Brent Chamberlain
Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning (LAEP)
Associate Professor

Educational Background
My research and teaching combines geovisualization, information visualization, GIS and environmental psychology to conduct scientific inquiry, facilitate decision making, and improve communication of scientific information. My research interests are in digital modeling (gaming, virtual reality, animation/video, 2D/3D/4D medium) related to representation of landscapes, geovisual analytics of landscape change and processes, landscape ecology, environmental psychology, landscape computation and visualization (e.g. simulation and cartographic).
Teaching Interests
Environmental Planning; Geospatial Analysis & GIScience; Immersive Geovisualization
Research Interests
Environmental Psychology (Spatial Memory, Wayfinding, Environmental Design, Nature and Affect); Landscape Perception (Visual Impact Assessment); Cultural Ecosystem Services (Aesthetics Methods of Forests and Public Lands); Geovisualization (Sea-Level Rise, Natural Disasters, Future Visioning, Urban Development, Virtual & Augmented Reality); Decision Making (Preference Elicitation, Information Visualization, Group Processes); Urban Form and Health (Smart Cities and applications of Machine Learning);
Check out the Visualization, Instrumentation and Virtual Interaction Design (VIVID) Laboratory for more information, grants, current and past students and opportunities! Click on the website link under the profile picture.
Fulbright Scholar, 2024
United State Department of State
Scientific Excellence Top Paper, 2023
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
Researcher of the Year, 2023
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences, Utah State University
Faculty Researcher of the Year, 2023
Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Excellence in Research or Creative Work (Junior Level), 2023
Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
Scientific Excellence Top Paper, 2022
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
Mentor of the Year, 2022
Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Researcher of the Year , 2022
Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning
Scientific Excellence, 2020
Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
Visiting Scholar | China Program, 2017
Chinese National Science Foundation
Faculty Development Award, 2016
Kansas State University
Faculty Development Award, 2015
Kansas State University
Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, 2015
Kansas State University
Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement, 2009
National Science and Engineering Research Council
Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship, 2009
National Science and Engineering Research Council
Publications | Abstracts
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Comparing Transportation Metrics to Measure Accessibility to Community Amenities. 2023 Digital Landscape Architecture
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Development & Analysis of Virtual Complex Urban Environments.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Entourage Automaton: Making 2D Visual Assets with AI Image Generators. 2023 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture Annual Conference
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Gaze Behavior and Speed While Detecting Changes in Spatial Gist in a Virtual Environment.
- George, B., Chamberlain, B., (2023). Producing 2D Asset Libraries with AI-powered Image Generators.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Transferring Spatial Data from Unity To ArcGIS.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Urban Green Space Insights: A Review of Visibility Measurements and GIS-Based Tools: Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023.
- Chamberlain, B., (2021). Integrating Sense of Place into Geovisualizations of Hurricane Storm Surge.
- Chamberlain, B., (2019). Konza Studio: A pedagogical retrospective. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Cross-cultural, cross-modal and cross-species' spatial perception and action in virtual and real environments . Cognitive Process
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). A Spatially Explicit Classification Model for Affective Computing in Built Environments: Proceedings of the 7th AAAC International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2017) Workshops and Demos.
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). Taxation Policies and Financing Street Maintenance: Kansas American Planning Association.
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). Your Environment and You: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2014). Interactive Visualization for Decision Making in Sewage Management: International Water Association Specialist Conference: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery.
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). Visualization for complex decision making – with applications in sustainability: Vancouver Institute for Visual Analytics, Face-To-Face VIII. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2011). Supporting Communities in the Selection of Suitable Waste Water Alternatives: U21 workshop on Water Reuse. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2006). Towards a digital atlas of permanent preservation forest areas for the Brazilian Amazon: In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2006). Visualizing natural disturbances: implications for assessing public perceptions of salvage and recovery operations: In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. *
- Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., (2024). Differences in gaze transition frequencies across spatial gist boundaries: International Conference on Spatial Cognition. International Conference on Spatial Cognition
- Schalbetter, L., Hayek, U.W, Chamberlain, B., Gret-Regamey, A., (2024). Using 3D Point Cloud-Based VR-Landscapes to study the role of landscape elements on perception and physiology: International Conference on Spatial Cognition. International Conference on Spatial Cognition
- George, B., Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P., Gardner, P., (2024). Assessing the Value of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Selection. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference
- Schalbetter, L., Keller, N., Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Hayek, U.W, Gret-Regamey, A., (2024). Eye Tracking in VR to Analyse Physiological Responses to Peri-urban Landscape Elements. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference
- Derengowski, S., Chamberlain, B., Mosqueda, C., (2024). AAM Applications, Vertiport Planning and Urban Considerations. Utah Aeronautics Conference
- Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B., (2024). Exploring the Impact of Urban Amenity Accessibility on Social Satisfaction Among Individuals with Disabilities: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Samavatekbatan, A., Chamberlain, B., (2024). Vertiport Site Analysis: A Geospatial Framework Based on FAA Guidelines for Advanced Air Mobility Infrastructure. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
- Eisenberg, Y., Shanley, J., Zivarts, A., Chamberlain, B., Christensen, K., Froehlich, J., Abrishami, M., (2024). At the Intersection of Disability Justice, Pedestrian Safety, and Health. Transportation Review Board
- Li, C., A., J.J, Ma, K., Zhang, Z., Saugstad, M., Wu, K., Eisenberg, Y., Novack, V., Chamberlain, B., Froehlich, J., (2023). BusStopCV: A Real-time AI Assistant for Labeling Bus Stop Accessibility Features in Streetscape Imagery. 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Predicting Scenic Highway Drives with an Advanced Viewshed (GRAVIA).
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Eye-Tracking to Support Validation of Visual Impact Assessments: Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Using GRAVIA to Predict Visual Quality of Highway: Visual Resource Stewardship Conference 2023.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Visualizing and Clustering Eye Tracking within 3D Virtual Environments: Digital Landscape Architecture Conference.
- Chamberlain, B., (2023). Vertiports: Opportunities and Challenges. Utah Aeronautics Conference *
- Bahr, C., Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B., (2023). ASLA Award Precedents. 2023 Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
- Saxon, M., Fernberg, P., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., Chamberlain, B., (2021). Individual Differences in Spatial Memory for a Large-Scale Virtual Environment.
- Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B., (2021). Spatial Memory Gist: Assessing Imageability in Immersive Virtual Environments.
- Chamberlain, B., (2020). A Pedagogical Retrospective: Gamifying the Konza Prairie through an Interdisciplinary Studio. Digital Landscape Architecture Conference 2020
- Whaley, A.A, Reeve, J., Chamberlain, B., (2020). Determining agricultural land use change and evaluating ecosystem services in the Wasatch Front Metropolitan Area, Utah. International Association for Landscape Ecology
- Chamberlain, B., Johnson, T., (2020). Wasatch Front Planning 2050: Growth Meets Hazard. ESRI - International Geodesign Collaboration 2020
- Chamberlain, B., Cook, F., (2019). An Empirical Assessment of the ArcPro Visual Magnitude Viewshed Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Seeking 20/20 Vision for Landscape Futures
- Chamberlain, B., Cook, F., (2019). Conducting Viewshed Assessments with the ArcGIS Visual Magnitude Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference: Seeking 20/20 Vision for Landscape Futures
- Chamberlain, B., (2019). Assessing Collective Spatial Situational Awareness in Real-Time Using Virtual Environments. Collective Spatial Cognition
- Chamberlain, B., (2019). Konza StudioVR: Developing the virtual reality environment. Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). An Evaluation and Comparison of Spatial Memory Assessments: 59th Annual Meeting of Psychonomics.
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Cue the space: the role of landmarks and navigational aids in spatial memory and recall: ICSC – 7th International Conference on Spatial Cognition.
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Measuring Urban Health and Environmental Affect Using Mobile Sensors: Environmental Design Research Association.
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Designing Spaces in a World of GPS: ASLA Central States. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Stress Recovery by Exposure to Nature in Virtual Reality: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Virtual Konza Prairie: ASLA Central States. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). Visualizing Landscape Impacts: The development and application of a new spatial analysis tool: Visual Resource Stewardship Conference.
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). An Evaluation of the Influence of Nature on Stress and Arousal Using Wearables: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). The Public’s Perception of Air Pollution in China: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). Geovisualization of Coastal Climate Change: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2017). Immersive Visualization: a conduit for exploring perceptions of the environment: Aesthesia: Showcasing the future of immersive technologies for science, storytelling, design and gaming. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). Visualization and Simulation for Urban Planning: Kansas American Planning Association. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). Using 3D Visualizations to Investigate Perceptions of Streetscape Design: Digital Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). 3D/4D Visualization, Representation and Photorealism to support scientific exploration and communication: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2016). Landscape Visualization in Gaming Environments: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2015). Landscape Planning and the Human Perspective: A visual quality analysis method: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2015). Little Apple Meets a Big Pickle: Addressing a major increase in public transit ridership: Quad State American Planning Association. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2015). A Spatially Explicit Analysis of Ecosystem Services in Clayoquot Sound, BC: Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2015). Mapping Cultural Ecosystem Services and Aesthetics to Inform Landscape Planning Decisions: Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2014). Using and Designing a Database: Kansas Association of Mappers Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2014). A New Visibility Analysis Toolset: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2014). Developing the Gap Analysis Tool for Outdoor Recreation: A Case Study in Vancouver, Canada: Digital Landscape Architecture.
- Chamberlain, B., (2013). A Planning Tool for Natural Resource Management in Scenic Landscapes: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). A GIS Tool for Managing Visual Quality in British Columbia: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). Comparing Scenic Quality of North American Highway Drives: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). Designing Sustainable Wastewater Systems: Generating Design Alternatives: 3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability.
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). Designing Sustainable Wastewater Systems: Visual, Interactive Preference Elicitation: 3rd International Conference on Computational Sustainability.
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). Measuring the Visible Effects of Harvesting: Calculating Percent Alteration: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2012). New Geographical Information Systems tools for Scenery Management: National Association of Environmental Professionals.
- Chamberlain, B., (2011). Improving the Viewshed Analysis: the human-centric alternative: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2011). The Landscape Through Time: a design approach for GIS-based evaluation criteria: 48th International Federation of Landscape Architects World Congress.
- Chamberlain, B., (2011). The Multidimensional Viewshed: A Visualization Technique for Landscape Planning: The 2011 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2011). Exploring the Implications of Permanent Preservation Areas in Brazil: International Development Research Network Research Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2009). Mapping the Amazon Basin Hydrography: An Automated Approach: ESRI International User's Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2008). Visual aesthetics and forest harvest design: an automated approach: ESRI International User’s Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2007). Delineating Permanent Preservation Areas in Brazil: GIS in the Rockies Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2006). Designing Variable Retention Using Harvest and Retention Planner (HaRP): ESRI International User’s Conference. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2006). The effects of surrounding landscape character on an individual’s community preferences: In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. *
- Chamberlain, B., (2005). Visualizing International Deforestation Trajectories Using ArcGIS: ESRI International User Conference 2005. ESRI *
- Chamberlain, B., (2001). E-Commerce & Technology Management Center: Bridging PLU and the Internet Economy: What’s in IT for you, PLU School of Business Conference on Information Technology. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
- Chamberlain, B., Chapter 10: Affective Computing in the Built Environment. Springer *
- Chamberlain, B., Chapter 7: Synthesizing Natural and Believable Emotional Expressions. Springer *
- Chamberlain, B., (2018). Assessing Animal Emotion and Behavior Using Mobile Sensors and Affective Computing: Emerging Trends and Applications in Cognitive Computing. IGI Global *
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., (2024). In Pursuit of Eye Tracking for Visual Landscape Assessments. Land, 13:8, 1184. doi: 10.3390/land13081184
- Caplan, A.J, Woods, T., Chamberlain, B., Klain, S., (2024). Measuring heterogeneous preferences for the preservation of prime farmland with and without agrivoltaics. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-30. doi: 10.1080/09640568.2024.2353763
- George, B., Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P., (2024). Assessing the Value of Artificial Intelligence in Plant Selection. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture9, 277-284. doi: 10.14627/537752026
- Schalbetter, L., Keller, N., Evans, D., Chamberlain, B., Hayek, U.W, Grêt-Regamey, A., (2024). Eye Tracking in VR to Analyse Physiological Responses to Peri-urban Landscape Elements. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, doi: 10.14627/537752044
- Khosravi, H., Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B., (2024). The positive impact of transit-oriented-development characteristics on Metro Station usage: A case study of Tehran's metro stations and TOD index calculation. Cities, doi: 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104840
- Abrishami, M., Chamberlain, B., (2023). Comparing Transportation Metrics to Measure Accessibility to Community Amenities. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 8:2023, 342-350. doi: 10.14627/537740037
- George, B.H, Chamberlain, B., Fernberg, P., Gardner, P., (2023). Enhancing Plant Selection in Landscape Architecture: Assessing the Value of AI in Plant Selection.. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 9
- Evans, D., Johnson, S., Chamberlain, B., (2023). Transferring Spatial Data from Unity To ArcGIS. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 8:2023, 515-522. doi: 10.14627/537740054
- Chamberlain, B., Johnson, S., Spencer, C., Evans, D., Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., Saxon, M., Creem-Regehr, S., Stefanucci, J., (2023). Visualizing and Clustering Eye Tracking within 3D Virtual Environments. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 8:2023, 318-325.
- Olga, W., Chamberlain, B., Morss, R., Demuth, J., Hugh, W., Boehnert, J., Gambill, J., Heather, L., (2023). Integrating Place and Sense of Place into Geovisualizations of Hurricane Storm Surge Risk. Weather, Climate, and Society, 8:2023, doi: 10.1175/WCAS-D-23-0044.1
- Kulkarni, M., Chu, L., Ahn, J., Ma, K., Zhang, Z., Saugstad, M., Eisenberg, Y., Novack, V., Chamberlain, B., Froehlich, J., (2023). BusStopCV: A Real-time AI Assistant for Labeling Bus Stop Accessibility Features in Streetscape Imagery. The 25th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility
- Fernberg, P., George, B., Chamberlain, B., (2023). Producing 2D Asset Libraries with AI-powered Image Generators. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 8:2023, 186-194. doi: 10.14627/537740020
- Fernberg, P., Chamberlain, B., (2023). Artificial Intelligence in Landscape Architecture. Landscape Journal, 42:1, 13-35. doi: 10.1145/3597638.3614481
- Chamberlain, B., Smardon, R., Hoffman, R., (2023). Selected Papers from the 2019 and 2021 Visual Resource Stewardship Conferences. Land, 12:2, doi: 10.3390/land12020443 *
- Nesbitt, L., Meitner, M., Chamberlain, B., Gonzalez, J., Trousdale, W., (2023). A Comparison of Value-Weight-Elicitation Methods for Accurate and Accessible Participatory Planning. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 44:4, 2098-2109. doi: 10.1177/0739456x231155069
- Fernberg, P., Tighe, E., LaFavers, M., Spencer, C., Johnson, S., Stefanucci, J., Creem-Regehr, S., Chamberlain, B., (2022). Measuring Perception of Urban Design Elements in Virtual Environments Using Eye Tracking: Benefits and Challenges. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture
- Openshaw, G., Chamberlain, B., (2022). Optimizing Viewpoint Selection for Route-based Experiences: assessing the role of viewpoints on viewshed accuracy. Land, 11:8, 1324. doi: 10.3390/land11081324
- Brown, K., Chamberlain, B., (2021). A Healthy Design: Transdisciplinary Collaboration of Nutrition and Landscape Architecture Courses. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 65, 340-350.
- Chamberlain, B., (2021). Pursuing an AI Ontology for Landscape Architecture. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 6, 452-459. doi: 10.14627/537705040
- DePreist, A., Keane, T., Chamberlain, B., Lundquist, M., (2020). Visualization Tools for Visual Impact Assessments: A study of existing technologies. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 5:2020, 404-412. doi: doi:10.14627/537690041
- Chamberlain, B., Cook, F., (2020). An Empirical Assessment of the Arcpro Visual Magnitude Viewshed Plugin. Visual Resource Stewardship Conference, 2019
- Hahn, H., Chamberlain, B., (2020). A Pedagogical Retrospective: Gamifying the Konza Prairie through an Interdisciplinary Studio. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture5, 576-583. doi: 10.14627/537690059
- Bruns, C.R, Chamberlain, B., (2019). The influence of landmarks and urban form on cognitive maps using virtual reality. Landscape and Urban Planning, 189, 296-306. doi:
- Yates, H., Chamberlain, B., Hsu, W.H, (2018). A spatially explicit classification model for affective computing in built environments: Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW), 2017 Seventh International Conference on. IEEE, 100-104. doi: 10.1109/ACIIW.2017.8272597
- Bajracharya, S., Carenini, G., Chamberlain, B., Chen, K., Klein, D., Poole, D., Taheri, H., Öberg, G., (2018). Interactive visualization for group decision analysis. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making, 17:6, 1839-1864. doi: 10.1142/S0219622018500384
- Liu, J., Chamberlain, B., Kozak, R.A, Meitner, M.J, Nesbitt, L., (2018). Relating shape to human aesthetic evaluations of harvest blocks from an aerial perspective. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 33:8, 793-799. doi:
- Yates, H., Chamberlain, B., Norman, G., Hsu, W.H, (2017). Arousal Detection for Biometric Data in Built Environments using Machine Learning. Proceedings of IJCAI 2017 Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Affective Computing, PMLR, 66, 58-72.
- Chamberlain, B., Liu, R., Canfield, J., (2016). Using Landscape Visualization to Inform Streetscape Design. Journal of Digital Landscape Architecture, 84-91.
- Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M.J, Ballinger, R., (2015). Applications of visual magnitude in forest planning: A case study. The Forestry Chronicle, 91:4, 417-425.
- Chamberlain, B., (2015). Crash Course or Course Crash: gaming, VR and a pedagogical approach: Peer Reviewed Proceedings Digital Landscape Architecture 2015. Digital Landscape Architecture2015, 354-361.
- Chamberlain, B., Carenini, G., Öberg, G., Poole, D., Taheri, H., (2014). A decision support system for the design and evaluation of sustainable wastewater solutions. Computers, IEEE Transactions on, 63:1, 129-141.
- Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M.J, (2013). A route-based visibility analysis for landscape management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 111, 13-24.
- Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M.J, (2012). Quantifying the effects of harvest block design on aesthetic preferences. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42:12, 2106-2117.
- Chamberlain, B., Meitner, M.J, (2009). Automating the visual resource management and harvest design process. Landscape and Urban Planning, 90:1-2, 86-94.
- Qin, X., Meitner, M.J, Chamberlain, B., Zhang, X., (2008). Estimating visual quality of scenic highway using GIS and landscape visualizations: ESRI Users Conference 2008. ESRI *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
Other Reports
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Chamberlain, B., (2021). I, Designer? The Soul of Landscape Architecture in the Age of AI. Landscape Architecture Magazine *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.