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We are pleased to announce that the 7th International Conference on Nitrification and Related Processes (ICoN7) will be held virtually coming from Logan Utah USA from July 18-22, 2021. The ICoN meetings are the premier biennial opportunity for sharing scientific research related to nitrification, links between nitrification and other processes of the global nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of insights from fundamental science to technical and environmental systems. The Scientific Advisory Committee has put together a stellar program covering a wide range of topics related to the global nitrogen cycle, intersection between nitrogen and other elemental cycles, and applications of knowledge from basic research to technological innovation to environmental application. These topics will be covered by invited keynote lectures, plenary and contributed talks, posters, and an early career workshop for young scientists. The ICoN7 is the first ICoN to be held virtually due to safety concerns of the Covid 19 pandemic. We are now calling for abstract submissions. We expect all attendees to register and submit an abstract for presentation. Please submit your abstract online by May 15, 2021 for consideration for an oral presentation and by June 19, 2021 for poster. Oral presentations may be prerecorded video available for on-demand viewing. Video short talks will complement poster presentations. Interactive sessions for discussions and questions are also planned. Note the meeting language is English. On behalf of the Scientific Advisory Committee and local team at Utah State University, we look forward to your contribution and participation.
We will meet you from where you are!
Submit by June 19, 2021
Submit AbstractsScientific Advisory Committee
Bess B Ward (ICoN8), Princeton University, USA; Jeanette M. Norton (ICoN7), Utah State University USA
Lisa Y Stein (ICoN4), University of Alberta, Canada;
Martin G Klotz (ICoN1), Washington State University, USA
Hongyue Dang (ICoN6), Xiamen University, China;
Holger Daims (ICoN5), Michael Wagner (ICoN5), Christa Schleper (ICoN5), University of Vienna, Austria
Yuichi Suwa (ICoN3), Chuo University, Japan
Graeme Nicol, University of Lyon, France
Annette Bollmann, Miami University, Ohio USA
Thank you for submitting your work for presentation during the virtual ICoN-7 (International conference on nitrification and related processes)!!
You have a few days left to edit your abstract and then upload your posters and presentations. The same page as for your abstract has the link for uploading your poster (ppt or pdf format) and video files (mp4). The abstract page directly is here.
Poster suggested size for on screen viewing: 90 cm high by 120 cm wide (36 x 48 inches) for a 3:4 aspect ratio in landscape mode.
See this fun and interesting create a #BetterPoster video and some templates as well
We will have interactive sessions planned for each topical session on each day of the conference. Please note the poster session for section 5 engineered systems will be on July 21 at 22:00-23:00 UTC before the session 5 speakers so that posters can be reviewed before the end of the conference and that those participating from Asia will experience less of time shift.
Please do a 5 minute video highlighting the main points of your poster, save in mp4 format please for upload. An easy way is to use zoom to record a 5 minute session with shared screen for key figures.
For presenters please pre-record your talk with your presentation and keep to your time limit : 15 minute for talks followed by 5 minutes for questions, plenary speakers have 30 minutes and 5 minutes for questions. Question sessions will be live so please make sure to check the timing for your presentation.
English will be the official language for all conference presentations. This wide range of topics will be covered by keynote lectures, invited and contributed talks, posters, and an early career workshop. Social activities will include an opening keynote with chat and we are working on other ways to meet and greet.
- New Physiologies and Biochemistry
- Novel Organisms, New Interactions, Genomics and Evolution
- Terrestrial Environments (Ecology of N transformations)
- Aquatic & Marine Environments (Ecology of N cycling)
- Engineered Systems (Wastewater, compost, bioremediation)
Akihiko Terada, Professor, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
Craig Herbold, Scientist, Department of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, University of Vienna, Austria
Jana Milucka, Group leader Greenhouse gases, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany
Silvia E. Newell, Assoc. Professor, Dept. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State University, Dayton Ohio USA
Rodney Venterea, Research Soil Scientist and Professor, USDA-ARS University of Minnesota, USA
Eva Spieck, Group leader Microbiology and biotechnology, University of Hamburg, Germany
Christa Schleper, Professor, Department of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria
Graeme Nicol, Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon, Université de Lyon, France
Annette Bollmann, Assoc. Professor, Department of Microbiology, Miami University, Miami Ohio, USA
Lisa Stein, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta, Canada
Bess B. Ward, Professor and Chair Department of Geosciences, Princeton University
Session 1 Novel Organisms, New Interactions, Genomics and Evolution
Craig Herbold,, Centre for Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science, Dept. of Microbiology and Ecosystem Science, University of Vienna, Austria
Large-scale genome sequencing of diverse isolates reveals widespread genetic heterogeneity within and between lineages of ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosomonadaceae
Session 2 New Physiologies and Biochemistry
Jana Milucka, Department of Biogeochemistry, Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen, Germany
Anaerobic endosymbiont generates energy for ciliate host through denitrification
Session 3 Terrestrial Systems (Ecology of nitrogen transformations)
Rodney Venterea, USDA-ARS University of Minnesota, St. Paul MN, USA
Improving our understanding of the role of nitrification in regulating nitrogen gas emissions from intensively fertilized soils
Session 4 Aquatic and Marine Systems (Ecology of nitrogen transformations)
Silvia E. Newell Wright State University, Dayton Ohio USA.
Nitrification in two shallow, eutrophic lakes in Estonia
Session 5 Engineered Systems (Wastewater, compost, bioremediation, aquaculture)
Eva Spieck -, University of Hamburg, Germany
Relevance of Nitrotoga for nitrite oxidation in technical nitrogen removal systems