Bruce Bugbee

Plants, Soils, and Climate

Professor, Environmental Plant Physiology

Bruce Bugbee

Contact Information

Office Location: Research Greenhouse 142
Phone: 435-797-2765
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Crop Physiology, (Horticulture), Penn State University, 1981
Effect of root zone temperature on hormone synthesis in root systems
MS, crop Physiology, (vegetable crops), University of California, Davis, 1978


Bruce Bugbee received his M.S. from UC Davis, his Ph.D. from Penn State and is now at Utah State University, where he received the Graduate Mentor award in 2002 and the Researcher of the Year award in 2005. He is a past Chairman of the Crop Physiology division of ASA and has authored over 90 referred journal articles. In 1996 he founded Apogee Instruments.

Teaching Interests

Environmental Plant Physiology Environmental Instrumentation Plant Nutrition

Research Interests

Biophysical Plant Physiology Plant Nutrition Phytoremediation Photobiology


Governors Medal for Science and Technology, 2012

State Of Utah

researcher of the year, 2005

Mortar Board 'Top Professor' Award, 2001

Utah State University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, 2001

Publications | Abstracts

  • Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Floral hemp cultivar trials for semi-arid Intermountain West production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Nutrient management for semi-arid cannabis production. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting *
  • Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Nutrient management for semi-arid cannabis production. Western Nutrient Mgt. Conf. *
  • Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Soil wetting agents and biologicals as drought defense options for alfalfa and corn production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Soil wetting agents and biologicals as drought defense options for alfalfa production. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting *
  • Blonquist Jr., J.M, Jones, S.B, Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Estimation of soil respiration: Improved techniques for measurement of soil gas. Ecological Society of America
  • Bugbee, B.G, Blonquist Jr., J.M, Doucette, B., Jones, S.B, (2008). Improved Techniques for Long-term Continuous Measurement of Soil Respiration and Respiratory Quotient. ASA
  • Heinse, R., Jones, S.B, Bingham, G., Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Improving root zone performance: physical and numerical modeling of a layered plant-growth medium. Utah State Univ.
  • Heinse, R., Jones, S.B, Bingham, G.E, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Optimizing Straticulate Plant-Growth Media for Improved Root Zone Performance and Management. ASA
  • Heinse, R., Jones, S.B, Bugbee, B.G, Bingham, G.E, (2006). Graduated Plant-Growth Media for Optimizing Gaseous, Liquid and Nutrient Requirements: Modeling, Design and Monitoring. AGU
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Characterizing Super Dwarf Rice for Use in Advanced Life. Life Support and Biosphere Science Journal Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Differential sensitivity of crops to ethylene and interactions with elevated CO2. Life Support and Biosphere Science Journal Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Failure Analysis: Plant Recovery From Prolonged Darkness. Life Support and Biosphere Science Journal Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Small is better: the advantages of super-dwarf crop plants in ALS research. Life Support and Biosphere Science Journal Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). The long-term effects of high ammonium/nitrate ratios on wheat growth and nitrification in hydroponic culture.. Life Support and Biosphere Science Journal Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Advantages of super dwarf rice for studies in microgravity and for advanced life support.. Am. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. Bulletin *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Effects of high ammonium/nitrate ratios on yield and nitrification in hydroponic wheat. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Effects of Low Levels of Ethylene on Wheat. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). End of day stomatal closure in crop canopies: measurements from controlled environments. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Ethylene sensitivity of crop plants: implications for advanced life support and space flight. Am. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. Bulletin *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Failure Analysis for Advanced Life Support. Am. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. Bulletin *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Hytoremediation of Trichloroethylene Using Hybrid Poplar. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Improving Germination for 'Super-Dwarf' Rice. Am. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. Bulletin, 13:23 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Nitrogen dynamics in advanced life support: growing wheat with 80 pct ammonium. Am. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. Bulletin *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Super-Dwarf Rice: Improving Seed Germination. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Ultrastructural Characteristics of Ethylene-Induced Sterile Wheat Florets. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Using canopy gas-exchange to quantify recovery from prolonged darkness. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). 2500 ppm C02 Reduces Wheat Yield. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Adapting field transpiration models to controlled environments. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Blue light dose response of soybean growth and development. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Continuous Gas-Exchange Measurements in a Ten Chamber System. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Fungicide effects on gas-exchange and growth of bedding plants. Agronomy Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Potential use of metal hyperaccumulating plants to rehabilitate contaminated soils in the western U.S.. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Simulating radiation-use efficiency for wheat grown in controlled environments. Agronomy Abstracts, 1994 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1993). Effect of nitrogen form on competition between rhizosphere nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria. Amer. Soc. of Agronomy, Abstracts *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Elevated C02 Improves Carbon Use Efficiency in Wheat. Agron. Abstracts 92:128 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Ion monitoring and maintenance for recirculating hydroponic culture. HortScience 27:151 (Abstract) *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Monitoring and Control of Plant Growth in a CELSS. Am. Soc. Gra. and Space Biology Bulletin 6:84 (Abstract) *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Steady state gas exchange in controlled environments: Design and operation. HortSci. Abstract *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). The Energy Cascade Approach to Crop Modeling. Agron. Abstracts 92:122 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1991). A model for nutrient management in recirculating hydroponic culture. (abstract). HortSci. 6:704 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Effects of photoperiod, blue light and phytochrome photoequilibria on soybeans. Amer. Soc. of Grav. and Space Biol. Bulletin 4:98 *
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Uses of Canopy Gas Exchange in CELSS Research. Am. Soc. of Grav. and Space Biol. Bulletin 4:98. (abstract) *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Books

  • Bugbee, B.G, (2001). On Mentoring. Utah State University, School of Graduate Studies
  • Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Growth Analysis and Yield Components. In: Guidelines for the Use of International System Units in the Plant Sciences. F.B. Salisbury (ed.). Oxford University Press *

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Bugbee, B., Instruments and approaches for accurate measurement of air temperature. : Instruments and approaches for accurate measurement of air temperature. . American Society of Agronomy
  • Bugbee, B., Solar, Net, and Photosynthetic radiation: Solar, Net, and Photosynthetic radiation. American society of Agronomy
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Effect of Environment on Ethylene Stress and Cotton.. In: Derrick M. Oosterhuis, (ed.). Stress Physiology in Cotton. The Cotton Foundation reference book series, Cordova TN.
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Effect of Environment on Ethylene Stress and Cotton. : Stress Physiology in Cotton. The Cotton Foundation reference book series
  • Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, Hayhurst, S.C, Pajak, C.J, Ginn, J.S, (2003). Uptake, Metabolism, and Phytovolatilization of Trichloroethylene by Indigenous Vegetation: Impact of Precipitation: Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants. Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Real-time Imaging of Ground Cover: Relationships with Radiation Capture, Canopy Photosynthesis, and Daily Growth Rate. In: Digital Imaging and Spectral Techniques: ...Crop Physiology.
  • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Uptake, Metabolism, and Phytovolatilization of TCE by Indigenous Vegetation. IN: McCutcheon, S. and J. Schnoor. (eds). Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants
  • Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, Hayhurst, S., Pajak, C., Ginn, J.S, (2002). Uptake, Metabolism, and Phytovolatilization of TCE by Vegetation at Humid and Arid Sites: Cape Canaveral Air Station, Florida and Hill Air Force Base, Utah: Phytoremediation: Transformation and Control of Contaminants. John Wiley and Sons, Inc
  • Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, Hayhurst, S., Plahen, W.A, Donney, D.C, Taffinder, S.A, Edwards, R., (1998). Phytoremediation of dissolved phase trichloroethylene using mature vegetation: Bioremediation and Phytoremediation, Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. Battelle Press

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Fact Sheets

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Journal Articles

    Academic Journal

    • Bugbee, B.G, Chard, J.K, A Comparison of Coconut Coir and Sphagnum Peat as Soil-less Media Components for Plant Growth.
    • Holman, J., Bugbee, B.G, Chard, J.K, A Comparison of Coconut Coir and Sphagnum Peat as Soil-less Media Components for Plant Growth.
    • Bugbee, B.G, A model of canopy photosynthesis incorporating protein distribution through the canopy and its acclimination to light temperature and CO2. Annals of botany, 106, 735-749.
    • Blonquist, M., Tanner, B., Bugbee, B.G, Comparison of Two New Net Radiometers. Presentation, Publication Date Unknown, 1.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Dougher, T., Frantz, J., Klassen, S., Muhlestein, D., Mackoviak, C., Ritchie, G., Pinnock, D., CROP OPTIMIZATION AND FAILURE ANALYSIS FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT. Biomass Production
    • Nelson, J.A, Bugbee, B.G, Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Lighting: Light Emitting Diodes vs. High Intensity Discharge Fixtures.
    • Cometti, N.N, Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, Efeito da relacao K: Ca no aparecimento dos sintomas de queima de bordas (tipburn) em alface cultivada em hidroponia..
    • Bugbee, B.G, In situ measurement of leaf chlorophyll concentration: Analysis of the optical/absolute relationship. Plant Cell and Environment
    • Cope, K.R, Bugbee, B.G, Is supplemental green light necessary for plant growth and development?.
    • Adams, C., Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, Macro- and micronutrient-release characteristics of three polymer-coated fertilizers: Theory and Measurements. . Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Mass transport from soil to plant: Handbook of chemical mass transport. crc press2010, chapter 14.
    • Cope, K.R, Bugbee, B.G, On the importance of blue and green light in plant development and whole plant photosynthesis.
    • Tramp, C., Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, Optimization of Soilless Media for Alkaline Irrigation Water.
    • Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, SIMULATING THE FIELD: How to Grow Plants in Soil Columns in the Greenhouse.
    • Cope, K.R, Bugbee, B.G, Spectral Effects of Light-Emitting Diodes on Plant Growth and Development: Absolute versus Relative Amounts of Blue Light.
    • Doucette, W., Klein, H., Chard, J., Dupont, R., Bugbee, B.G, Plaehn, W., Volatilization of Trichloroethylene from Trees and Soil: Measurement and Scaling Approaches. Environ. Sci. and Technology. . Environ. Sci. and Technology.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Klassen, S., www. usu. edu/cpl.
    • Adams, S., Lordan, J., Fazio, G., Bugbee, B.G, Francescatto, P., Robinson, T.L, Black, B.L, (2018). Effect of scion and graft type on transpiration, hydraulic resistance and xylem hormone profile of apples grafted on Geneva41 and M.9-NIC29 rootstocks. Scientia Horticulturae, 227:2018, 213-222. doi: 10.1016/j.scienta.2017.09.052
    • Sagers, J.K, Waldron, B.L, Creech, J.E, Mott, I.W, Bugbee, B.G, (2017). Salinity tolerance of three competing rangeland pant species: Studies in hydroponic culture. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 10916–10929.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2016). The invasive annual cheatgrass releases more nitrogen than crested wheatgrass through root exudation and senescence.. Oecologia, doi: DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3544-7
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2016). Toward an optimal spectral quality for plant growth and development: The importance of radiation capture . Acta Horticulture, 1134:1134, 1-12. doi: DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2016.1134.1
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2016). Sensitivity of seven diverse species to blue and green light: Interactions with photon flux.. PloS One, doi: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163121
    • Morris, K.A, Stark, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, Norton, J.M, (2016). The invasive annual cheatgrass releases more nitrogen than crested wheatgrass through root exudation and senescence. Oecologia, doi: DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3544-7
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2015). Analysis of Environmental Effects on Leaf Temperature under Sunlight, High Pressure Sodium and Light Emitting Diodes.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Lighting: Light Emitting Diodes vs. High Intensity Discharge Fixtures.. PloS One
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Economic Analysis of Greenhouse Lighting: Light Emitting Diodes vs. High Intensity Discharge Fixtures.. PloS One
    • Parry, C., BLONQUIST, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2014). In situ measurement of leaf chlorophyll concentration: analysis of the optical/absolute relationship. Plant, cell & environment
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2014). In situ measurement of leaf chlorophyll concentration: Analysis of the optical/absolute relationship.. Plant Cell and Environ. , 37(11):37(11), 2508–2520. doi: DOI: 10.1111/pce.12324
    • Adams, C., Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Nitrogen retention and partitioning at the initiation of lipid accumulation in nitrogen deficient algae. Journal of Phycology
    • Cope, K.R, Snowden, M.C, Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Photobiological Interactions of Blue Light and Photosynthetic Photon Flux: Effects of Monochromatic and Broad-Spectrum Light Sources. Photochemistry and photobiology
    • Cope, K.R, Snowden, M.C, Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Photobiological interactions of blue light and photosynthetic photon flux: effects of monochromatic and broad-spectrum light sources.. Photochemistry and photobiology, 90:3, 574-84.
    • Parry, C., Blonquist, Jr, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2014). In situ measurement of leaf chlorophyll concentration: analysis of the optical/absolute relationship.. Plant, cell & environment
    • Adams, C., Jacobson, A., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Ceramic Aggregate Sorption and Desorption Chemistry: Implications for use as a Component of Soilless Media. Journal of Plant Nutritionjust-accepted
    • Adams, C., Jacobson, A., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Ceramic aggregate sorption and desorption chemistry: Implications for use as a component of soilless media. . Journal of Plant Nutrition.
    • Adams, C., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Enhancing lipid production of the marine diatom Chaetoceros gracilis: synergistic interactions of sodium chloride and silicon. Journal of Applied Phycology, 1–7.
    • Abdelgadir, H., Kulkarni, M., Aremu, O., Van Staden, J., Adams, C., Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, Alamgir, M., Marschner, P., Almendros, P., others, , (2013). Index 2013 (Volume 176). J. Plant Nutr. Soil Sci, 176, 978–983.
    • Romagnano, J.F, Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Light level does not alter ethylene sensitivity in radish or pea. Plant Growth Regulation, 71:1, 67–75.
    • Romagnano, J.F, Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Light level does not alter ethylene sensitivity in radish or pea. Plant Growth Regulation, 71:1, 67–75.
    • Romagnano, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Light level does not alter ethylene sensitivity in radish or pea. Jour. Plant Growth Regulation. . Jour. Plant Growth Regulation.
    • Adams, C., Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Macro-and micronutrient-release characteristics of three polymer-coated fertilizers: Theory and measurements. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176:1, 76–88.
    • Adams, C., Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Macro-and micronutrient-release characteristics of three polymer-coated fertilizers: Theory and measurements. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 176:1, 76–88.
    • Nakamura, T., Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Solar Food Production and Life Support in Space Exploration.
    • Cope, K.R, Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Spectral effects of three types of white light-emitting diodes on plant growth and development: Absolute versus relative amounts of blue light. HortScience, 48:4, 504–509.
    • Cope, K., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Spectral Effects of Three Types of White Light-Emitting Diodes on Plant Growth and Development: Absolute versus Relative Amounts of Blue Light . HortScience
    • Cope, K.R, Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Spectral effects of three types of white light-emitting diodes on plant growth and development: Absolute versus relative amounts of blue light. HortScience, 48:4, 504–509.
    • Adams, C., Godfrey, V., Wahlen, B., Seefeldt, L., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Understanding precision nitrogen stress to optimize the growth and lipid content tradeoff in oleaginous green microalgae. Bioresource technology, 131, 188–194.
    • Doucette, W.J, Klein, H., Chard, J.K, Dupont, R., Plaehn, W., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Volatilization of Trichloroethylene from Trees and Soil: Measurement and Scaling Approaches. Environmental science & technology, 47:11, 5813–5820.
    • Doucette, W.J, Klein, H., Chard, J.K, Dupont, R.R, Plaehn, W., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Volatilization of Trichloroethylene from Trees and Soil: Measurement and Scaling Approaches. Environmental Science & Technology, 47:11, 5813-5820. doi: 10.1021/es304115c
    • Wahlen, B.D, Morgan, M.R, McCurdy, A.T, Willis, R.M, Morgan, M.D, Dye, D.J, Bugbee, B.G, Wood, B.D, Seefeldt, L., (2012). Biodiesel from microalgae, yeast, and bacteria: engine performance and exhaust emissions. Energy & Fuels, 27:1, 220–228.
    • Wahlen, B., Morgan, M., McCurdy, A., Willis, R., Morgan, M., Dye, D., Bugbee, B.G, Wood, D., Seefeldt, L., (2012). Biodiesel from Microalgae, Yeast, and Bacteria: Engine Performance and Exhaust Emissions. . Energy & Fuels. 27: 220-228, doi: 10.1021/ef3012382
    • Adams, C., Godfrey, V., Wahlen, B., Seefeldt, L., Bugbee, B.G, (2012). Understanding precision nitrogen stress to optimize the growth and lipid content tradeoff in oleaginous green microalgae. Bioresource Technology. 131: 188-194, doi:
    • Stoklosa, A.M, Weiss, I., Bugbee, B.G, Perchonok, M.H, Mauer, L.J, (2011). Composition and functional properties of Apogee and Perigee compared to common terrestrial wheat cultivars. International Journal of Food Properties, 14:5, 996–1006.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Composition and Functional Properties of Apogee and Perigee Wheat compared to common terrestrial wheat cultivars. . International Journal of Food Properties. , 14 :5, 996-1006.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2011). eFFeCt oF enVironMent on ethylene SyntheSiS and Cotton. StreSS PhySiology in Cotton, 85.
    • Slavens, M.R, Johnson, P.G, Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Irrigation Frequency Differentially Alters Vegetative Growth and Seed Head Development of L. Biotypes. Crop science, 51:1, 314–322.
    • Jones, S.B, Bugbee, B.G, Heinse, R., Or, D., Bingham, G.E, (2011). Porous plant growth media design considerations for lunar and martian habitats. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, 4:1, 55–62.
    • Cope, K., Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Spectral effects of light-emitting diodes on plant growth and development: The importance of green and blue light. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0371.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2011). Super Dwarf Wheat for Growth in Confined Spaces.
    • Doucette, W.J, Dettenmaier, E.M, Bugbee, B.G, Mackay, D., (2010). 14 Mass Transfer from Soil to Plants. Handbook of Chemical Mass Transport in the Environment, 389.
    • Johnson, I.R, Thornley, J.H, Frantz, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2010). A model of canopy photosynthesis incorporating protein distribution through the canopy and its acclimation to light, temperature and CO2. Annals of botany, 106:5, 735–749.
    • Johnson, I.R, Thornley, J.H, Frantz, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2010). A model of canopy photosynthesis incorporating protein distribution through the canopy and its acclimation to light, temperature and CO2. Annals of botany, 106:5, 735–749.
    • Blonquist, Jr, J., Allen, R., Bugbee, B.G, (2010). An evaluation of the net radiation sub-model in the ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation: Implications for evapotranspiration prediction. Agricultural water management, 97:7, 1026–1038.
    • Blonquist, Jr, J., Allen, R., Bugbee, B.G, (2010). An evaluation of the net radiation sub-model in the ASCE standardized reference evapotranspiration equation: Implications for evapotranspiration prediction. Agricultural water management, 97:7, 1026–1038.
    • Doucette, W.J, Dettenmaier, E., Bugbee, B.G, Mackay, D., (2010). Mass Transport form Soil to Plants. CRC Press
    • Johnson, I., Thornley, J., Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2010). Photosynthetic Enzyme Level and Distribution through Canopies in Relation to Canopy Photosynthesis and its Acclimation to Light, Temperature and CO2. Annals Of Botany, 10
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2010). Evaluation of the measurement accuracy and comparison of two new and three traditional net radiometers. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 149, 1709-1721.
    • Blonquist, M., Norman, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2010). Automated measurement of canopy stomatal conductance based on infra-red temperature. Ag and forest meteorology, 149, 1931-1945. doi: 10:1016
    • Blonquist, Jr, J., Norman, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2009). Automated measurement of canopy stomatal conductance based on infrared temperature. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 149:12, 2183–2197.
    • Dettenmaier, E.M, Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, (2009). Chemical Hydrophobicity and Uptake by Plant Roots. Environmental Science & Technology, 43:2, 324-329.
    • Stoklosa, A.M, Weiss, I., Bugbee, B.G, Perchonok, M.H, Mauer, L.J, (2009). Composition and Functional Properties of Apogee and Perigee Compared to Common Terrestrial Wheat Cultivars. Habitation, 12:1, 1–8.
    • Blonquist, Jr, J., Tanner, B., Bugbee, B.G, (2009). Evaluation of measurement accuracy and comparison of two new and three traditional net radiometers. Agricultural and forest meteorology, 149:10, 1709–1721.
    • Jones, S., Bugbee, B.G, Heinse, R., Or, D., Bingham, G., (2009). Porous plant growth media design considerations for lunar and martian habitats. SAE International, 2009-01-2361, 8-Jan.
    • Bingham, G., Bates, S.C, Bugbee, B.G, Garland, J., Podolski, I., Levinskikh, R., Sychev, V., Gushin, V., (2009). Validating Vegetable Production Unit (VPU) Plants, Protocols, Procedures and Requirements (P3R) using Currently Existing Flight Resources.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2009). 2008. Chemical Hydrophobicity and Uptake by Plant Roots.. Environmental Sci. and Technology, 43:324-329.
    • Blonquist, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Applying Biophysical Principles to the Measurement of Canopy Stomatal Conductance. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 0455.
    • Dettenmaier, E., Doucette, W., Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Chemical hydrophobicity and uptake by plant roots. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 324-329.
    • Dettenmaier, E.M, Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Chemical hydrophobicity and uptake by plant roots. Environmental science & technology, 43:2, 324–329.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Estimation of Soil Respiration: Improved Techniques for Measurement of Soil Gas.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Estimation of Soil Respiration: Improved Techniques for Measurement of Soil Gas.
    • Chen, D., Liang, M., DeWald, D., Weimer, B., Peel, M., Bugbee, B.G, Michaelson, J., Davis, E., Wu, Y., (2008). Identification of dehydration responsive genes from two non-nodulated alfalfa cultivars using Medicago truncatula microarrays. Acta Physiol. Plant 30:183-189., 30, 183-189.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Blonquist, Jr, J.M, (2008). Improved Techniques for Long-term Continuous Measurement of Soil Respiration and Respiratory Quotient.. The 2008 Joint Annual Meeting
    • Both, A., Bugbee, B.G, Dreschel, T., Giroux, R., Godia, F., Gros, J., Hirafuji, M., Hu, J., Johnsen, B., Kovalev, V., others, , (2008). We thank the following individuals for refereeing the papers in this issue of Advances in Space Research. In addition to the names listed below, there were a number of individuals who wished to remain anonymous. Weidang Ai T. Ayala-Silva Yuliy A. Berkovich. Space Life Sciences: Closed Ecological Systems for Earth and Space, 41, 825.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2008). Identification of dehydration responsive genes from two non-nodulated alfalfa cultivars using Medicago truncatula microarrays.. Acta Physiol. Plant, in press.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Changes in crested wheatgrass root exudation caused by flood, drought, and nutrient stress. Journal of environmental quality, 36:3, 904–912.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W., Norton, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Changes in Crested Wheatgrass Root Exudation caused by Flood, Drought, and Nutrient Stress. Jour. Environmental Quality, 36, 904-912.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Changes in crested wheatgrass root exudation caused by flood, drought, and nutrient stress. Journal of Environmental Quality, 36:3, 904-912.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Electric Lighting in Controlled Environments: Misperceptions about the importance of Spectral Quality..
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Engineering plants for spaceflight environments. Gravitational and Space Research, 12:2
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Ethylene and Yield Physiology: Studies in Controlled Environments.. Agronomy abstracts. American Society of Agronomy, Madison, WI, 63.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Blonquist, Jr, J.M, (2007). Evaluation of New Models of Net Radiometers..
    • Blonquist, J., Tanner, B., Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Evaluation of two new models of net radiometers and comparison to a model to predict net radiation. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1673.
    • Heinse, R., Jones, S.B, Bingham, G.E, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Optimizing Straticulate Plant-Growth Media for Improved Root Zone Performance and Management..
    • Frantz, J.M, Cometti, N.N, van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). R ⅡⅡN] 图 G ACaUN LTIoN oF GROWTH AND M DⅡ EN 慨 R Ⅱ I () N OF To To IN EI VATED CO2: EFFE OF A 咖 N CHANGE I N LIGHT AT. 植物生态学报, 31:4, 695–710.
    • Frantz, J.M, Cometti, N.N, van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Rethinking acclimation of growth and maintenance respiration of tomato in elevated CO2: effects of a sudden change in light at different temperatures. Journal of Plant Ecology (Chinese Version), 31–695.
    • Frantz, J., Cometti, N., van Iersel, N., Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Rethinking Acclimation of Growth and Maintenance Respiration of Tomato in Elevated CO2: Effects of a Sudden Change in Light at Different Temperatures.. Jour. Plant Ecology, 31(4), 100-110.
    • Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Techniques for Maintaining and Quantifying Precision Drought Stress in Containerized Plants..
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2007). The components of crop productivity: measuring and modeling plant metabolism. Gravitational and Space Research, 8:2
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2007). Changes in crested wheatgrass root exudation caused by flood, drought, and nutrient stress. J. Environmental Quality, 36, 904-912.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Jones, S.B, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2006). An axenic plant culture system for optimal growth in long-term studies. Journal of environmental quality, 35:2, 590–598.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Jones, S., Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2006). An axenic plant culture system for optimal growth in long-term studies. Journal of Environmental Quality, 35:2, 590-598.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Blonquist, M., (2006). An Oxygen Sensor for Continuous Long-term Measurement of Soil Respiration..
    • Heinse, R., Jones, S., Bingham, G., Bugbee, B.G, (2006). Layered Plant-Growth Media for Optimizing Gaseous, Liquid and Nutrient Requirements: Modeling, Design and Monitoring. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1, 1324.
    • Chard, B.K, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, Gorder, K., (2006). Trichloroethylene uptake by apple and peach trees and transfer to fruit. Environmental science & technology, 40:15, 4788–4793.
    • Chard, B.K, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, Gorder, K., (2006). Trichloroethylene uptake by apple and peach trees and transfer to fruit. Environmental Science & Technology, 40:15, 4788-4793.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W.J, Norton, J.M, Jones, S.B, Chard, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2006). An axenic culture system for optimal growth in long-term studies. Journal Environmental Quality, 35, 590-598.
    • Henry, A., Doucette, W., Norton, J., Jones, S., Chard, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2006). Design and Maintenance of an Axenic Plant Culture system to Facilitate Optimal growth in Long-term studies. Jour. Environmental Quality, 35:2, 590-598.
    • Chad, B., Doucette, W., Chard, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2006). Trichloroethylene Uptake by Apple and Peach Trees and Transfer to Fruit. Environ. Sci. and Technology, 40:15, 4788-4793.
    • Frantz, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Acclimation of plant populations to shade: photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon use efficiency. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 130:6, 918–927.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Calibration and Use of Infra-Red Transducers for Precise Measurement of Leaf Temperature..
    • Slavens, M., Johnson, P.G, Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Influence of Irrigation on Ecotype Selection in Annual Bluegrass..
    • Wilkinson, J., Hudelson, T., Romagnano, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2005). methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) Blocks Ethylene Perception in Peas in High-Ethylene Environments..
    • Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Shortwave radiation. AGRONOMY, 47, 43.
    • Doucette, W.J, Wheeler, B.R, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, Naylor, C.G, Carbone, J.P, Sims, R.C, (2005). Uptake of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates by crested wheatgrass. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 24:11, 2965–2972.
    • Doucette, W.J, Wheeler, B.R, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, Naylor, C.G, Carbone, J.P, Sims, R.C, (2005). Uptake of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates by crested wheatgrass. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 24:11, 2965-2972.
    • Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Acclimation of plant populations to shade: Photosynthesis, respiration, and carbon use efficiency. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 130:6, 918-927.
    • Doucette, W., Wheeler, B., Chard, J., Bugbee, B.G, Naylor, C., Carbone, J., Sims, R., (2005). Uptake of nonylphenol and nonylphenol ethoxylates by crested wheatgrass. Toxicology and Chemistry, 24, 2965-2972.
    • Cometti, N.N, Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). A colheita antecipada pode prevenir queima de bordas (tipburn) em alface hidroponica cultivada em camara de crescimento. CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE OLERICULTURA, 44
    • Weiss, I., Hayes, K., Mauer, L.J, Perchonok, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Characterization of Wheat Cultivars Intended for Growth During Long-term Space Missions and Comparison to Select Common Terrestrial Cultivars–EAC Presentation 2004. ALS-NSCORT
    • Frantz, J.M, Pinnock, D., Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Characterizing the environmental response of a gibberellic acid–deficient rice for use as a model crop. Agronomy journal, 96:4, 1172–1181.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Effect of Nutrient and Water Stress on the Quantity and Composition of Root Exudates in Axenic Culture. Internal Documents
    • Klassen, S.P, Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Ethylene synthesis and sensitivity in crop plants. HortScience, 39, 1546–1552.
    • Frantz, J.M, Ritchie, G., Cometti, N.N, Robinson, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Exploring the limits of crop productivity: beyond the limits of tipburn in lettuce. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 129:3, 331–338.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Long-term blue light effects on the histology of lettuce and soybean leaves and stems. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 129:4, 467–472.
    • Frantz, J.M, Cometti, N.N, Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Night temperature has a minimal effect on respiration and growth in rapidly growing plants. Annals of botany, 94:1, 155–166.
    • Knighton, N., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Spectrometer curve smoothing using replicate scans and running averages. Unpublished report, Utah State University Crop Physiology Laboratory, Logan Utah. 10pp. http://www. usu. edu/cpl/research_spectral. htm# spectro_curve (last date accessed 11/28/2007)
    • Klassen, S.P, Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Ethylene synthesis and sensitivity in crop plants.. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 39:7, 1546-52.
    • Frantz, J.M, Cometti, N.N, Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Night temperature has a minimal effect on respiration and growth in rapidly growing plants.. Annals of botany, 94:1, 155-66.
    • Frantz, J., Pinnock, D., Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Characterizing the Environmental Response of a Gibberellic Acid Deficient Rice for Use as a Model Crop. Agronomy Journal, 96, 1172-1181.
    • Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Ethylene Synthesis and Sensitivity in Crop Plants. HortScience, 39, 1546-1552.
    • Frantz, J., Ritchie, G., Cometti, N., Robinson, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Exploring the Limits of Crop Productivity: Beyond the limits of tipburn in lettuce. Jour. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 129, 331-338.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Long-term Blue Light Effects on the Histology of Lettuce and Soybean Leaves and Stems.. Jour. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 129, 467-472.
    • Frantz, J., Cometti, N., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Night Temperature has a Minimal Effect on Respiration and Growth in rapidly Growing Plants. Ann. Botany, 94, 155-166.
    • Frantz, J.M, Ritchie, G., Cometti, N.N, Robinson, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2004). Exploring the limits of crop productivity: beyond the limits of tipburn in lettuce.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 129:3, 331-8.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). effect of molecular structure on mechanical properties of epoxy resins. Journal of Applied Polymer Science
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Nutrient management in recirculating hydroponic culture. South Pacific Soilless Culture Conference-SPSCC 648, 99–112.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Nutrient management in recirculating hydroponic culture. South Pacific Soilless Culture Conference-SPSCC 648, 99–112.
    • Drysdale, A., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Optimizing a plant habitat for space: a novel approach to plant growth on the moon. Combustion, 2013, 11–06.
    • Klassen, S., Ritchie, G., Frantz, J., Pinnock, D., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Real-time imaging of ground cover: Relationships with radiation capture, canopy photosynthesis, and daily growth rate. Digital imaging and spectral techniques: applications to precision agriculture and crop physiologydigitalimaginga, 3–14.
    • Mackowiak, C.L, Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Biogeochemistry of fluoride in a plant-solution system.. Journal of environmental quality, 32:6, 2230-7.
    • Mackowiak, C., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Biogeochemistry of Fluoride in a Plant-Solution System. J. of Environmental Quality, 32, 2230-2238.
    • Drysdale, A., Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Optimizing a Plant Habitat for Space: A Novel Approach to Plant Growth on the Moon.. Int. Conf. Environ. Systems, 1, 2360-2363.
    • Frantz, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Anaerobic conditions improve germination of a gibberellic acid deficient rice. Crop science, 42:2, 651–654.
    • Klassen, S.P, Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Sensitivity of wheat and rice to low levels of atmospheric ethylene. Crop science, 42:3, 746–753.
    • Frantz, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Anaerobic conditions improve germination of a gibberellic acid deficient rice. Crop Sci., 42, 651-654.
    • Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Sensitivity of Wheat and Rice to Low Levels of Atmospheric Ethylene. Crop Sci., 42, 746-753.
    • Klassen, S.P, Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Sensitivity of wheat and rice to low levels of atmospheric ethylene.. Crop science, 42:3, 746-53.
    • Frantz, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2002). Anaerobic conditions improve germination of a gibberellic acid deficient rice.. Crop science, 42:2, 651-4.
    • Mackowiak, C., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat. Soil Science Society of America, 65, 1744-1750.
    • Wheeler, R.M, Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Biomass Production. Online http://www. dsls. usra. edu/meetings/bio2001/pdf/BIOMAScomplete. pdf
    • Campbell, W.F, Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, Klassen, S., Naegle, E., Strickland, D.T, Bingham, G.E, Levinskikh, M., Iljina, G.M, Veselova, T.D, others, , (2001). Comparative floral development of Mir-grown and ethylene-treated, earth-grown Super Dwarf wheat. Journal of plant physiology, 158:8, 1051–1060.
    • Ritchie, G.L, Wright, D., Rasmussen, V., Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Imaging Canopies to Detect Stress Using a Portable Spectrometer.
    • Frantz, J., Ritchie, G., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). We Thought We Knew How to Grow Lettuce: Exploring the Limits of Crop Productivity. ASGSB 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts, http://www. usu. edu/cpl, 12, 2007.
    • Mackowiak, C.L, Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Beneficial effects of humic acid on micronutrient availability to wheat.. Soil Science Society of America journal. Soil Science Society of America, 65:6, 1744-50.
    • Campbell, W.F, Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, Klassen, S., Naegle, E., Strickland, D.T, Bingham, G.E, Levinskikh, M., Iljina, G.M, Veselova, T.D, Sytchev, V.N, Podolsky, I., McManus, W.R, Bubenheim, D.L, Stieber, J., Jahns, G., (2001). Comparative floral development of Mir-grown and ethylene-treated, earth-grown Super Dwarf wheat.. Journal of plant physiology, 158:8, 1051-60.
    • Campbell, W., Salisbury, F., Bugbee, B.G, Klassen, S., Nagle, E., Strickland, D., Bingham, G., Levenskikh, M., Iljina, G., Veselova, T., Sytchev, V., Podolsky, I., McManus, W., Bubenheim, D., Stieber, J., Jahns, G., (2001). Comparative floral development of Mir-grown and ethylene treated earth-grown Super Dwarf wheat. Journal of Plant Physiology, 158, 1051-1060.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Differences in the response of wheat, soybean, and lettuce to reduced blue radiation. Photchemistry and Photobiology, 73, 199-207.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Evidence for yellow light suppression of lettuce growth. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 73, 208-212.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Differences in the response of wheat, soybean and lettuce to reduced blue radiation.. Photochemistry and photobiology, 73:2, 199-207.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Evidence for yellow light suppression of lettuce growth.. Photochemistry and photobiology, 73:2, 208-12.
    • van Iersel, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A multiple chamber, semi-continuous, crop carbon dioxide exchange system: Design, calibration, and data interpretation. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci., 125, 86-92.
    • Van Iersel, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A multiple chamber, semicontinuous, crop carbon dioxide exchange system: design, calibration, and data interpretation. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 125:1, 86–92.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A novel laboratory system for determining fate of volatile organic compounds in planted systems. Environmental toxicology and chemistry, 19:4, 888–894.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A novel laboratory system for determining fate of volatile organic compounds in planted systems. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19:4, 888-894.
    • Frantz, J.M, Pinnock, D., Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Characterizing Super Dwarf rice for use in advanced life support(Abstract only). Life Support & Biosphere Science, 7:1, 37.
    • Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Differential sensitivity of crops to ethylene and interactions with elevated CO 2(Abstract only). Life Support & Biosphere Science, 7:1, 49.
    • Dougher, T.A, Frantz, J., Klassen, S., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Failure analysis- Plant recovery from prolonged darkness(Abstract only). Life Support & Biosphere Science, 7:1, 36.
    • Iersel, M.v, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Photosynthesis, Source–Sink Physiology-A Multiple Chamber, Semicontinuous, Crop Carbon Dioxide Exchange System: Design, Calibration, and Data Interpretation. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 125:1, 86–92.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Small is better- The advantages of super-dwarf crop plants in ALS research(Abstract only). Life Support & Biosphere Science, 7:1, 35.
    • Muhlestein, D., Hooten, T., Norton, J., Bugbee, B.G, (2000). The long term effects of high ammonium/nitrate ratios on wheat growth and nitrification in hydroponic culture(Abstract only). Life Support & Biosphere Science, 7:1, 67.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Uptake of trichloroethylene by hybrid poplar trees grown hydroponically in flow-through plant growth chambers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19:4, 895–903.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Uptake of trichloroethylene by hybrid poplar trees grown hydroponically in flow-through plant growth chambers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19:4, 895-903.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A novel laboratory system for determining the fate of trichloroethylene in plants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19, 888-894.
    • Cavazzoni, J., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Dougher, T., (2000). Phasic temperature and photoperiod control for soybean using a modified Crop Gro model. Life Support and Biosphere Science, 6, 273-278.
    • Orchard, B.J, Doucette, W.J, Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). Uptake of trichloroethylene by hybrid poplar trees grown hydroponically in high rate, flow-through plant growth chambers. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19, 895-903.
    • van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (2000). A multiple chamber, semicontinuous, crop carbon dioxide exchange system: design, calibration, and data interpretation.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 125:1, 86-92.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). 284 Towards Efficient Nutrient Management in Recirculating Hydroponic Culture. HortScience, 34:3, 491–491.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Johnson, I., (1999). Crop-Optimod: An Interactive Model for Exploring the Effect of Optimal and Sub-Optimal Environments in Bioregenerative Life Support. Training, 2014, 03–03.
    • Stahl, R.S, Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Effect of 2 (N-morpholino) ethane) sulfonic acid (MES) on the growth and tissue composition of cucumber. Journal of plant nutrition, 22:2, 315–330.
    • Muhlestein, D., Hooten, T.M, Richard, K., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Is nitrate necessary to biological life support. Plant Disease, 1, 2023.
    • Orchard, B.J, Chard, J., Doucette, W., Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Laboratory studies on plant uptake of TCE. Presentation at the 5th International In-Situ and On-Site Bioremediation Symposium, Battelle, San Diego, CA
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Toward An Understanding of Blue Light Effects on Diverse Species: Implications for Advanced Life-Support Systems. SAE Tech. Paper, 01–2108.
    • Doucette, W.J, Orchard, B., Chard, J.K, Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Uptake of trichloroethylene by hybrid poplar trees grown hydroponically in flow-through plant growth chambers.. Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
    • Stahl, R., Grossl, P., Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Effect of 2(N-morpholino)ethane sulfonic Acid (MES) on the growth and tissue composition of cucumber. J. Plant Nutrition, 22, 315-330.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Engineering Plants for Space Flight Environments. American Soc. for Gravitational and Space Biology Bulletin, 12, 67-74.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Droter, M., Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1999). Evaluation and modification of commercial infra-red transducers for leaf temperature measurement. Adv. in Space Res., 22, 1425-1434.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Engineering plants for spaceflight environments.. Gravitational and space biology bulletin : publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, 12:2, 67-74.
    • Cavazzoni, J., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Dougher, T., (1999). Phasic temperature and photoperiod control for soybean using a modified CROPGRO model.. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 6:4, 273-8.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Adaptation to high CO2 concentration in an optimal environment: radiation capture, canopy quantum yield and carbon use efficiency. Plant, cell & environment, 21:3, 315–324.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Effect of Lamp Type and Temperature on Development, Carbon Partitioning, and Yield of Soybean. Adv. In Space Res.5, 129.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Droter, M., Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1998). Evaluation and modification of commercial infra-red transducers for leaf temperature measurement. Advances in space research, 22:10, 1425–1434.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Droter, M., Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1998). Evaluation and modification of commercial infra-red transducers for leaf temperature measurement. Advances in space research, 22:10, 1425–1434.
    • Cavazzoni, J., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Dougher, T., Bugbee, B., Janes, H., (1998). Phasic temperature and photoperiod control for soybean using a modified CROPGRO model.. Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space, 6:4, 273–278.
    • Bishop, D.L, Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Photosynthetic capacity and dry mass partitioning in dwarf and semi-dwarf wheat (< i> Triticum aestivum</i> L.). Journal of plant physiology, 153:5, 558–565.
    • Doucette, W.J, Bugbee, B.G, Hayhurst, S., Plaehn, W., Downey, D., Taffinder, S., Edwards, R., (1998). Phytoremediation of dissolved phase trichloroethylene using mature vegetation. Bioremediation and phytoremediation: chlorinated and recalcitrant compounds. Batelle, Columbus, 251–256.
    • Grotenhuis, T., Reuveni, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Super-Optimal CO2 Reduces Yield in Growth Chamber and Greenhouse Environments. Adv. Space Res.20, 1901.
    • Bishop, D.L, Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Photosynthetic capacity and dry mass partitioning in dwarf and semi-dwarf wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).. Journal of plant physiology, 153:5-6, 558-65.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Adaptation to high CO2 concentration in an optimal environment: radiation capture, canopy quantum yield, and carbon use efficiency. Plant, Cell, and Environment, 21, 315-324.
    • Jurgonski, L., Smart, D., Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S., (1998). Controlled Environments Alter Nutrient Content of Soybeans. Adv. Space Research, 20, 1979-1988.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Effect of Lamp Type and Temperature on Development, Carbon Partitioning, and Yield of Soybean. Adv. Space Research, 5, 129-136.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Is blue light good or bad for plants?. Life Support and Biosphere Science, 5, 129-136.
    • Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Bloom, A., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Nitrogen balance for wheat canopies grown under elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations.. Plant, Cell, and Environment, 21, 753-763.
    • Bishop, D., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Photosynthetic Capacity and Dry Mass Partitioning in Dwarf and Semi-dwarf Wheat. Journal of Plant Physiology, 153, 558-565.
    • Grotenhuis, T., Reuveni, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Super-optimal CO2 reduces yield in growth chamber and greenhouse environments. Adv. Space Research, 20, 1901-1904.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Adaptation to high CO2 concentration in an optimal environment: radiation capture, canopy quantum yield and carbon use efficiency.. Plant, cell & environment, 21, 315-24.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Droter, M., Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1998). Evaluation and modification of commercial infra-red transducers for leaf temperature measurement.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 22:10, 1425-34.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Is blue light good or bad for plants?. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 5:2, 129-36.
    • Smart, D.R, Ritchie, K., Bloom, A.J, Bugbee, B.G, (1998). Nitrogen balance for wheat canopies (Triticum aestivum cv. Veery 10) grown under elevated and ambient CO2 concentrations.. Plant, cell & environment, 21, 753-63.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Advances in Plant Nutrition: Re-evaluating Hoagland’s Hydroponic Recipe after a Half Century. HortScience, 32:3, 523–523.
    • Jurgonski, L., Smart, D., Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S., (1997). Controlled environments alter nutrient content of soybeans. Advances in Space Research, 20:10, 1979–1988.
    • Albrechtsen, R., Bequette, R., Bollich, C., Bollich, P., Bugbee, B.G, Chung, O., Clawson, S., Cox, T., Curran, S., Dewey, W., others, , (1997). Cultivars: 1 oat; 2 rice; 5 wheat. Crop Science, 37:2, 626–631.
    • van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Dibutylurea reduces photosynthesis, growth, and flowering of petunia and impatiens. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 122:4, 536–541.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Effect of lamp type and temperature on development, carbon partitioning and yield of soybean. Advances in Space Research, 20:10, 1895–1899.
    • Stark, J.M, Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Evidence that Elevated C02 Levels and Indirectly Increase Rhizosphere Denitrifier Activity. 63, 4621.
    • Smart, D.R, Ritchie, K., Stark, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Evidence that elevated CO2 levels can indirectly increase rhizosphere denitrifier activity.. Applied and environmental microbiology, 63:11, 4621–4624.
    • Ferro, A., Kennedy, J., Doucette, W.J, Nelson, S.D, Jauregui, G., McFarland, B., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Fate of benzene in soils planted with alfalfa: Uptake, volatilization, and degradation. ACS Symposium Series, 664, 223–237.
    • Ferro, A., Kennedy, J., Doucette, W.J, Nelson, S., Jauregui, G., McFarland, B., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Fate of benzene in soils planted with alfalfa: Uptake, volatilization, and degradation. Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants, 664, 223-237.
    • Van Iersel, M., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Increased organic matter in the growing medium decreases Benlate DF phytotoxicity. Plant disease, 81:7, 743–748.
    • Dougher, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Is blue light good or bad for plants?. Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space, 5:2, 129–136.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., Albbrechtsen, R., Dewey, W., Clawson, S., (1997). Registration of ‘USU-Apogee’wheat. Crop science, 37:2, 626–626.
    • Grotenhuis, T.P, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Super-optimal CO2 reduces seed yield but not vegetative growth in wheat. Crop science, 37:4, 1215–1222.
    • REUVENI, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Very High CO2Reduces Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration and Yield in Wheat. Annals of Botany, 80:4, 539–546.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., (1997). Yield comparisons and unique characteristics of the dwarf wheat cultivar ‘USU-Apogee’. Advances in Space Research, 20:10, 1891–1894.
    • Smart, D.R, Ritchie, K., Stark, J.M, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Evidence that elevated CO2 levels can indirectly increase rhizosphere denitrifier activity.. Applied and environmental microbiology, 63:11, 4621-4.
    • Reuveni, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Very high CO2 reduces photosynthesis, dark respiration and yield in wheat.. Annals of botany, 80:4, 539-46.
    • Grotenhuis, T.P, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Super-optimal CO2 reduces seed yield but not vegetative growth in wheat.. Crop science, 37, 1215-22.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Dibutylurea Reduces Photosynthesis and Growth of Petunia and Impatiens. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. 122:536-541
    • Tubiello, F., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Diffuse Light and Wheat Radiation-Use Efficiency in a Controlled Environment. Life Support & Biosphere Sci., 4, 77-85.
    • Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Stark, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Evidence that elevated CO2 levels and indirectly increase rhizosphere denitrifier activity. Applied & Environmental Microbiology, 63, 4621-4624.
    • van Iersel, M., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Increased organic matter in the growing medium decreases Benlate DF phytotoxicity. Plant Disease, 81, 743-748.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Tubiello, F., (1997). Phasic temperature control appraised with the CELSS-wheat model. Life Support & Biosphere Sci., 4, 49-54.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., Albrechtsen, R., Dewey, W., Clawson, S., (1997). Registration of USU-Apogee Wheat. Crop Sci., 37, 626.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Super-optimal C02 reduces seed yield but not vegetative growth in wheat. Crop Sci. 37:1215-1222
    • Reuveni, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Very high CO2 reduces photosynthesis, dark respiration, and yield in wheat. Annals of Botany, 80, 539-546.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., Albrechtsen, R., Dewey, W., Clawson, S., (1997). Registration of cultivars: registration of 'USU-Apogee' wheat.. Crop science, 37:2, 626.
    • Jurgonski, L.J, Smart, D.J, Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S.S, (1997). Controlled environments alter nutrient content of soybeans.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 20:10, 1979-88.
    • Tubiello, F., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Diffuse light and wheat radiation-use efficiency in a controlled environment.. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 4:1-2, 77-85.
    • Dougher, T.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Effect of lamp type and temperature on development, carbon partitioning and yield of soybean.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 20:10, 1895-9.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Tubiello, F., (1997). Phasic temperature control appraised with the Ceres-Wheat model.. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 4:1-2, 49-54.
    • Grotenhuis, T., Reuveni, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1997). Super-optimal CO2 reduces wheat yield in growth chamber and greenhouse environments.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 20:10, 1901-4.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., (1997). Yield comparisons and unique characteristics of the dwarf wheat cultivar 'USU-Apogee'.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 20:10, 1891-4.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Characterizing photosynthesis and transpiration of plant communities in controlled environments. International Symposium on Plant Production in Closed Ecosystems 440, 123–128.
    • Tubiello, F., Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Diffuse light and wheat radiation-use efficiency in a controlled environment.. Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space, 4:1-2, 77–85.
    • McKeehen, J., Mitchell, C., Wheeler, R., Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S., (1996). Excess nutrients in hydroponic solutions alter nutrient content of rice, wheat, and potato. Advances in Space Research, 18:4, 73–83.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Growth analysis and yield components. Units, Symbols, and Terminology for Plant Physiology, 115–119.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Tubiello, F., (1996). Phasic temperature control appraised with the Ceres-Wheat model.. Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space, 4:1-2, 49–54.
    • van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Phytotoxic effects of benzimidazole fungicides on bedding plants. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 121:6, 1095–1102.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1996). Quantifying Energy and Mass Transfer in Crop Canopies. Advances in Space Research, 18, 149-156.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1996). Quantifying energy and mass transfer in crop canopies: sensors for measurement of temperature and air velocity. Advances in Space Research, 18:4, 149–156.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Koerner, G., Albrechtsen, R., Dewey, W., Clawson, S., (1996). RESEARCH: SUPER DWARF CULTIVAR STUDIES: WHEAT. studies
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1996). USU Develops Space Crop: The first crop developed specifically for growth in space. UTAH SCIENCE, 57, 13–15.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Characterizing photosynthesis and transpiration of plant communities in controlled environments.. Acta horticulturae, 440, 123-8.
    • van Iersel, M.W, Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Phytotoxic effects of benzimidazole fungicides on bedding plants.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 121:6, 1095-102.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Characterizing photosynthesis and transpiration of plant communities in controlled environments. Acta Horticulturae, 440, 123-128.
    • McKeehen, J., Mitchell, C., Wheeler, R., Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S., (1996). Excess nutrients in hydroponic solutions alter nutrient content of rice, wheat, and potato. Advances in Space Research, 18, 73-83.
    • Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Mass transfer in the biological fast lane: High C02 and a shallow root-zone. Life Support and Biosphere Sci., 3, 43-46.
    • van Iersel, M., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Phytotoxic Effects of Benzimidazole Fungicides on Bedding Plants. J. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci., 121, 1095-1102.
    • McKeehen, J.D, Mitchell, C.A, Wheeler, R.M, Bugbee, B.G, Nielsen, S.S, (1996). Excess nutrients in hydroponic solutions alter nutrient content of rice, wheat, and potato.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 18:4-5, 73-83.
    • Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1996). Mass transfer in the biological fast lane: high CO2 and a shallow root zone.. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 3:1-2, 43-6.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., Tanner, B., (1996). Quantifying energy and mass transfer in crop canopies: sensors for measurement of temperature and air velocity.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 18:4-5, 149-56.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Wheeler, R.M, (1995). An approach to crop modeling with the energy cascade. Life Support & Biosphere Science, 1:3, 119–127.
    • Smart, D., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Mass transfer in the biological fast lane: high CO2 and a shallow root zone.. Life support & biosphere science: international journal of earth space, 3:1-2, 43–46.
    • Smart, D.R, Ferro, A., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1995). On the use of antibiotics to reduce rhizoplane microbial populations in root physiology and ecology investigations. Physiologia plantarum, 95:4, 533–540.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). The components of crop productivity: measuring and modeling plant metabolism.. ASGSB bulletin : publication of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, 8:2, 93-104.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). An Approach to Modeling with the Energy Cascade. Life Support and Biosphere Science 1:119-127
    • Smart, D., Ferro, A., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1995). On the use of antibiotics to reduce rhizoplane microbial populations in root physiology and ecology investigations. Physiologia Plantarum, 95, 533-540.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, Wheeler, R.M, (1995). An approach to crop modeling with the energy cascade.. Life support & biosphere science : international journal of earth space, 1:3-4, 119-27.
    • Smart, D.R, Ferro, A., Ritchie, K., Bugbee, B.G, (1995). On the use of antibiotics to reduce rhizoplane microbial populations in root physiology and ecology investigations.. Physiologia plantarum, 95, 533-40.
    • McCormack, A.C, Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., Sirko, R., (1994). A method for modeling transpiration in CELSS. AIAA, Space Programs and Technologies Conference, Huntsville, AL
    • Bugbee, B.G, Spanarkel, B., Monje, O., Koerner, G., (1994). CO< sub> 2</sub> crop growth enhancement and toxicity in wheat and rice. Advances in Space Research, 14:11, 257–267.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Doucette, W.J, Ferro, A., Stacishin, L., (1994). Effect of plants on the biodegradation of phenanthrene, pentachlorophenol and pyrene in soil. 9th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Remediation
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Effects of radiation quality, intensity, and duration on photosynthesis and growth. Kennedy Space Center, FL
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Effects of radiation quality, intensity, and duration on photosynthesis and growth. Kennedy Space Center, FL
    • Ferro, A.M, Sims, R.C, Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Hycrest crested wheatgrass accelerates the degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil. Journal of environmental quality, 23:2, 272–279.
    • Monje, O., McCormack, A., Bugbee, B.G, Jones, Jr, H.W, (1994). Measurement of Effective Canopy Temperature: The Missing Link to Modeling Transpiration in Controlled Environments.
    • Smart, D., Chatterton, N., Bugbee, B.G, (1994). The influence of elevated CO2 on non-structural carbohydrate distribution and fructan accumulation in wheat canopies. Plant, cell & environment, 17:4, 435–442.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Spanarkel, B., Monje, O., Koerner, G., (1994). CO2 crop growth enhancement and toxicity in wheat and rice.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 14:11, 257-67.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Spanarkel, B., Johnson, S., Monje, O., Koerner, G., (1994). CO2 crop growth enhancement and toxicity in wheat and rice. Advances in Space Research, 14, 257-267.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Controlled environments alter nutrient content and bioavailability of food crops. Adv. in Space Res. 18:73-83
    • Ferro, A., Simms, R., Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Hycrest crested wheatgrass accelerates the degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil. J. Env. Quality., 23, 272-279.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Measurement of effective canopy temperature: The missing link to modeling transpiration in controlled environments. Amer. Soc. Gravitational and Space Biol. 18:56-57
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Optimizing Soybean Productivity in Controlled Environments. Adv. Space Res. 18:83-93
    • Smart, D., Chatterton, J., Bugbee, B.G, (1994). The influence of elevated CO2 on nonstructural carbohydrate distribution and fructan accumulation in wheat canopies. Plant, Cell, and Environment, 17, 435-442.
    • Ferro, A.M, Sims, R.C, Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Hycrest crested wheatgrass accelerates the degradation of pentachlorophenol in soil.. Journal of environmental quality, 23:2, 272-9.
    • Smart, D.R, Chatterton, N.J, Bugbee, B.G, (1994). The influence of elevated CO2 on non-structural carbohydrate distribution and fructan accumulation in wheat canopies.. Plant, cell & environment, 17, 435-42.
    • Barnes, C., Tibbitts, T., Sager, J., Deitzer, G., Bubenheim, D., Koerner, G., Bugbee, B.G, (1993). Accuracy of quantum sensors measuring yield photon flux and photosynthetic photon flux. HortScience, 28:12, 1197–1200.
    • Barnes, C., Tibbitts, T., Sager, J., Deitzer, G., Bubenheim, D., Koerner, G., Bugbee, B.G, (1993). Accuracy of quantum sensors measuring yield photon flux and photosynthetic photon flux.. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 28:12, 1197-200.
    • Barnes, C., Tibbitts, T., Sager, J., Deitzer, G., Bubenheim, D., Koerner, G., Bugbee, B.G, (1993). Accuracy of quantum sensors measuring yield photon flux and photosynthetic photons flux. HortScience, 28, 1197-1200.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Determining the potential productivity of food crops in controlled environments. Advances in Space Research, 12:5, 85–95.
    • Monje, O.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Inherent limitations of nondestructive chlorophyll meters: a comparison of two types of meters. HortScience, 27:1, 69–71.
    • MacElroy, R., Averner, M., Tibbitts, T., Bugbee, B.G, Horneck, G., Dunlop, E., (1992). Life Sciences and Space Research: Natural and Artificial Ecosystems. Pergamon Press, NY
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Morphological responses of wheat to blue light. Journal of plant physiology, 139:3, 339–342.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Steady-state canopy gas exchange: system design and operation. HortScience, 27:7, 770–776.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Steady-state canopy gas exchange: system design and operation.. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 27:7, 770-6.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., (1992). The limits of crop productivity: validating theoretical estimates and determining the factors that limit crop yields in optimal environments.. Bioscience, 42:7, 494-502.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Determining the potential productivity of food crops in controlled environments. Adv. Space Res., 12, 85-95.
    • Monje, O., Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Inherent limitations of nondestructive chlorophyll meters: A comparison of two types of meters. HortScience, 27, 69-71.
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Morphological Responses of Wheat to Blue Light. J. of Plant Physiol., 139, 339-342.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Steady-state canopy gas exchange: System design and operation. HortScience 27:770-776
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., (1992). The Limits of Crop Productivity: Theory and Validation. BioScience, 42, 494-502.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Determining the potential productivity of food crops in controlled environments.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 12:5, 85-95.
    • Monje, O.A, Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Inherent limitations of nondestructive chlorophyll meters: a comparison of two types of meters.. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 27:1, 69-71.
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1992). Morphological responses of wheat to blue light.. Journal of plant physiology, 139, 339-42.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1991). A model for nutrient management in recirculating, liquid hydroponic culture. HortScience, 26:6, 704–704.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Modeling light and temperature effects on leaf emergence in wheat and barley. Crop Science, 31:5, 1218–1224.
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Morphological responses of wheat to changes in phytochrome photoequilibrium. Plant Physiology, 97:1, 359–365.
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Morphological responses of wheat to changes in phytochrome photoequilibrium. Plant Physiology, 97:1, 359–365.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Monje, O., (1991). The limits of crop productivity: validating theoretical estimates and determining the factors that limit crop yields in optimal environments.. Bioscience, 42:7, 494–502.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Modeling light and temperature effects on leaf emergence in wheat and barley.. Crop science, 31:5, 1218-24.
    • Volk, T., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Modeling light and temperature effects on leaf emergence rate in wheat and barley. Crop Sci., 31, 1218-1224.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Morphological changes in wheat to changes in phytochrome photoequilibrium. Plant Physiol. 97:359-365
    • Barnes, C., Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Morphological responses of wheat to changes in phytochrome photoequilibrium.. Plant physiology, 97, 359-65.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Exploring the limits of crop productivity: a model to evaluate progress. NASA. Ames Research Center, Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems: CELSS’89 Workshop p 1-23 (SEE N 91-31775 23-54)
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1989). Carbon use efficiency in optimal environments. Training, 2009, 01–26.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1989). Controlled environment crop production: hydroponic vs. lunar regolith. Lunar Base Agriculture: Soils for Plant Growthlunarbaseagricu, 107–129.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1989). Current and potential productivity of wheat for a controlled environment life support system. Advances in Space Research 9:5-15
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1989). Current and potential productivity of wheat for a Controlled Environment Life Support System.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 9:8, 5-15.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1988). Exploring the limits of crop productivity I. Photosynthetic efficiency of wheat in high irradiance environments. Plant Physiology, 88:3, 869–878.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, (1988). Plant productivity in controlled environments.. HortScience: a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 23:2, 293–299.
    • Bubenheim, D., Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F., (1988). Radiation in controlled environments: influence of lamp type and filter material.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 113:3, 468–474.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, (1988). Plant productivity in controlled environments.. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 23:2, 293-9.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, (1988). Space farming in the 21st century.. 21st century science & technology, 1:1, 32-41.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1988). Exploring the limits of crop productivity. I. Photosynthetic efficiency of wheat in high irradiance environments.. Plant physiology, 88, 869-78.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, Bubenheim, D., (1987). Wheat production in controlled environments. Advances in space research, 7:4, 123–132.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, Bubenheim, D., (1987). Wheat production in controlled environments.. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), 7:4, 123-32.
    • Mashhadi, H., Bugbee, B.G, Evans, J., (1986). The use of direct photosynthetic measurement in herbicide research. Proceedings-Western Society of Weed Science (USA)
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1985). An evaluation of MES (2 (N-Morpholino) ethanesulfonic acid) and amberlite IRC-50 as pH buffers for nutrient solution studies∗. Journal of plant nutrition, 8:7, 567–583.
    • Salisbury, F.B, Bugbee, B.G, (1985). Wheat farming in a lunar base. NASA Road One, Houston, Texas
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1985). An evaluation of MES (2(N-Morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid) and Amberlite IRC-50 as pH buffers for nutrient solution studies.. Journal of plant nutrition, 8:7, 567-83.
    • Bugbee, B.G, Salisbury, F.B, (1985). Wheat production in the controlled environments of space.. Utah science, 46:4, 145-51.
    • Bugbee, B.G, White, J.W, (1984). Tomato growth as affected by root-zone temperature and the addition of gibberellic acid and kinetin to nutrient solutions.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 109:1, 121-5.
    • Bugbee, B.G, White, J., (1983). Tomato growth as affected by root-zone temperature and the addition of gibberellic acid and kinetin to nutrient solutions.. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. American Society for Horticultural Science, 109:1, 121–125.

    Professional Journal

    • Bugbee, B.G, (2016). The challenges of measuring net radiation. Meteorological Technology InternationalSept. p. 46-50.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2014). Active or Passive: The challenge of accurately measuring air temperature. . Meteorological Technology International
    • Wahlen, B.D, Morgan, M.R, McCurdy, A.T, Willis, R.M, Dye, D.J, Bugbee, B.G, Wood, B.D, Seefeldt, L., (2013). Biodiesel from microalgae, yeast, and bacteria: engine performance and exhaust emissions. Energy Fuels, 27, 220-228.
    • Adams, C., Godfrey, V., Wahlen, B., Seefeldt, L., Bugbee, B.G, (2013). Understanding precision nitrogen stress to optimize the growth and lipid content tradeoff in oleaginous green microalgae. Bioresource Technol., 131, 188-194.

    Public or Trade Journal

    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). A Method for Modeling Transpiration in CELSS. Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics 94-4573 *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Principles of Annual Flower Design. Fine Gardening Magazine. 19:44-45 *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Food in space: Advancing the technology of greenhouse vegetable production. 21 Century Gardner. 2:29-36 *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Tomato growth as affected by root-zone temperature and the addition of gibberellic acid and kinetin to nutrient solutions. 21st Century Gardner 4:41-46 *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1989). Hydroponics on the Moon. Fine Gardening Magazine. 10:59 *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1989). Long-Term Seed Storage. Fine Gardening Magazine 5:57-59 *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Technical Reports

    Research Reports

    • Bugbee, B.G, (1995). Effects of radiation quality, intensity, and duration on photosynthesis and growth. NASA-S CP-95-3309, Kennedy Space Center, Fl *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Assessment of research capability for life support in space. Final report to NASA of the Joint Interchange grant *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


    • Blonquist, Jr, J., Jones, S., Bugbee, B.G, Estimation of soil respiration: Improved techniques for measurement of soil gas.
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Environmental, chemical, and genetic reduction of ethylene sensitivity in crop plants. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometeorology *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2005). Humic and fulvic acids: Effects on plant nutrition and growth. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometeorology *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Determining the factors that control respiration and carbon use efficiency in crop plants. Ph.D. dissertation. B. Bugbee. Major Professor. Utah State University *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Effect of drought, flooding and potassium stress on the quantity and composition of root exudates in axenic culture. M.S. thesis. B. Bugbee. Major professor. Utah State University *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2003). Use of ground-based canopy reflectance to determine radiation capture, nitrogen and water stress and final yield in wheat. M.S. thesis. B. Bugbee Major Professor. Utah State University *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (2001). Effects of high ammonium/nitrate ratios on nitrification and growth of wheat in hydroponic culture. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometeorology *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Effect of blue light and temperature on leaf expansion, stem elongation, and growth.. Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometeorology, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1999). Uptake and Transformation of Trichloroethylene by Hybrid Poplar: Laboratory Studies. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometeorology *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1994). Influences of nitrogen supply and elevated CO2 on nitrogen consumption, nitrogen loss, tissue nitrogen concentration and yield of hydroponic wheat. M.S. Thesis, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT. 91 pp *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1993). Effects of elevated CO2 on crop growth rates, radiation absorption, canopy quantum yield, carbon use efficiency, and root respiration in wheat. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerology, Utah State Univ., Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1991). Photosynthetic capacity, leaf size and plant height in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerology, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Carbon Dioxide Toxicity in Wheat. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerolory, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). Morphological responses of wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) to changes in phytochrome photoequilibria, blue light and photoperiod. Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerology, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1990). The relationship between leaf area index and photosynthetic temperature response in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) canopies. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerology, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1989). The effect of nitrate concentration in hydroponic solution on wheat growth, yield, nitrogen uptake and assimilation. M.S. Thesis, Dept. of Plants, Soils & Biometerology, Utah State University, Logan, UT *
    • Bugbee, B.G, (1981). Uniformity Analysis of Controlled Environments and the Effect of Root Zone Temperature on Tomato Plant Growth and Hormone Balance. Pennsylvania State University.

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


    PSC 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2024
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2024
    PSC 5000, 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2023
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2023
    PSC 6430, 5430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2022
    , Spring 2022
    CEPS 5700 - Continuing Education Unit: Special Topics in Plant, Soils, Climate, Spring 2022
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2022
    , Fall 2021
    CEPS 5700 - Continuing Education Unit: Special Topics in Plant, Soils, Climate, Fall 2021
    PSC 6000, 5000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2021
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2021
    PSC 4900 - Special Problems, Spring 2021
    PSC 5430, 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2020
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2020
    PSC 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2019
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2019
    , Fall 2018
    PSC 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2018
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2018
    HONR 4900 - Honors Thesis/Capstone, Spring 2018
    PSC 6900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Spring 2018
    PSC 5000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2017
    PSC 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2017
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2017
    PSC 5430, 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2016
    PSC 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2016
    PSC 5270, 6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2016
    PSC 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2015
    PSC 5270,6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2015
    PSC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2014
    PSC 5430,6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2014
    PSC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Summer 2014
    PSC 5270,6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2014
    PSC 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2013
    PSC 5270,6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2013
    PSC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2012
    PSC 5430,6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2012
    PSC 5270,6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2012
    5000/6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2011
    PSC 5000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2011
    PSC 6000 - Environmental Instrumentation, Fall 2011
    PSC 5270 - ENV PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Spring 2011
    PSC 6270 - ENV PLANT PHYSIOLOGY, Spring 2011
    5270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2011
    6270 - Environmental Plant Physiology, Spring 2011
    PSC 7970 - RESEARCH & THESIS, Spring 2011
    PSC 5430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2010
    PSC 6430 - Plant Nutrition, Fall 2010
    PSC 7970 - Research and Thesis, Fall 2010

    Graduate Students Mentored

    Lance Stott, Plants, Soils, and Climate, July 2013
    Michael Chase Snowden, Plants, Soils, and Climate, July 2013
    Jake Nelson, Plants, Soils, and Climate, August 2012
    Spencer Tibbitts, Plants, Soils, and Climate, August 2012
    Curtis Adams, Plants, Soils, and Climate, January 2010
    Chris Parry, Plants, Soils, and Climate, January 2009
    Kaerlek Janislampi, Plants, Soils, and Climate, September 2010 - October 2012