Arthur Caplan

Applied Economics

Professor, Environmental Economics, Applied Microeconomics

Arthur J. Caplan

Contact Information

Office Hours: By Appointment
Office Location: AGRS
Phone: (435) 797-0775
Additional Information:

Educational Background

PhD, Economics, University of Oregon, 1996
Asymmetric Externalities and Strategic Behavior: The Case of Moderate Global Warming.
PhD, EconomicsUniversity of Oregon, Eugene, 1996
Asymmetric Externalities and Strategic Behavior: The Case of Moderate Global Warming
MA, Agricultural Economics, Washington State University, 1986
Costs, Returns, and Relative Soil Loss Comparisons of Alternative Tillage Systems in the Three Precipitation Zones of the Palouse River Basin, Washington.
MA, Agricultural EconomicsWashington State University, Pullman, 1986
BA, Economics and Communications, University of Michigan, 1983
BA, Economics and CommunicationsUniversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1983


Arthur J. Caplan is Professor of Economics in the Department of Applied Economics at Utah State University. He earned his Ph D. degree in Economics from the University of Oregon in 1996. Since that time, he has taught courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in microeconomics, environmental economics, public policy, and quantitative analysis. His research has investigated a broad range of predominantly environmental issues, with a focus on the control of transboundary pollution problems, non-market valuation of waste management alternatives, water quality trading, and water conservation.

Teaching Interests

Dr. Caplan currently teaches PhD courses in microeconomic theory and environmental economics. The microeconomic theory courses explore classical demand and production theory, along with an analysis of market-structure, asymmetric information, uncertainty, and general equilibrium analysis. The environmental economics course introduces the student to the seminal papers in externality theory, asymmetric information, monitoring and enforcement, and stock externalities.

Research Interests

Dr. Caplan's research program is focused primarily in three areas – the control of transboundary pollution, non-market valuation of environmental goods, and pollution trading. Within the area of transboundary pollution, his interests relate to the design of efficient mechanisms to control global externalities, such as climate change and acid rain, whose economic jurisdictions transcend the political jurisdictions of affected countries. The mechanisms are normative and theoretical, e.g., an “Ideal Kyoto Protocol” to control climate change. Within the area of non-market valuation, his work focuses on estimating household willingness to pay for different waste disposal options, such as curbside recycling, quantity-based pricing, and landfill location. This work is positive and empirical, and is used to inform policy making at the community, state and national levels. More recently, Dr. Caplan has been conducting research in the area of pollution trading, in specific water quality trading. He is also a member of an inter-disciplinary team of researchers investigating residential water conservation.


Researcher of the Year, 2008

Department of Economics, Utah State University

Researcher of the Year, 2008

Jon M. Huntsman School of Business, Utah State University

Finalist for Bill E. Robins Faculty Researcher of the Year Award, 2008

Utah State University

Huntsman School of Business Researcher of the Year Award, 2008

Department of Economics Researcher of the Year Award, Utah State University, 2007

Fulbright Scholars Award, 2007

U.S. Fulbright Program

Fulbright Scholars Award, 2007

U.S. Fulbright Scholars Program

Department of Economics Researcher of the Year Award, 2006

Utah State University

Researcher of the Year, 2006

Department of Economics, Utah State University

Department of Economics Researcher of the Year Award, Utah State University, 2004

Researcher of the Year Award, 2004

Department of Economics, Utah State University

Summer Research Awards, 2000

John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics (3), Weber State University

Pacificorp's Earth Stewart's Award, 1999

Weber State University

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth (RSPG) Awards (5), 1999

Weber State University

Summer Research Awards, 1999

John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics (3), Weber State University

Pacificorp's Earth Stewart's Award, 1999

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth (RSPG) Awards (5), 1998

Weber State University

Summer Research Awards, 1998

John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics (3), Weber State University

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth (RSPG) Awards (5), 1997

Weber State University

Summer Research Awards, 1997

John B. Goddard School of Business and Economics (3), Weber State University

Summer Research Awards, 1997

Research, Scholarship, and Professional Growth (RSPG) Awards (5), 1996

Weber State University

Research, Scholarship & Professional Growth (RSPG) Awards, 1996

Departmental Teaching Award for Graduate Teaching Fellows, 1995

University of Oregon

Dept Teaching Award, 1995

Kleinsorge Summer Research Fellowship, 1994

University of Oregon

Kleinsorge Summer Research Fellowship, 1993

University of Oregon

Kleinsorge Summer Research Fellowship, 1993

Dean's Award for Enterprising Students, 1981

University of Michigan

Vice-President's Award for Outstanding Students, 1981

University of Michigan

Dean's Award for Enterprising Students, 1981

Vice President's Award for Outstanding Students, 1981

Publications | Books

      Publications | Book Chapters

    • Finnoff, D., Caplan, A.J, (2011). Bioeconomics and International Trade: The Case of the Great Salt Lake, Utah: New Development in Computable General Equilibrium Analysis for Trade Policy. Emerald Group Publishing
    • Caplan, A.J, Finnoff, D., (2011). Bioeconomics and International Trade: The Case of the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Frontiers in Economics and Globalization, Volume 7, Emerald Group Publishing *
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2005). Equitable and Efficient International Schemes to Control Carbon Dioxide Emissions." In The Political Economy of Policy Reform: Essays in Honor of J. Michael Finger, Douglas Nelson (ed.). Contributions to Economic Analysis, Elsevier Inc.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2005). Equitable and Efficient International Schemes to Control Carbon Dioxide Emissions. The Political Economy of Policy Reform: Essays in Honor of J. Michael Finger, Elsevier Inc. *
    • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Poverty and Access to Health Care: An Academic Service Learning Project in Economics.Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics, K.M. McGoldrick and A. Ziegert (eds.). University of Michigan Press
    • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Poverty and access to health care: an academic service learning project in economics. Putting the Invisible Hand to Work: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Economics, University of Michigan Press *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Curriculum

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Journal Articles

    Academic Journal

    • Li, M., Siu, W., Caplan, A.J, (2024). Utah's Greenbelt Program Has Caused Unintended Effects on Farmland Protection. Choices, 39
    • Caplan, A.J, Akhundjanov, S., Toll, K., (2021). Measuring Heterogeneous Preferences for Residential Amenities. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 87, 103646. doi:
    • Caplan, A.J, Oladi, R., (2018). Green Competition, Hybrid Equilibrium, and Establishment of a Resale Market. International Review of Economics and Finance, 58, 259-269.
    • Oladi, R., Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, (2018). Sequestration and the Engagement of Developing Economies in a Global Carbon Market. Resource and Energy Economics, 52:C, 50-63.
    • Caplan, A.J, Kim, M., (2018). A Note on Mitigating the Adverse Scale Effects Associated With Daily Driving Restrictions. Environment and Development Economics, 23, 63-79.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2017). The Simple Economics of Conservation Clubs. Environment and Natural Resources Research, 7:2, 112-130.
    • Caplan, A.J, Moscardini, L., (2017). Controlling Episodic Air Pollution with a Seasonal Gas Tax: The Case of Cache Valley, Utah. Environmental and Resource Economics/Springer, 66:4, 689-715.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2016). Uncertainty and the Voluntary Provision of a Pure Public Good in a Two-Moment Model. Journal of Public Economic Theory/Wiley, Inc., 18:6, 910-922.
    • Caplan, A.J, Sims, C., Anderson, E.J, (2014). Measuring the Environmental Cost of Hypocrisy. Ecological Economics, 108, 124-135.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2014). Measuring the Surplus of Superficiality: The Case of Dented Bumper Repair. Applied Economics Letters, 21:14, 992-996.
    • Caplan, A.J, Basdekas, L., Bastidas, L.A, Hardy, T.B, McKee, M., (2014). Virgin River Multi-Objective Optimization: Maximizing Endangered Fish Habitat and Minimizing Costs. The International Journal of River Basin Management, 12:1, 15-28.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2013). Water Quality Trading in the Presence of Abatement Cost Sharing. Contemporary Economic Policy, 31:2, 279-290.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, Chatterjee, D., (2013). Using Field-Level Characteristics as Proxy Measures to Test for the Presence of Economies of Scale in Nonpoint Pollution Control. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 42:2, 365-85.
    • Mukherjee, S., Caplan, A.J, (2011). GIS-Based Estimation of Housing Amenities: The Case of Higher Grounds and Stagnant Streams. Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 4:1, 49-61.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2011). Imperfect Labor Mobility and Matching Grants in a Federation with Decentralized Leadership. International Tax and Public Finance, 18:3, 322-336.
    • Caplan, A.J, Water Quality Trading in the Presence of Abatement Cost Sharing. Contemporary Economic Policy
    • Caplan, A.J, (2011). Carbon Sequestration and Permit Trading on the Competitive Fringe. Economic Modelling, 28:6, 2803-2810.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J., (2010). Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line?. Applied Economics Letters, 17, 1663-1667.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, (2010). Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line?. Applied Economics Letters, 17:17, 1663-7.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., Macharia, A., (2010). Estimating Hypothetical Bias in Economically Emergent Africa: A Generic Public Good Experiment. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 39:2, 344-358.
    • Caplan, A.J, Jackson-Smith, D., Marquart-Pyatt, S., (2010). Does 'Free Sampling' Enhance the Value of Public Goods?. Applied Economics Letters, 17:4, 335-339.
    • Caplan, A.J, Larson, J., (2009). Estimating the Effectiveness of a Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax in Reducing Particulate Matter Emissions. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 52:3, 315-344.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, Can Fighting Grade Inflation Help the Bottom Line?. Applied Economics Letters
    • Sasaki, Y., Caplan, A.J, (2008). Matching Heterogeneous Traders in Quantity-Regulated Markets. Computational Economics, 31:4, 341-362.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2008). Incremental and Average Control Costs in a Model of Water Quality Trading with Discrete Abatement Units. Environmental and Resource Economics, 41:3, 419-435.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, j., (2008). D is For Dillydally?. Applied Economics Letters, 15:14, 1085-1088.
    • Caplan, A.J, Sasaki, Y., (2008). Matching Heterogeneous Traders in Quantity-Regulated Markets. Computational Economics, 31:4, 341-362.
    • Bohara, A.K, Caplan, A.J, Grijalva, T., (2007). The Effect of Experience and Quantity-Based Pricing on the Valuation of Curbside Recycling. Ecological Economics, 64:2, 433-443.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2007). An Equitable, Efficient, and Implementable Scheme to Control Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions. International Tax and Public Finance, 14:3, 263-279.
    • Caplan, A.J, Jackson-Smith, D., Grijalva, T., (2007). Using Choice Question Formats to Determine Compensable Values: The Case of a Landfill Siting Process. Ecological Economics, 60:4, 834-846.
    • Caplan, A.J, Jackson-Smith, D., Marquart-Pyatt, S., Does 'Free-Sampling' Enhance the Value of Public Goods?. Applied Economics Letters, in press
    • Caplan, A.J, Sasaki, Y., (2007). Interactive Geometry for Surplus Sharing in Cooperative Games. Journal of Economic Education, 37:3, 382.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., Philips, O.R, (2007). A Bayesian Examination of Information and Uncertainty in Contingent Valuation. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 35:2, 149-178.
    • Caplan, A.J, Grijalva, T., Bohara, A.K, (2007). The Effect of Experience and Quantity-Based Pricing on the Valuation of a Curbside Recycling Program. Ecological Economics, 64:2, 433-443.
    • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, Phillips, O.R, A Bayesian Examination of Information and Uncertainty in Contingent Valuation. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, in press
    • Caplan, A.J, (2006). A Comparision of Emissions Taxes and Permit Markets for Controlling Correlated Externalities. Environmental and Resource Economics, 34:4, 471-492.
    • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, (2006). Curbside Recycling: Waste Resource or Waste of Resources?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25:4, 855-874.
    • Caplan, A.J, Sasaki, Y., (2006). Interactive Geometry for Surplus Sharing in Cooperative Games. Journal of Economic Education, 37:3, 382.
    • Caplan, A.J, Grijalva, T., Jackson-Smith, D., Using Choice Question Formats to Determine Compensable Values: The Case of a Landfill-Siting Process. Ecological Economics, 60:4, 834-846.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2006). A Comparison of Emissions Taxes and Permit Markets for Controlling Correlated Externalities. Environmental and Resource Economics, 34:4, 471-492.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., (2006). Curbside Recycling: Waste Resource or Waste of Resources?. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25:4, 855-874.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, D is for Dillydally. Applied Economics Letters, in press
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, An Equitable, Efficient, and Implementable Scheme to Control Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions. International Tax and Public Finance, in press
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., (2006). Cheap Talk Reconsidered: New Evidence From CVM. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60:4, 562-578.
    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, Interactive Scenario Analysis of Exhaustible Resource Problems. Computers in Higher Education Economics Review, 18, 4-9.
    • Caplan, A.J, Tesfamichael, A., Kaluarachchi, J., (2005). Risk Benefit Analysis of Atrazine and Management Policy Issues. Water Resources Research, 41:5, 1-13.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2005). An Efficient Mechanism to Control Correlated Externalities: Redistributive Transfers and the Coexistence of Regional and Global Pollution Permit Markets. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 49:1, 68-82.
    • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, (2005). Cheap Talk Reconsidered: New Evidence From CVM. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 60:4, 562-578.
    • Tesfamichael, A., Caplan, A.J, Kaluarachchi, J., (2005). Risk Cost Benefit Analysis of Atrazine in Drinking Water from Agricultural Activities and Policy Implications. Water Resources Research , 41:5, 1-13.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2005). Seeing is Believing: Simulating Forest-Harvest Problems with Microsoft Excel in an Intermediate-Level Natural-Resource Economics Course. Perspectives on Economic Education Research, 1:1, 44-52.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (2005). An Efficient Mechanism to Control Correlated Externalities: Redistributive Transfers and the Coexistence of Regional and Global Pollution Permit Markets. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 49:1, 68-82.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2005). Seeing is Believing: Simulating Forest-Harvest Problems with Microsoft Excel in anI Intermediate-Level Natural-Resource Economics Course. Perspectives on Economics Education Research, 1:1, 44-52.
    • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, (2004). Incentive Incompatibility and Starting-Point Bias in Iterative Valuation Questions: Comment. Land Economics , 80:2, 312-315.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., (2004). Incentive incompatibility and starting point bias in interactive valuation questions: comment. Land Economics, 80:2, 312-315.
    • Caplan, A.J, Cornes, R.C, Silva, E.C, (2003). An 'Ideal Kyoto Protocol': Emissions Trading, Redistributive Transfers and Global Participation. Oxford Economic Papers , 55, 216-34.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2003). Reputation and the Control of Pollution. Ecological Economics , 47:2-3, 197-212.
    • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, (2003). Willingness to Pay for Curbside Recycling With Detection and Mitigation of Hypothetical Bias. American Journal of Agricultural Economics , 85:2, 492-502.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, Cornes, R.C, (2003). An Ideal Kyoto Protocol: Emissions Trading, Redistributive Transfers and Global Participation. Oxford Economic Papers, 55, 216-234.
    • Caplan, A.J, (2003). Reputation and the Control of Pollution. Ecological Economics, 47:2-3, 197-212.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., (2003). Willingness to Pay for Curbside Recycling With Detection and Mitigation of Hypothetical Bias. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85:2, 492-502.
    • Caplan, A.J, Grijalva, T., Jackus, P.M, (2002). Waste Not or Want Not? A Contingent Ranking Analysis of Curbside Waste Disposal Options. Ecological Economics , 43:2-3, 185-97.
    • Caplan, A.J, Jakus, P., Grijalva, T., (2002). Waste not or want not? A contingent ranking analysis of curbside waste disposal options. Ecological Economics, 43:2-3, 185-197.
    • Caplan, A.J, Cornes, R.C, Silva, E.C, (2000). Pure Public Goods and Income Redistribution in a Federation with Decentralized Leadership and Imperfect Labor Mobility. Journal of Public Economics , 77:2, 265-84.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, Cornes, R.C, (2000). Pure public goods and income redistribution in a federation with decentralized leadership and imperfect labor mobility. Journal of Public Economics, 77:2, 265-284.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (1999). Federal Acid Rain Games. Journal of Urban Economics , 46:1, 25-52.
    • Aadland, D.M, Caplan, A.J, (1999). Household Valuation of Curbside Recycling. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 42:6, 781-800.
    • Brist, L.E, Caplan, A.J, (1999). More Evidence on the Role of Secondary Education in the Development of Lower-Income Countries: Wishful Thinking or Useful Knowledge?. Economic Development and Cultural Change , 48:1, 155-76.
    • Caplan, A.J, Ellis, C.J, Silva, E.C, (1999). Winners and Losers in a World with Global Warming: Noncooperation, Altruism, and Social Welfare. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 37:3, 256-71.
    • Caplan, A.J, Aadland, D., (1999). Household Valuation of Curbside Recycling. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 42:6, 781-800.
    • Caplan, A.J, Ellis, C.j, Silva, E.C, (1999). Winners and Losers in a World with Global Warming: Noncooperation, Altruism,and Social Welfare. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 37:3, 256-271.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (1999). Federal Acid Rain Games. Journal of Urban Economics, 46:1, 25-52.
    • Caplan, A.J, Brist, L.E, (1999). More Evidence on the Role of Secondary Education in the Development of Lower-Income Countries: Wishful Thinking or Useful Knowledge?. Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48:1, 155-176.
    • Silva, E.C, Caplan, A.J, (1997). Transboundary Pollution Control in Federal Systems. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management , 34:2, 173-86.
    • Caplan, A.J, Silva, E.C, (1997). Transboundary Pollution Control in Federal Systems. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 34:2, 173-186.

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | MultiMedia


    • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J.P, (2006). Resource-Extraction Simulation Models in Excel.. Pearson Education, Inc.

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Technical Reports

    Research Reports

    • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Household valuation of a pilot curbside recycling program: participants, non-participants, and the non-targeted. Final report to the Division of Environmental Services *
    • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Unrecovered used oil by do yourselfers: preliminary results. Used Oil Recycling Project, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste *
    • Caplan, A.J, (2001). Used Oil Recycling Project. Report *
    • Caplan, A.J, (1990). Farmer Training in Row Planting and Mechanical Weeding. ATIP Working Paper 29. Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana *
    • Caplan, A.J, (1988). Estimated tractor costs for ploughing in the southern region of Botswana. Technical Report No. 2. Ministry of Agriculture, Botswana *

    Other Reports

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

      Publications | Other


      • Caplan, A.J, (2005). Musings of a Cache Backpacker. The Logan Herald *
      • Caplan, A.J, (2005). Air Woes Require Deeper Dialogue. The Logan Herald Journal *
      • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Logan Transportation at Crossroad. The Logan Herald Journal *
      • Stafford, E.R, Caplan, A.J, (2002). Pay-as-You-Throw Puts Cost of Waste Removal on Heaviest Users. Salt Lake Tribune *
      • Stafford, E.R, Caplan, A.J, (2001). Why 'America Recycles Day' Matters. Salt Lake Tribune *
      • Aadland, D., Caplan, A.J, (2000). Recycling in Utah: Too Little or Too Much?. Salt Lake Tribune *
      • Caplan, A.J, (1998). A Testimony for Recycling. Northern Utah Junction *

      Miscellaneous Extension


        • Caplan, A.J, Gilbert, J., (2005). How To Manual for Resource-Extraction Simulation Models in Excel. Pearson Education, Inc.
        • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Logan Transportation at Crossroad. The Herald Journal *
        • Caplan, A.J, (2002). Pay-as-You-Throw Puts Cost of Waste Removal on Heaviest Users. Salt Lake Tribune *
        • Caplan, A.J, (2000). Recycling in Utah: Too Little or Too Much?. Salt Lake Tribune *
        • Caplan, A.J, (1998). A Testimony for Recycling. Northern Utah Junction, November, page 5 *
        • Caplan, A.J, (1987). 1987 crop enterprise budgets, selected tillage systems, central Whitman County, Washington. Extension Bulletin 1433. Washington State University *
        • Caplan, A.J, (1987). 1987 crop enterprise budgets, selected tillage systems, western Whitman County, Washington. Extension Bulletin 1427, Washington State University *

        An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


        APEC 7150 - Applied Microeconomics, Fall 2023
        APEC 3012 - Introduction to Natural Resource Economics (DSS), Fall 2023
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2023
        APEC 3400 - Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Spring 2023
        APEC 3012 - Introduction to Natural Resource and Regional Economics, Fall 2022
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2021
        , Spring 2021
        APEC 7950 - Department of Economics Graduate Seminar, Spring 2021
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2020
        APEC 7950 - Department of Economics Graduate Seminar, Spring 2020
        APEC 3012 - Introduction to Natural Resource and Regional Economics, Fall 2019
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2019
        , Fall 2018
        APEC 7150 - Microeconomic Theory III, Fall 2018
        APEC 5560 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Spring 2018
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2017
        APEC 6510 - Introduction to Environmental Economics, Fall 2016
        APEC 7150 - Microeconomic Theory III, Fall 2016
        APEC 5560 - Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Spring 2016
        APEC 6510 - Introduction to Environmental Economics, Fall 2015
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2015
        APEC 7510 - Environmental Economics, Spring 2015
        APEC 7150 - Microeconomic Theory III, Spring 2015
        APEC 6510 - Introduction to Environmental Economics, Fall 2014
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2014
        APEC 6500 - Introduction to Natural Resource Economics, Spring 2014
        APEC 6510 - Introduction to Environmental Economics, Fall 2013
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2013
        APEC 7510 - Environmental Economics, Spring 2013
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2012
        APEC 7970 - Dissertation Research, Summer 2012
        APEC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Spring 2012
        APEC 7950 - Department of Economics Graduate Seminar, Spring 2012
        APEC 7510 - Environmental Economics, Spring 2012
        APEC,ECN 7140 - Microeconomic Theory II, Spring 2012
        APEC 6100 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2011
        APEC,ECN 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2011
        APEC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Summer 2011
        APEC 6250 - Graduate Internship, Summer 2011
        APEC 6990 - CONT GRAD ADVISEMENT, Spring 2011
        APEC 7990 - CONT GRAD ADVISEMENT, Spring 2011
        APEC 7970 - DISSERTATION RSRCH, Spring 2011
        APEC 6250 - GRADUATE INTERNSHIP, Spring 2011
        APEC 7140 - MICROECON THEORY II, Spring 2011
        ECN 7140 - MICROECON THEORY II, Spring 2011
        APEC 6970 - THESIS RESEARCH, Spring 2011
        APEC 6990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2010
        APEC 7990 - Continuing Graduate Advisement, Fall 2010
        APEC 7970 - Dissertation Research, Fall 2010
        APEC 6910 - Independent Research, Fall 2010
        APEC 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2010
        ECN 7130 - Microeconomic Theory I, Fall 2010
        APEC 6970 - Thesis Research, Fall 2010
        APEC 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2009
        APEC 6250 - GRADUATE INTERNSHIP, Fall 2009
        ECON 7510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Spring 2009
        ECON 6910 - INDEPENDENT RESEARCH, Spring 2009
        ECON 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2008
        ECON 6250 - GRADUATE INTERNSHIP, Fall 2008
        ECON 6910 - INDEPENDENT RESEARCH, Fall 2008
        ECON 7130 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2008
        ECON 6900 - READINGS & CONFER, Fall 2008
        ECON 5020 - ECON & PUBLIC POLICY (CI), Spring 2007
        ECON 5010 - MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2007
        ECON 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2006
        ECON 7130 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2006
        ECON 5020 - ECON & PUBLIC POLICY (CI), Spring 2006
        ECON 5010 - MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2006
        ECON 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2005
        ECON 7130 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2005
        ECON 5020 - ECON & PUBLIC POLICY, Spring 2005
        ECON 5010 - MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2005
        ECON 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2004
        ECON 7130 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2004
        ECON 5020 - ECON & PUBLIC POLICY, Spring 2004
        ECON 5010 - MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2004
        ECON 6510 - ENVIRONMENTAL ECON, Fall 2003
        ECON 6100 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2003
        ECON 7130 - MICROECON THEORY I, Fall 2003
        ECON 5560 - NAT RES/ENVIRON ECON, Fall 2003
        ECON 5020 - ECON & PUBLIC POLICY, Spring 2003
        ECON 2010 - INTRO MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2003
        ECON 6510 - APPLIED RESOURCE, Fall 2002
        ECON 5560 - NAT RES/ENVIRON ECON, Fall 2002
        ECON 2010 - INTRO MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2002
        ECON 2010 - INTRO MICROECONOMICS, Spring 2002
        ECON 6510 - APPLIED RESOURCE, Fall 2001

        Graduate Students Mentored

        Sining Huo, Applied Economics, September 2023
        Justin Cederloff, Applied Economics, May 2022
        Yasemin Yucedag, Applied Economics, August 2019 - January 2020
        Kristopher Toll, Applied Economics, September 2017 - April 2019
        Ramjee Acharya, Applied Economics, September 2013 - June 2018
        Leo Moscardini, Applied Economics, September 2013 - December 2014
        Yanxu Liu, Applied Economics, November 2010 - May 2013
        Elliot Anderson, Applied Economics, August 2011 - December 2012
        Jarod Dunn, Applied Economics, September 2010 - December 2011
        Voravee Chakreeyarat, Applied Economics, August 2010 - July 2011
        Anurag Srivastava, Civil & Environmental Engr, September 2009 - August 2010
        Austin Coover, Economics and Finance, September 2008 - June 2010
        Guy Ballard, Applied Economics, September 2008 - June 2010
        Jean Dominique Gumirakiza, Applied Economics, September 2008 - June 2010
        Shibashis Mukherjee, Economics and Finance, September 2008 - June 2010
        Anvar Suyundikov, Applied Economics, September 2009 - May 2010
        Denis Peralta, Applied Economics, September 2008 - May 2009
        Jordan Caroll-Larsen, Economics and Finance, September 2005 - June 2007
        Jordan Carrol-Larson, Economics and Finance, November 2005 - May 2007
        Jason Whitehead, Economics and Finance 2006
        Jason Whitehead, Economics and Finance, September 2005 - June 2006
        Jason Whitehead, Economics and Finance, March 2005 - June 2006
        Yuya Sasaki, Economics and Finance 2005
        Yuya Sasaki, Economics and Finance, September 2003 - June 2005
        Jon Hibshman, Economics and Finance 2004
        Jon Hibschman, Economics and Finance, September 2003 - June 2004
        David Garbett, Economics and Finance, September 2002 - July 2003
        Kristian Mortenson, Economics and Finance, September 2001 - June 2002