Michelle Burrows PhD

Applied Sciences, Technology and Education

Assistant Professor

Michelle Burrows

Contact Information

Office Location: ASTE 105
Phone: 435-797-1193
Email: michelle.burrows@usu.edu

Educational Background

PhD, Career and Technical Education, Utah State University, 2021
Socioscientific Issues in Agricultural Education: Describing and Exploring Factors of Integration
MS, Animal Science, (Agricultural Literacy and Education), University of Nevada Reno, 2010
Assessing the Interest and Feasibility of Incorporating Agriculture into Washoe County Elementary Curriculum
BS, Animal Science, (Rangeland Livestock Production), University of Nevada Reno, 2007


Michelle Burrows is an assistant professor at Utah State University and is the Team Leader for the National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL) which is housed at USU.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Burrows teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in Career and Technical Education and is the Team Leader for the National Center for Agricultural Literacy (NCAL) which supports Agriculture in the Classroom programs in all 50 states and U.S. territories through curriculum and professional development, and agricultural literacy research.

Research Interests

Dr. Burrows is an assistant professor whose research centers around agricultural education and literacy efforts preparing K-12 teachers, to address socioscientific issues in their classes.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Decker, S.K, Pate, M., Sorensen, T., Burrows, M., Kraus, K., Edgar, D., (2024). Differences between Male and Female Welding Students’ Tinkering Self-Efficacy. Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development, 12:1
  • Decker, S.K, Pate, M., Sorensen, T., Burrows, M., Kraus, K., Edgar, D., Students’ perceptions of male and female post-secondary agricultural mechanics welding instructors. The NACTA Journal
  • Judd-Murray, M., Burrows, M., Dallin, J., (2023). Agricultural courses and clubs impact on Utah Extension educator's agricultural literacy. Journal of NACAA, 16:2
  • McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M., (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and agricultural education: An exploration of challenges faced by agriculture teachers. Journal o Natural Sciences Education, 50:1, 1-10. doi: http://doi.org/10.1002/nse2.20060
  • Burrows, M., Sorensen, T.J, Spielmaker, D., (2020). Assessing the acceptance of incorporating agriculture into elementary school curriculum. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61:2, 358-370.
  • Perryman, B.L, Shultz, B.W, Burrows, M., Shenkoru, T., Wilker, J., (2020). Fall grazing and grazing exclusion effects on cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum L.) seedbank assays in Nevada, USA. Journal of Rangeland Ecology & Management, 73:3, 343-347.
  • Hopkins, N., Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M., Lawver, R.G, (2020). Happy spouse, happy greenhouse: Perceptions of the SBAE teacher’s spouse regarding agricultural education as a career. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61:3, 194-213.
  • Smith, C., Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M., Lawver, R.G, (2020). Pioneering spirit: Examining the motives and experiences of non-SBAE students majoring in agricultural education. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61:3, 164-181.

Professional Journal

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


      , Fall 2023
      ASTE 2500 - Education Forum in Career and Technical Education, Fall 2023
      USU 1350 - Integrated Life Science, Fall 2023
      ASTE 6380 - Mentoring and Supervision, Fall 2023
      ASTE 2710 - Orientation to Agriculture Education, Fall 2023
      USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2023
      ASTE 3620 - Managing the FFA and SAE Programs, Spring 2023
      TEE 3200 - Methods of Teaching Engineering and Technology Education I, Spring 2023
      ASTE 3240 - Teaching in Laboratory Settings, Spring 2023
      , Fall 2022
      USU 1350 - Integrated Life Science, Fall 2022
      ASTE 2710 - Orientation to Agriculture Education, Fall 2022
      USU 1010 - University Connections, Fall 2022
      ASTE 3620 - Managing the FFA and SAE Programs, Spring 2022
      ASTE, TEE 3200, 3240 - Teaching in Laboratory Settings, Spring 2022
      USU 1350 - Integrated Life Science, Fall 2021
      ASTE 6380 - Mentoring and Supervision, Fall 2021
      ASTE 2710 - Orientation to Agriculture Education, Fall 2021
      USU 1350 - Integrated Life Science, Summer 2021

      Graduate Students Mentored

      Saydee Longhurst, Ag Systems Technology Ed, August 2023
      Jenny Bennett, Ag Systems Technology Ed
      Jennifer Long, Ag Systems Technology Ed - December 2023