L, (2007). Caneberry Irrigation. Utah Berry Growers Association Newsletter *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    , Fall 2018
    PSC 4200 - Temperate Zone Fruit Production, Fall 2017
    PSC 4200 - Temperate Zone Fruit Production, Fall 2015
    PSC 4200 - Temperate Zone Fruit Production, Spring 2013
    PSC 6970 - RESEARCH & THESIS, Spring 2011
    PSC 6970 - Research and Thesis, Fall 2010


    Master Gardener, 2011 - 2025
    Research Trials and Demonstration Gardens, 2014 - 2023
    Educating Commercial Small Fruit Producers, 2010 - 2023
    Educating Commercial Tree Fruit Producers, 2010 - 2023
    Educating Home Gardeners, 2007 - 2017
    Civil Rights-General Plan, 2008 - 2008

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Kurt Wedegaertner, Plants, Soils, and Climate, June 2022
    Christina Lilligren, Plants, Soils, and Climate, June 2022
    Josette Moon, Plants, Soils, and Climate, June 2022
    Alyssa Palmer, Plants, Soils, and Climate, January 2020
    Reagan Wytsalucy, Plants, Soils, and Climate, August 2016 - March 2019
    Sheriden Hansen, Plants, Soils, and Climate, May 2015 - December 2017
    Stuart Adams, Plants, Soils, and Climate, May 2014 - April 2016
    Jace Johnson, Plants, Soils, and Climate, January 2013 2015
    Tiffany Maughan, Plants, Soils, and Climate, January 2012 - January 2014
    Marc Rowley, Plants, Soils, and Climate, July 2009 - June 2011
    Britney Hunter, Plants, Soils, and Climate, March 2008 - December 2010
    Kylara Papenfuss, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2010
    Daniel Rowley, Plants, Soils, and Climate, June 2008 - April 2010
    Matthew Stevens, 2005