Earl Creech

Plants, Soils, and Climate

Professor, Extension Agronomist

Earl Creech

Contact Information

Office Location: FRRL 209
Phone: 435-797-7319
Email: earl.creech@usu.edu

Educational Background

PhD, Weed Science, Purdue University, 2007
Biology, Management, and Interactions of Winter Annual Weeds and Soybean Cyst Nematode
MS, Plant Science, Utah State University, 2003
An Investigation of Mesotrione Alone or in Herbicide Combinations for Weed Management in Corn
BS, Chemistry, (Agronomy), Utah State University, 2001


Dr. Creech grew up on a family dairy and crop production farm in northern Utah. After earning his PhD, he spent three years as Assistant Professor/Extension Weed Specialist at the University of Nevada, Reno. In his research and Extension efforts at USU, Dr. Creech works to address critical agronomic issues facing farmers and ranchers in Utah and throughout the western U.S.


Advisor – 1st place paper in the student paper contest (McKenna Carnahan), 2024

Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting, Monterey Bay, CA

Advisor – 3rd place paper in the student paper contest (McKenna Carnahan), 2024

Weedy and Invasive Plant Species Community, ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX

Education and Outreach Materials Award Winner (Short publication), “Alfalfa Nutrient Management Guide”, 2024

Extension Education Community, American Society of Agronomy

Extension Specialist Career Award, 2024

Utah State University

Advisor to the recipient of the 2nd place paper (Brad Davis) in the student paper contest in the Semi-Arid Dryland Cropping Systems Community , 2023

ASA/CSSA/SSSA International Annual Meetings, St. Louis, MO

Advisor to the recipient of the Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science (Rodney Nelson), 2022

Crop Science Society of America

Advisor to the recipient of the 1st place paper (Megan Getz) in the C-6 Division PhD student paper contest, 2021

ASA/CSSA/SSSA 2021 International Annual Meetings, Salt Lake City, UT

Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2021

Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate, Utah State University

Advisor to the recipient of the 1st place paper (Chet Loveland) in the student paper contest, 2019

Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting, Pasco, WA

Advisor to the recipient of the 1st place poster (Chet Loveland) in the student poster contest, C-6 division, 2019

ASA/CSSA/SSSA 2019 International Annual Meetings, San Antonio, TX

Advisor to the recipient of the 2nd place paper (Jacob Briscoe) in the student paper contest, 2017

Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting, Parma, ID

Advisor to the recipient of the 3rd place paper (Michael Deakin) in the student paper contest, 2017

Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting, Parma, ID

Graduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2017

USU College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences

1st Place, Publication over 16 pages, “Fortifying Farms and Ranches Against Weed Invasion”, 2016

Extension Education Community Educational Materials Awards Program, American Society of Agronomy

Advisor to the recipient of the 1st place paper (Mark Pieper) in the student paper contest, 2016

Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM

Advisor to the recipient of the 2nd place poster (Mark Pieper) in the student poster contest, 2016

C-3 Division at the ASA/CSSA/SSSA 2016 International Annual Meetings, Phoenix

Graduate Research Mentor of the Year, 2016

USU Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate

Advisor to the recipient of the 2nd place paper (Craig Rigby) in the student paper contest, 2014

Western Society of Crop Science

Advisor to the recipient (Jason Clark) of the Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science, 2013

Crop Science Society of America

Advisor to the recipients of the 1st (TJ Bingham) and 4th (Jason Clark) place papers in the student paper contest, 2013

Western Society of Crop Science

Outstanding New Specialist, 2013

USU Extension Specialists Association

Ulysses P. Hendrick Award, 2011

American Pomological Society

Certificate of Excellence, 2010

Division A-4 Educational Materials Awards Program, American Society of Agronomy

Bronze Award (3rd place nationally), 2008

Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences

Certificate of Excellence, 2008

Division A-4 Educational Materials Awards Program, American Society of Agronomy

1st place paper, 2006

North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting

Outstanding Ph.D. Student, 2006

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University

1st pace poster, 2005

North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting

Graduate student travel award, 2005

North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting

1st place overall graduate individual, 1st place ovrall graduate team, 1st place team sprayer calibration, 2004

North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest

2nd place paper, 2004

North Central Weed Science Society Annual Meeting

Graduate student travel award, 2004

Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University

2nd place overall graduate team, 2003

North Central Collegiate Weed Science Contest

D. Kenneth Christensen Scholarship, 2003

College of Agriculture, Utah State University

Graduate Student Award, 2003

Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology Department, Utah State University

Richard L. Chase Scholarship, 2003

Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology Department, Utah State University

Graduate Student of the Month, 2003

Utah State University

Graduate Student Award, 2002

Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology Department, Utah State University

Richard L. Chase Scholarship, 2002

Plants, Soils, and Biometeorology Department, Utah State University

Presidents Scholarship, 1998

Hesston College

Publications | Abstracts

  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., (2023). Evaluating zinc requirements of forages. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
  • Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., (2023). Molecular-Level Composition of Soil Organic Matter in Response to Compost Application in Dryland Winter Wheat Systems. Soil Science Society of America
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Row spacing effects on dryland winter wheat yield and weed suppression in the Intermountain West. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., (2022). Amendment type influences aspects of soil physical health in dryland organic wheat systems. . American Society of Agronomy *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Comparison of Private and Public Lab Fertilizer Recommendations in Field Crops. Soil Science Society of America *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Irrigation management and variety selection for the semi-arid intermountain west cannabis production. Crop Science Society of America *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Minor Impacts of Soil Wetting Agents on Silage Corn Production. Soil Science Society of American *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Reevaluating Nitrogen Recommendations for Dryland Winter Wheat in the Intermountain West. Soil Science Society of America *
  • Yost, M., Boren, D., Creech, J.E, (2021). Effects of management factors on silage corn production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Effects of management factors on silage corn production.. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Evaluation of private and public lab fertilizer recommendations for field crops. . ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Sullivan, T., Creech, J.E, (2021). Irrigation and genetic effects on yield and quality of alfalfa. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Irrigation rates and sprinkler technologies influence on teff grass. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Reducing pivot ruts with simple sprinkler changes.. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Scope of 4R nitrogen and irrigation adoption in Utah and Idaho. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Evaluation of private and public lab fertilizer recommendations for field crops. . Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). Agricultural water optimization with advanced sprinkler packages for pivots. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
  • Creech, J.E, (2020). Targeting late flowering time and forage quality association study within a segregating orchardgrass population. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting *
  • Yost, M., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2020). The impacts of irrigation, herbicide, and oat companion crop on spring-seed alfalfa. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). Pivot irrigation innovations can maintain yield with less water.
  • Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., (2021). Compost Effects on Physical Aspects of Soil Health in Dryland Organic Wheat Systems. . American Society of Agronomy *
  • Carr, P., Volkman, M.K, Reeve, J.R, Creech, J.E, (2024). Composted manure impacts on organic wheat production in a cool semiarid region.
  • Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2024). Long-term effects of compost on soil health and yield of winter wheat in semi-arid environments. International Union of Soil Scientists
  • Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2023). Compost Effects on Soil Health and Yields of Organic Winter Wheat in Semi-Arid Environments. RETASTE
  • Baker, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Gale, J.A, Zesiger, C., Pace, M., Price, S., Nelson, R., (2023). Evaluating zinc requirements of corn, small grains, and alfalfa. Western Nutrient Management Conference *
  • Creech, J.E, (2022). Compost Carryover and Cover Crops in Dryland Organic Wheat in Utah .
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Compost carryover and cover crops in dryland organic wheat in Utah. American Society of Agronomy *
  • Housley, A., Yost, M., Loveland, C., Ransom, C., Putnam, D., Samac, D., Creech, J.E, (2021). Glyphosate injury in glyphosate-resistant alfalfa when applied in periods of low temperatures. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Nelson, R., Yost, M., Ransom, C., Pace, M., Hadfield, J., Creech, J.E, (2021). Seeding rates for dormant seeded safflower. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). State-level FRST soil test correlation and calibration trials; View from Utah.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Davis, B., Yost, M., Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2021). The response of organic dryland wheat to compost and cover crops in semi-arid conditions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
  • Reeve, J., Atoloye, I., Adeleke, K., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2021). Compost effects on particulate organic matter, mineral associated organic matter and soil health in surface and sub-soils of organic dryland wheat. American Society of Agronomy *
  • Sullivan, T., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). The effects of stacking water management factors on forage quality. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
  • Palmer, M.D, Pace, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2020). Utah cover crops research and demonstration. NACAA Annual Virtual Conference *
  • Atoloye, I.A, Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2020). Effects of cover crops and a one-time compost application on soil health in organic dryland winter wheat-fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America
  • Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Deakin, M., ATOLOYE, I., Jacobson, A., (2019). Can a single compost application improve long-term dryland wheat yields?. Western Society of Crop Science
  • Reeve, J., ATOLOYE, I., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2019). Effects of a one-time compost application on carbon dynamics in dryland organic wheat systems in the Intermountain West, USA. SSSA
  • Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, (2019). Hay Sampler Comparison and Bale Sub-Sample Core Position Study. Proceedings - NACAA Western Region Professional Improvement Conference - 2019
  • Gale, J.A, Shaffer, B., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, (2017). Reducing Nitrogen Fertilizer Inputs for 1st and 2nd Year Corn Following Alfalfa in Utah. Western Association of County Agriculture Agents
  • Miller, R.L, Nielson, T., Jensen, M., Waldron, B.L, Bingham, T.J, Creech, J.E, Peel, M.D, (2016). Nutrient leaching under grazing systems with grass monocultures and grass-legume mixtures. American Society of Agronomy *
  • Murphy, K., Reeve, J., Creech, J.E, Hinojosa, L., Maughan, P.J, Jellen, E., Kellogg, J., Machado, S., Ludvigson, K., Shroeder, K., Finkelnburg, D., Wu, G., Ganiyal, G., Ross, C., Morris, C., Packer, D., (2016). Quinoa cultivation in western North America: Lessons learned and the path forward. American Society of Agronomy *
  • Pieper, M., Creech, J.E, Hines, S.L, Cardon, G., Ramirez, R., (2016). Silage Corn Hybrid Response to Row Spacing and Plant Density in the Intermountain West. American Society of Agronomy *
  • Creech, J.E, Deakin, M., Reeve, J., Hole, D.J, (2016). Compost carryover and cover crop effects on dryland organic wheat in Utah. Western Society of Crop Science *
  • Pieper, M., Creech, J.E, Hines, S.L, Cardon, G., Ramirez, R., (2016). Silage corn hybrid response to row spacing and plant density. Western Society of Crop Science *
  • Whitesides, R.E, Creech, J.E, Davison, J.C, (2016). Fortifying farms and ranches against weed invasion. Western Society of Weed Science *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Fact Sheets

  • Pace, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2023). Speeding snowmelt to control snow mold. Utah State University Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Agriculture water use and economic value in the Great Salt Lake Basin.
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Easy Calibration for Backpack and Canister (Handheld) Sprayers. USU Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Easy Calibration for Boom Sprayers. USU Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Three Options for Mixing and Loading Spray Tanks. USU Extension
  • Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., Dean, J., Schott, L., Creech, J.E, Richards, T., Davis, K., (2024). Crop Advisor Approaches to Soil Health Advising and Opportunities for Improvement.
  • Yost, M., Anderson, C., Allen, N., Barker, B., Heaton, M., Clawson, J., Creech, J.E, (2024). Deficit irrigation of pastures. Utah State University Extension
  • Baker, M., Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, Taylor, K., Zesiger, C., Gale, J.A, (2024). Alfalfa Nutrient Management Guide. Utah State University Extension
  • Yost, M., Baker, M., Zesiger, C., Gale, J.A, Clawson, J., Nelson, R., Palmer, M.D, Pace, M., Reid, C., Price, S., Creech, J.E, Ransom, C., Cardon, G., Anderson, C., Kunzler, M., (2024). 50 common questions about crops. Utah State University Extension
  • Yost, M., Cardon, G., Baker, M., Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, Pace, M., Taylor, K., Zesiger, C., Evans, T., Miller, R.L, (2023). Soil sampling guide for crops . Utah State University
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). 25 Rules of thumb for field crops. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Guide to drought tolerant crops. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Guide to on-farm trials. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Sorghum-sudangrass production guide. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Biochar impacts on crop yield and water use. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Manure application through pressurized irrigation systems. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Strategies for deficit irrigation of forage crops. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Ten frequently asked questions about growing cannabis. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2020). Ten Reasons Why Alfalfa is Highly Suitable for the West. USU Extension
  • Rose, M., Creech, J.E, Waldron, B., (2020). Pasture Management to Improve Dry Matter Intake. Utah State University
  • Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2020). Considerations for crop rotation from alfalfa to corn. USU Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2020). Nitrogen Fertilizer Guide for First-Year Small Grains Following Alfalfa.
  • Yost, M., Reid, C.R, Winward, D., Creech, J.E, (2019). Precision mobile drip irrigation for pivots and laterals. Utah State University Extension
  • Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2019). 4R's of Irrigation Management. Utah State University Extension
  • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2019). Defense against drought. Utah State University Extension
  • Buckland, K., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Cardon, G., Yost, M., Despain, D., (2018). Cover crops for Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Briscoe, J., Creech, J.E, Peel, M., Waldron, B., Cardon, G., Heaton, K., (2018). Successfully inter-seeding legumes into existing cool-season pastures. Utah State University Extension
  • Yost, M., Cardon, G., Reeve, J., Crookston, B., Creech, J.E, Measuring and building soil health.
  • Buckland, K., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Cardon, G., Pace, M., (2017). Quinoa for Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Griggs, T., Israelsen, C.E, Bingham, T.J, Clark, J., Pieper, M., (2015). Irrigated Alfalfa Variety Performance, 2011-2014; North Logan, Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Barnhill, J.V, Gale, J.A, Israelsen, C.E, Kitchen, B.M, Nelson, R., Pace, M., (2015). The Potential for Reducing N Fertilizer Inputs for Corn Production in the First Year Following Alfalfa. Utah State University Extension
  • Allen, L., Creech, J.E, Pace, M., Israelsen, C.E, (2015). Irrigation of Safflower in Northern Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Pace, M., Israelsen, C.E, Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2015). Growing Safflower in Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Pace, M., Israelsen, C.E, Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2015). 2014 Dryland Safflower Variety Trial Results at Blue Creek, Utah. *
  • Israelsen, C.E, Pace, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2015). Dryland Safflower Response to Dormant Seeding in Utah. Utah State University Extension
  • Young, A., Creech, J.E, Zobell, D., Israelsen, C.E, Eun, J., (2014). Integrating Teff into Livestock Operations. Utah State University Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Rasmussen, V., Newhall, R., (2014). The ten most common mistakes in using Conservation Tillage. USU Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Newton, J., Davison, J., Schultz, B., (2014). Establishing priority weeds for early detection and rapid response (EDRR) education in Nevada. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Pace, M., Israelsen, C.E, Creech, J.E, (2013). 2012 Dryland Safflower Variety Trial at Blue Creek, Utah (Box Elder Co.). Utah State University Extension *
  • Creech, J.E, Laca, M., Barnhill, J.V, Olsen, S.H, (2012). Teff Hay Production Guidelines for Utah. Utah State University
  • Creech, J.E, Israelsen, C.E, Pace, M., Whitesides, R.E, (2012). Herbicide Strategies to Maximize Yield in Glyphosate-Resistant Corn. Utah State University Extension
  • Blecker, L., Creech, J.E, Davison, J., (2011). Integrated weed management in seedling alfalfa. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Evans, M., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Carson City and Storey Counties. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Churchill County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Clark and S. Nye Counties. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Lewis, S., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Douglas County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., McAdoo, K., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Elko County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., McCuin, G., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Eureka County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Humboldt County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Davis, R., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Lander County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Gatzke, H., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Lincoln County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Singletary, L., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Lyon County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Emm, S., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Mineral County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Meier, A., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for N. Nye and Esmeralda Counties. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Nevada. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Foster, S., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Pershing County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Donaldson, S., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for Washoe County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Blecker, L., Davison, J., Schultz, B., Nelson, D., (2011). Weeds to Watch: New Weed Threats for White Pine County. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Olsen, S.H, Barnhill, J.V, (2011). Corn grain hybrid trial, 2010. USU Extension
  • Creech, J.E, Rafferty, D., (2007). Identification and Management of Russian-olive. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Getz, M., Robbins, M., Thorsted, K., Jensen, K., Robins, J., Creech, J.E, Bushman, S., (2024). Late-heading parental selection in orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Crop Science, 64:2, 1072-1082.
  • Barnes, C., Wickwar, E., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Ramirez, R., (2024). The effects of water-stress, temperature, and plant traits on the outbreak potential of a specialist and generalist spider mite species (Acari:Tetranychidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/jen.13204
  • Boren, D., Sullivan, T., Crookston, B.S, Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, (2024). Alfalfa potassium and phosphorus uptake and use efficiencies as impacted by irrigation technology, deficit irrigation, and alfalfa cultivar. Agronomy Journal, 116:6, 3273-3286. doi: 10.1002/agj2.21692
  • Atoloye, I., Cappellazzi, S.B, Creech, J.E, Yost, M., Zhang, W., Jacobson, A., Reeve, J., (2024). Soil health benefits of compost persist two decades after single application to winter wheat. Agronomy Journal, 116:6, 2719-2734. doi: 10.1002/agj2.21716
  • Peel, M.D, Waldron, B.L, Briscoe, J.T, Rose, M.F, Isom, S.C, Thornton-Kurth, K.J, Hadfield, J.A, Rood, K., Creech, J.E, (2024). Intake and diet preference of dairy heifers grazing mixed or alternating rows of birdsfoot trefoil and cool-season grasses. Grassland Research, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/glr2.12094
  • Yost, M., Cartee, R., Davis, B., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, Rasmussen, P., (2024). Long-term 4R nitrogen management in dryland wheat–fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88:4, 1297-1308. doi: 10.1002/saj2.20675
  • Hadfield, J., Zesiger, C., Taylor, K., Clawson, J., Pace, M., Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Identification of Effective Planting Times of Cover Crops Interseeded into Corn in Utah.. Journal of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, 16:1
  • Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Barker, B., (2023). Improving pivot ruts with simple sprinkler modifications. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149:12, doi: https://doi.org/10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10188
  • Anderson, A., Ramirez, R., Creech, J.E, Pitts-Singer, T., (2023). Life cycle of Melittobia Acasta (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) using Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) as a host. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/iead031
  • Anderson, A., Ramirez, R., Creech, J.E, Pitts-Singer, T., (2023). Melittobia Acasta (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) female longevity and life stage-dependent parasitism using commercially managed Megachile rotundata (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) as hosts. . Journal of Insect Science. , doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/iead031
  • Roberts, C., Yost, M., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2023). Oat companion seeding rate, herbicide, and irrigation effects on alfalfa establishment. Agronomy Journal
  • Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Winward, D., Barker, B., (2023). On-farm assessments of overhead irrigation sprinkler packages at full and reduced rates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20611
  • Loveland, L.C, Orloff, S.B, Yost, M., Bohle, M., Galdi, G.C, Getts, T., Putnam, D.H, Ransom, C., Samac, D.A, Wilson, R., Creech, J.E, (2023). Glyphosate-resistant alfalfa can exhibit injury after glyphosate application in the Intermountain West. Agronomy Journal, 115:4, 1827-1841.
  • Sullivan, T., Yost, M., Boren, D., Creech, J.E, Kitchen, B.M, Violett, R., Barker, B., (2023). Irrigation Technology, Irrigation Rate, and Drought-Tolerant Genetics Impacts on Silage Corn Production . Agronomy, doi: 10.3390/agronomy13051194
  • Greenland, M., Waldron, B., Isom, S., Fonnesbeck, S., Peel, M., Rood, K., Thornton-Kurth, K., Miller, R.L, Hadfield, J., Henderson, B., Creech, J.E, (2023). Dry-matter intake and feed efficiency of heifers from four dairy breed-types grazing organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil mixed pastures. Journal of Dairy Science, doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2022-22858
  • Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., McAvoy, D., Winward, D., (2022). Biochar had minor impacts on yield, quality, and water availability of alfalfa, corn, and wheat. Agronomy Journal, 114, 1717-1730.
  • Promchote, P., Wang, S., Yoon, J., Johnson, P.G, Creech, J.E, Shen, Y., Yao, M., (2022). On the Changing Cool Season Affecting Rice Growth and Yield in Taiwan. Agronomy, doi: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12112625
  • Atoloye, I.I, Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., (2022). Soil organic carbon pools and soil quality indicators 3 and 24 years after a tone-time compost application in organic dryland wheat systems.. Soil and Tillage Research, 224, doi: 105503
  • Rose, M.F, Waldron, B.L, Isom, S.C, Peel, M.D, Thornton-Kurth, K., Miller, R.L, Rood, K.A, Hadfield, J.A, Long, J., Henderson, B., Creech, J.E, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Herbage characteristics affecting intake. Journal of Dairy Science, 104:10, 10879-10895. doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19563
  • Hadfield, J., Waldron, B.L, Isom, S., Creech, J.E, Rose, M.F, Long, J., Miller, R.L, Rood, K.A, Young, A., Stott, R.D, Sweat, A., Thornton-Kurth, K., (2021). The effects of grass and grass-legume pastures on organic dairy heifer development: Heifer growth and performance. Journal of Dairy Science, 104:10, 10863-10878. doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19524
  • Yost, M., Pound, C., Kitchen, B.M, Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Gale, J.A, Heaton, K., Price, S., Pace, M., Wilde, T., (2021). Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of First-Year Small Grain Forages Following Alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 113, 2006-2017.
  • Clark, J., Yost, M., Griggs, T., Cardon, G., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2021). Nitrogen fertilization and glyphosate-resistant alfalfa termination method effects on first-year silage corn. Agronomy Journal, 113, 1712-1723.
  • Clark, J., Yost, M., Cardon, G., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2021). Tillage method and glyphosate-resistant alfalfa termination timing affect soil properties and subsequent corn yield. Agronomy Journal, 113, 321-334.
  • Hadfield, J., Waldron, B.L, Isom, S., Feuz, R., Larsen, R., Creech, J.E, Rose, M.F, Long, J.N, Peel, M.D, Miller, R.L, Rood, K., Young, A., Stott, R.D, Sweat, A., Thornton, K.J, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Heifer growth, performance, and economic impact.. Journal of dairy science
  • Atoloye, I., Creech, J.E, Dai, X., Reeve, J., (2021). Nutritive and non-nutritive effects of compost on organic dryland wheat in Utah.. Agronomy Journal, 113, 3518-3531.
  • Atoloye, I.A, Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., (2021). Variable impact of compost on phosphorus dynamics in organic dryland soils following a one-time application. Soil Science Society of America Journal
  • Rose, M.F, Waldron, B.L, Isom, S., Peel, M.D, Thornton, K.J, Miller, R.L, Rood, K., Hadfield, J., Henderson, B., Creech, J.E, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Herbage characteristics affecting intake.. Journal of Dairy Science
  • Waldron, B., Bingham, T., Creech, J.E, Peel, M., Miller, R.L, Jensen, K., Zobell, D., Eun, J., Heaton, K., Snyder, D.L, (2020). Binary mixtures of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil with tall fescue: herbage traits associated with the improved growth performance of beef steers. Grassland Science, 66, 74-87.
  • Buckland, K.R, Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Cardon, G., (2019). QUINOA RESPONSE TO LINE SOURCE SPRINKLER IRRIGATION. Journal of Crop Improvement, 33, 649-668.
  • Mortenson, J.S, Waldron, B.L, Larson, S., Jensen, K., DeHaan, L.R, Peel, M.D, Johnson, P.G, Creech, J.E, (2019). Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) for Forage Traits in Intermediate Wheatgrass When Grown as Spaced-Plants versus Monoculture and Polyculture Swards. Agronomy, 9:10
  • Waldron, B.L, Bingham, T.J, Creech, J.E, Peel, M.D, Miller, R.L, Jensen, K., Zobell, D., Eun, J.S, Heaton, K., Snyder, D.L, (2019). Binary mixtures of alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil with tall fescue: Herbage traits associated with the improved growth performance of beef steers. Grassland Science
  • Rigby, C., Jensen, K., Creech, J.E, Thacker, E., Waldron, B., Derner, J., (2018). Establishment and Trends in Persistence of Selected Perennial Cool-Season Grasses in the Western United States. Range Ecology and Management, 71, 681-690.
  • Creech, C.F, Waldron, B.L, Ransom, C., Zobell, D., Creech, J.E, (2018). Influence of harvest date on seed yield and quality in forage kochia. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 5:1, 71-79. doi: https://doi.org/10.15302/J-FASE-2017196
  • Buckland, K., Reeve, J., Creech, J.E, Durham, S., (2018). Managing soil fertility and health for quinoa production and weed control in organic systems. Soil and Tillage Research, 184, 52-61. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.still.2018.07.001
  • Sagers, J.K, Waldron, B.L, Creech, J.E, Mott, I.W, Bugbee, B.G, (2017). Salinity tolerance of three competing rangeland pant species: Studies in hydroponic culture. Ecology and Evolution, 7, 10916–10929.
  • Creech, J.E, Waldron, B.L, Peel, M.D, Larson, S.R, Mott, I.W, (2017). Tall fescue forage mass in a grass-legume mixture: Predicted efficiency of indirect selection. Euphytica, 213, 67.
  • Cox, S., Peel, M.D, Creech, J.E, Waldron, B.L, Eun, J., Zobell, D., Miller, R.L, Snyder, D.L, (2017). Forage production of grass-legume binary mixtures on Intermountain Western USA irrigated pastures. Crop Science, 57, 1-12.
  • Smith, R.C, Waldron, B.L, Creech, J.E, Zobell, R.A, Zobell, D., (2016). Forage kochia and Russian wildrye potential for rehabilitating Gardner’s saltbush ecosystems degraded by halogeton. Rangeland Ecology & Management , 69, 390-398.
  • Holt, M.S, Yang, S., Creech, J.E, Eun, J., Young, A., (2016). In situ ruminal degradation kinetics of corn silage hybrids harvested prior to or at maturity in dry and lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Plant Sci., 26, 46-53.
  • Jensen, K.B, Harrison, P., Chatterton, N.J, Bushman, B.S, Creech, J.E, (2014). Seasonal trends in nonstructural carbohydrates in cool- and warm-season grasses. Crop Science, 54, 2328-2340.
  • Creech, C.F, Waldron, B.L, Ransom, C., Zobell, D., Creech, J.E, (2013). Factors influencing the field germination of forage kochia. Crop Science, 53:Sept-Oct, 2202-2208. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2012.09.0533
  • Mock, V., Creech, J.E, Ferris, V., Faghihi, J., Westphal, A., Santini, J., Johnson, W., (2012). Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds: years four and five. Weed Science, 60, 634-640.
  • Pace, M., Israelsen, C.E, Creech, J.E, (2012). Dryland Safflower Response to Dormant Seeding in Utah. Journal of the NACAA, 5:2, doi: ISSN 2158-9429
  • Kyser, G.B, Creech, J.E, Zhang, J., DiTomaso, J.M, (2012). Timing of low glyphosate rates for control of medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae) in sagebrush scrub. Invasive Plant Management Science, 5, 1-8.
  • Rowley, M.A, Black, B.L, Ransom, C., Reeve, J., Creech, J.E, (2011). Alternative alleyways for tart cherry orchards. Journal of the American Pomological Society, 65:4, 208-217.
  • Mock, V.A, Creech, J.E, Ferris, V.R, Hallett, S.G, Johnson, W.G, (2010). Influence of winter annual weed removal timings on soybean cyst nematode population densities. . Weed Science, 58, 381-386.
  • Mock, V.A, Creech, J.E, Davis, V.M, Johnson, W.G, (2009). Plant growth and soybean cyst nematode response to purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum), annual ryegrass, and soybean combinations. Weed Science, 57, 489-493.
  • Creech, J.E, Westphal, A., Ferris, V.R, Faghihi, J., Vyn, T.J, Santini, J.B, Johnson, W.G, (2008). Influence of winter annual weed management and crop rotation on soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and winter annual weeds. Weed Science, 56, 103-111.
  • Johnson, W.G, Creech, J.E, Mock, V.A, (2008). Role of winter Annual weeds as alternative hosts for soybean cyst nematode. Crop Management, doi: 10.1094/CM-2008-0701-01-RV
  • Creech, J.E, Webb, J.S, Young, B.G, Bond, J.P, Harrison, S.K, Ferris, V.R, Faghihi, J., Westphal, A., Johnson, W.G, (2007). Development of soybean cyst nematode on henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum). . Weed Technology, 21, 1064-1070.
  • Creech, J.E, Faghihi, J., Ferris, V.R, Westphal, A., Johnson, W.G, (2007). Influence of intraspecific henbit (Lamium amplexicaule) and purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) competition on soybean cyst nematode. Weed Science, 55, 665-670.
  • Creech, J.E, Santini, J.B, Conley, S.P, Westphal, A., Johnson, W.G, (2007). Purple deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) and soybean cyst nematode response to cold temperature regimes. Weed Science, 55, 592-598.
  • Creech, J.E, Johnson, W.G, Faghihi, J., Ferris, V.R, (2007). Survey of Indiana producers and crop advisors: A perspective on winter annual weeds and soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). . Weed Technology, 21, 532-536.
  • Creech, J.E, Johnson, W.G, (2006). Survey of broadleaf winter weeds in Indiana production fields infested with soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). . Weed Technology, 20, 1066-1075.
  • Creech, J.E, Johnson, W.G, Faghihi, J., Ferris, V.R, Westphal, A., (2005). First report of soybean cyst nematode reproduction on purple deadnettle under field conditions. Crop Management, doi: 10.1094/CM-2005-0715-01-BR
  • Monaco, T.A, Johnson, D.A, Creech, J.E, (2005). Morphological and physiological responses of the invasive weed Isatis tinctoria to contrasting light, soil-nitrogen and water. Weed Res., 45, 460-466.
  • Creech, J.E, Monaco, T.A, Evans, J.O, (2004). Photosynthetic and growth responses of Zea mays L. and four weed species following post-emergence treatments with mesotrione and atrazine. Pest Management Science, 60, 1079-1087.
  • Monaco, T.A, Creech, J.E, (2004). Sulfosulfuron effects on growth and photosynthesis of 15 range grasses. Journal of Range Management, 57, 490-496.

Professional Journal

    Public or Trade Journal

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | MultiMedia



      • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Hemp field research. USU Extension *
      • Miller, R.L, Waldron, B., Creech, J.E, (2021). The nutrient cycle of pastured heifers.. Utah State University *
      • Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2019). How to do a preseason wheel line inspection. Utah State University Extension *


        Other Media

        • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Facebook Page. *
        • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Instagram Page. *
        • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Twitter Page. *

        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

        Publications | Other


        • Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, (2020). Chemigation guide. USU Extension
        • Blecker, L., Paterson, J., Davison, J., Creech, J.E, Schultz, B., (2014). Establishing priority weeds for early detection and rapid response (EDRR) education in Nevada. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Creech, J.E, Schultz, B., McAdoo, K., (2014). The response of perennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) to physical and chemical mowing and herbicide treatment of the regrowth. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
        • Schultz, B., Creech, J.E, Singletary, L., (2010). Criteria for Herbicide Selection and Use. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Schultz, B., Creech, J.E, Singletary, L., (2010). Needs Assessment for Noxious Weeds in Humboldt County: Part 1 of 5 – Problem Weeds and Approaches and Methods of Control. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
        • Schultz, B., Creech, J.E, Singletary, L., (2010). Needs Assessment for Noxious Weeds in Humboldt County: Part 2 of 5 – Problems of and Obstacles to Weed Management. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Schultz, B., Creech, J.E, Singletary, L., (2010). Needs Assessment for Noxious Weeds in Humboldt County: Part 3 of 5 – Spread, Detection, and Prevention of Weeds. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Creech, J.E, Schultz, B., Blecker, L., (2010). Nevada Noxious Weed Field Guide. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Blecker, L., Creech, J.E, Davison, J., (2010). Nevada’s 2008 Weed Management Extension Program Needs Assessment: A Survey of Agricultural Producers and Public Land Managers. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Schultz, B., Creech, J.E, Singletary, L., (2010). Priority Research and Outreach. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension Publication
        • Creech, J.E, Schultz, B., Torell, R., Davies, K., (2008). Ranch Biosecurity as a Weed Control Measure. Cow-Calf Management Guide - Cattle Producer's Library. University of Idah, Moscow

        Magazine/Trade Publications

        • Creech, J.E, (2018). When the alfalfa stand is done. Progressive Forage *
        • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). Irrigation strategies that make sense. Progressive Forage *
        • Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2020). Ten benefits of alfalfa in the west. National Alfalfa Forage Alliance *
        • Cherney, J., Creech, J.E, MacAdam, J.W, (2018). Forage crops need respect. Hay and Forage Grower *
        • Cherney, J., Creech, J.E, MacAdam, J.W, (2018). Forage in crisis: Forage crops don’t get no respect. Progressive Forage, September, pp. 14-16 *
        • Whitesides, R.E, Creech, J.E, (2018). Simple tips for determining 10 percent bloom in alfalfa. Progressive Forage *
        • Whitesides, R.E, Creech, J.E, (2018). Establishing alfalfa: Old school rules of thumb. Progressive Forage *
        • Creech, J.E, (2017). New herbicides kill winter weeds in alfalfa. Farm Journal Ag Web *
        • Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Ransom, C., (2016). Considerations when switching from alfalfa to corn. Progressive Forage Grower *
        • Whitesides, R.E, Creech, J.E, Israelsen, C.E, (2014). Hard water affects herbicide efficacy. Progressive Forage Grower Magazine *


        • Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). From The Field E-Newsletter. *

        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


        PSC 5550, 6550 - Fundamentals of Integrated Weed Management, Fall 2021
        PSC 5550, 6550 - Fundamentals of Integrated Weed Management, Fall 2021
        PSC 5550, 6550 - Fundamentals of Integrated Weed Management, Fall 2021
        PSC 7900 - Special Problems in Plants, Soils, and/or Climate, Spring 2021


        Agriculture , 2020 - Ongoing
        Extension Agronomy Programs, 2010 - Ongoing
        1A. Sevier County Assignment: Agronomic Crops 1of2 - Production, 2009 - 2026
        1B. Sevier County Assignment: Agronomic Crops 2of2 - Research , 2009 - 2026
        Soil Health, 2016 - 2016

        Graduate Students Mentored

        McKenna Carnahan, Plants, Soils, and Climate
        Brad Davis, Plants, Soils, and Climate
        Kyle Forsyth, Plants, Soils, and Climate
        Rodney Nelson, Plants, Soils, and Climate
        Benson Israelsen, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2024
        Michael Greenland, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2022
        Megan Getz, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2022
        Carson Roberts, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2021
        Michael Deakin, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2021
        Michael Laca, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2021
        Logan Loveland, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2020
        Marcus Rose, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2019
        John Mortenson, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2019
        Jacob Briscoe, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2018
        Mark Pieper, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2018
        Joseph Sagers, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2016
        Craig Rigby, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2016
        Rob Smith, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2015
        TJ Bingham, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2014
        Jason Clark, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2014
        Steven Cox, Plants, Soils, and Climate 2013