Dillon Feuz

Applied Economics (APEC)

Professor | Ag Economics Specialist | Livestock Farm Coordinator

Dillon Feuz

Contact Information

Office Location: AGRS 227
Phone: 435-797-2296
Email: dillon.feuz@usu.edu

Educational Background

PhD, Agricultural EconomicsColorado State University, 1990
Analysis of Colorado Typical Farms Using the Farm Optimization and Financial Analysis System (FOFAS)
MS, Agricultural EconomicsUniversity of Wyoming, 1986
Optimum Enterprise Combinations on Mountain Valley Cattle Ranches
BS, Ag businessUniversity of Wyoming, 1984


Specialist of the Year, 2010

USU Extension Specialists Association

University of Nebraska, Excellence in Team Programing award, 2002

Western Agriculture Economics Association, Outstading Extension Program, 2000

American Agricultural Economics Association Distinguished Extension Program, 1997

Western Agricultural Economics Association Outstanding Ext. Project Group, 1997

Publications | Abstracts

  • Stockton, M.C, Wilson, R.K, Stalker, L.A, Feuz, D., Funston, R.N, (2009). Development of a maturity index as a predictor of first pregnancy probability. Journal of Animal Science *
  • Feuz, D., (2005). The Economics of Carcass Weight: A Weighty Matter for the Beef Industry.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2003). Consumers' Preferences and Willingness-to-Pay for Beef Originating from the U.S., Canada, and Australia.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2003). How do We Get There From Here? Transition Crops for Continuous Dryland Sytems on the High Plains.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2003). The Importance of Beef Tenderness, Marbling and Production Methods to U.S. Consumers.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2002). Basis Variability on the Feeder Cattle Contract versus the Failed Stocker Contract.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2002). Risk and Returns for Alternative Dryland Crop Rotations in the Central Great Plains.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2002). Teaching Marketing and Management to an Extension Audience in an Inter-Disciplinary Setting.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2001). An Economic Analysis of Intensive Dryland Cropping Systmes for the Cental Great Plains.. Journal of Agricutural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2001). Experimental Auctions to Elicit Value for Product Attributes.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2000). Basis Predictability Using the New CME Stocker Cattle Futures Contract.. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2000). Consumer Preference for Domestic versus International Beef.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2000). Economics of Transgenic Sugarbeets.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2000). Hedging Effectivness and Basis Variablity for differenct Weight Feeder Steers Using the CME Stocker and Feeder Futures.. Journals of Agricultual and Applied Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (2000). The Value of Beef Flavor: Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Marbling in Beef Steaks.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1999). A Risk-Return Comparison of Retained Ownership Programs Using Alternative Hedging and Pricing Strategies.. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1999). Equitable Cropshare Arrangements for Intensive Dryland Cropping Systems.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1999). Market Signals in Value Based Pricing Premiums and Discounts.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1997). Cointegration Tests of Spatial and Variety Price Linkages in Regional Dry Bean Markets.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1997). Live, In-the-Beef, or Formula: Is there a 'Best' Method for Selling Fed Cattle?. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1997). Value Based Marketing for Fed Cattle: A Discussion of the Issues.. Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1995). Industrialization of the Beef Subsector.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1995). The Effect of Calf Weight & Age on Returns to Retained Ownership: A Target-MOTAD Approach.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1993). Revenue and Risk Associated with Alternative Slaughter Cattle Marketing Methods.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1992). A Stochastic Dominance Evaluation of Alternative Western Ranching Systems.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1992). Retained Ownership Revisited: The Economic Significance of Genetic Variability.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1991). Risk-Return Relationships for Mountain Valley Ranching Systmes: A Target-MOTAD Analysis.. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1991). The Optimal Prebreeding Target Weight for Replacement Beef Heifers.. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics *
  • Feuz, D., (1989). The On-Ranch Retained Ownership Decision--In Periods of Relatively Low Prices Versus Relatively High Prices.. Western Journal of Agricultural Economics *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Book Chapters

  • Feuz, D., (2003). Beef Cow-Calf Production.. The Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice *
  • Feuz, D., (1994). The Effect of Uncertainty on Market Structure: The South Dakota Slaughter Cattle Market.. Current Regional Issues *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Fact Sheets

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Feuz, R., Feuz, D., Lidgard, A., Crump, Z., Thornton-Kurth, K., Martini, S., Cheng, H., Stafford, C., Matarneh, S., (2024). Cattle Are What They Eat: A Consumer Analysis of Beef Produced from Barley Fodder-Fed Cattle Compared with a Conventional Mixed Ration. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 56:1, doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/aae.2024.3
  • Feuz, R., Russell, J., Feuz, D., (2021). Do Big Cows Bring Big Profits? Public Grazing Fee Policy’s Impact on Cow Size.
  • Feuz, R., Feuz, D., (2020). Analysis of Alternative Levels of Facility Investment for Automatic Milking Systems. Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 84:1, 148-155.
  • Tejeda, H., Kim, M., Feuz, D., (2019). Impact of Alfalfa Exports Surge on Dairy and Feed Markets in California. Journal of Agribusiness, 37:1, 23-34.
  • Tejeda, H.A, Feuz, D., (2017). A New Dynamic Approach for Forecasting the Margin Protection Program for Dairy Producers. Journal of Agribusiness, 35:2, 121-143.
  • Saunders, C.S, Yang, S., Eun, J., Feuz, D., Zobell, D., (2015). Feeding brown midrib corn silage-based diet to growing beef steers improves growth performance and economic returns. Can. J. Anim. Sci.
  • Wagner, J.J, Archibeque, S.L, Feuz, D., (2014). The Modern Feedlot for Finishing Cattle. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 2
  • Stockton, M.A, Wilson, R.K, Feuz, D., Stalker, L.A, Funston, R.N, (2014). Bio-economic factors of beef heifer maturity to consider when establishing criteria to optimally select and/or, retain herd replacements. Journal of Animal Science, 92, 1-9.
  • Tejeda, H.A, Feuz, D., (2014). Determining the Effectiveness of Optimal Time-Varying Hedge Ratios for Cattle Feeders under Multiproduct and Single Commodity Settings. Agricultural Finance Review, 74:2, 217-235.
  • Stockton, M.C, Wilson, R.K, Feuz, D., Stalker, L.A, Funston, R.K, (2013). Using measurable physical characteristics to forecast beef heifer maturity: The identification of a maturity index. Journal of Animal Science91, 1-7.
  • Rowley, D., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Feuz, D., (2011). Late season strawberry production using day-neutral cultivars in high-elevation high tunnels. HortScience, 46:11, 1480-1485.
  • Stevens, M.D, Black, B.L, Lea-Cox, J.D, Feuz, D., (2011). Horticultural and economic considerations in the sustainability of three cold-climate strawberry production systems. HortScience, 46:3, 445-451.
  • Rowley, D., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Feuz, D., (2010). Early season extension using June-bearing Chandler’ strawberry in high elevation high tunnels. HortScience, 45:10, 1464-1469.
  • Stockton, M.C, Feuz, D., (2009). The Mad Cow Disease Trade Ban and Changes in the U. S. and Canadian Cull Cow Markets: A DAG Analysis. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 40(2), 72-90.
  • Chapman, C., Zobell, D., Godfrey, D.R, Feuz, D., Banner, R.E, (2008). Measuring Impacts in Risk Management Education- The Beehive Master Beef Manager Program. Journal of Extension, Vol. 46, No. 5
  • Griffin, W.A, Klopfenstein, T.J, Erickson, G.E, Feuz, D., MacDonald, J.C, Jordan, D.J, (2007). Comparison Performance and Economics of a Long Yearling and Calf-fed System. Professional Animal Scientist, 23(5), 490-499.
  • Feuz, D., Umberger, W.J, Calkins, C.R, (2007). The Potential for Canadian Branded Beef Steaks in the U.S. Market: Results from an Experimental Auction. Current Agriculture, Food & Resource Issues, 8, 16-27.
  • Sitz, B., Calkins, C., Feuz, D., Umberger, W., Eskridge, K., (2006). Consumer sensory acceptance and value of wet aged and dry aged beef. Journal of Animal Science, 84, 1221-1226.
  • Stalker, L.A, Adams, D., Klopfenstein, T., Feuz, D., Funston, R., (2006). Effects of pre- and postpartum nutrition on reproduction in spring calving cows and calf feedlot performance. Journal of Animal Science, 84, 2582-2589.
  • Sitz, B.M, Calkins, C.R, Feuz, D., Umberger, W.J, Eskridge, K.M, (2005). Consumer sensory acceptance and value of domestic, Canadian, and Australian grass-fed beef steaks. Journal of Animal Science, 83, 2863-2868.
  • Pavlista, A.D, Feuz, D., (2005). Potato Prices as Affected by Demand and Yearly Production. American Journal of Potato Research, 82, 339-343.
  • Feuz, D., Umberger, W.J, Calkins, C.R, Stitz, B., (2004). U.S. Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Flavor and Tenderness in Steaks as Determined with an Experimental Auction. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 29(3), 501-516.
  • Killinger, K.M, Calkins, C.R, Umberger, W.J, Feuz, D., Eskridge, K.M, (2004). A Comparison of Consumer Sensory Acceptance and Value of Domestic Beef Steaks and Steaks from a Branded, Argentine Beef Program. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 3302-3307.
  • Killinger, K.M, Calkins, C.R, Umberger, W.J, Feuz, D., Eskridge, K.M, (2004). Consumer Sensory Acceptance and Value for Beef Steaks and Steaks differing in Marbling Level. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 3294-3301.
  • Killinger, K.M, Calkins, C.R, Umberger, W.J, Feuz, D., Eskridge, K.M, (2004). Consumer Visual Preference and Value for Beef Steaks and Steaks differing in Marbling Level and Color. Journal of Animal Science, 82, 3288-3293.
  • Kniss, A., Wilson, R., Martin, A.R, Burgener, P.A, Feuz, D., (2004). Economic Evaluation of Glyphosate-Resistant and Conventions Sugar Beet. Weed Technology, 18, 388-396.
  • Umberger, W.J, Feuz, D., (2004). The Usefulness of Experimental Auctions in Determining Consumers Willingness-to-pay and Relative Willingness-to-pay Values for Closely Related Products. Review of Agricultural Economics, 26(2), 170-185.
  • Mackey, W.S, Whittier, J.C, Umberger, W.J, Field, T.G, Teichert, R.B, Feuz, D., (2004). To Replace or Not to Replace: Determining Optimal Replacement Rates in Beef Cattle Operations. Professional Animal Scientist, 20, 87-93.
  • Umberger, W.J, Feuz, D., Calkins, C.R, Stitz, B.M, (2003). Country-of-Origin Labeling of Beef Products: U.S. Consumers' Perceptions. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 34(3), 103-116.
  • Feuz, D., (2002). Impacts of the 2002 Drought on Western Ranches and Public Land Policies. Western Economics Forum, 1(2), 19-23.
  • Feuz, D., (2002). U.S. Consumer Preference and Willingness-to-Pay for Domestic Corn-fed Beef versus International Grass-fed Beef Measured through an Experimental Auction. Agribusiness An International Journal, 18(4), 491-504.

Professional Journal

    Public or Trade Journal

    • Feuz, B., Feuz, D., (2015). Marketing Alternatives for Ranchers. CowCountry, 145:4 *
    • Feuz, D., (2000). Equitable Cropshare Arrangements for Intensive Dryland Cropping Systems.. Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers., 64, 112-117. *
    • Feuz, D., (2000). Lessons for Organic Agriculture from the Upper Midwest Organic Marketing Project.. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 15, 119-128. *
    • Feuz, D., (1999). Market Signals in Value Based Premiums and Discounts.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 24, 327-341. *
    • Feuz, D., (1998). Spatial and Varietal Price Analysis of Dry Edible Bean Markets.. International Food and Agribusiness Mangement Review, 1, 417-433. *
    • Feuz, D., (1998). Value Based Marketing for Fed Cattle: A Discussion of the Issues.. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 1, 73-90. *
    • Feuz, D., (1996). Organic Versus Sustainable Fed Cattle Production: South Dakota Case Study.. American Journal of Alternative Agriculture, 11, 30-38. *
    • Feuz, D., (1996). Retained Ownership: Understanding Performance Risk and Evaluating Marketing Alternatives.. Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 60, 65-71. *
    • Feuz, D., (1995). 'Production Uncertainty and Factor Proce Disparity in the Slaughter Cattle Market: Theory and Evidence.. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 77, 533-540. *
    • Feuz, D., (1995). Predicting the Value of Feeder Cattle Placed into an Accelerated Finishing Program Under Dynamic Market Conditions.. Professional Animal Scientist, 11, 180-185. *
    • Feuz, D., (1995). Risk, and Market Participant Behavior in the U.S. Slaughter Cattle Market.. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 20, 22-31. *
    • Feuz, D., (1993). A Risk Evaluation of Alternative Western Ranching Systems.. Journal of American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 57, 63-69. *
    • Feuz, D., (1993). An Empirical Analysis of the Efficency of Four Alternative Marketing Methods for Slaughter Cattle.. Agribusiness An International Journal, 9, 453-463. *
    • Feuz, D., (1993). Effect of Slaughter Cattle Marketing Method on the Productions Signals Sent to Beef Producers.. Professional Animal Scientist, 9, 53-59. *
    • Feuz, D., (1992). Replacement Beef Heifer Economics: When Price and Reproductive Performance are Uncertain.. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 56, 61-66. *
    • Feuz, D., (1991). Typical Farm Theory in Agricultural Research.. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, II, 43-58. *
    • Feuz, D., (1990). Leasing Cows--What is Equitable.. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 54, 21-28. *

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Technical Reports

    AES Reports

    • Griffin, W.A, Klopfenstein, T.J, Erickson, G.E, Feuz, D., MacDonald, J.C, (2007). Comparison of a Long Yearling System and Calf-fed Performance and Economics. 07 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln
    • Feuz, D., (2004). A System for Wintering Spring-Calving Bred Heifers Without Feeding Hay. 2004 Nebraska Beef Report *
    • Feuz, D., (2004). Basis Variability on the Feeder Cattle Contract Versus the Failed Stocker Contract. 2004 Nebraska Beef Report *

    Research Reports

    • Ward, R.A, Kim, M., Jakus, P.M, Feuz, D., (2011). An Economic Analysis of Time Control Grazing in Three Creeks, Rich County, Utah. *
    • Ward, R.A, Jakus, P.M, Feuz, D., (2010). The Economic Impact of Agriculture on the State of Utah. Economic Research Institute *

    Other Reports

    • Stockton, M.C, Wilson, R.K, Funston, R.N, Stalker, L.A, Feuz, D., (2008). Moving Beyond Weight as the Only Predictor of Breeding Readiness: Using a Bredding Maturity Index. 2009 Nebraska Beef Report
    • Small, R.M, Mark, D.R, Feuz, D., Klopfenstein, T.J, Griffin, W.A, Adams, D.R, (2008). Profit Variability for Calf-fed and Yearling Production Systems. 2009 Nebraska Beef Report
    • Griffin, W.A, Klopfenstein, T.J, Erickson, G.E, Feuz, D., Vander Pol, K.J, Greenquist, M.A, (2007). Effect of Sorting and Feeding Optaflexx on Performance and Economics of Long Yearling Steers. 07 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln

    An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

    Publications | Other


    • Wiedmeier, R.D, Summers, A., Zobell, D., Feuz, D., (2008). Some items to consider before you change the calving season of your beef cow herd. Utah State University Extension
    • Feuz, D., Burgener, P.A, (2005). Historical Cattle and Beef Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for Nebraska, 1960-2004.. Univ of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, *

    Magazine/Trade Publications


      • Burgener, P.A, Baltensperger, D.D, Feuz, D., (2005). Alternative Crop Budgets and Decision Making.. University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska Cooperative Extension *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). A System for Wintering Spring-Calving Bred Heifers Without Feeding Hay.. 2004 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). Basis Variability on the Feeder Cattle Contract Versus the Failed Stocker Contract.. 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). Consumer Acceptance and Value of Beef from Country-of-Origin Labeling.. 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). Consumer Acceptance and Value of Beef from Various Countires of Origin.. 2007 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). Consumer Acceptance and Value of West Aged and Dry Aged Beef Steaks.. 2004 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2004). Historical Cattle and Beef Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for Nebraska, 1960-2003.. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, PHREC 04-21 *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Cattle Feeders' Marketing and Pricing Practices.. Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Comparison of Two Heifers Development Systems on a Commercial Nebraska Ranch.. 2003 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Crop and Livestock Prices for Nebraska Producers.. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Cattle Feeders� Marketing and Pricing Practices. Oklahoma State University, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Fact Sheet on Country of Origin Labeling Research.. CSU Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and UNL Departments of Agricultural Economics and Animal Science. *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Historical Cattle and Beef Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for Nebraska, 1960-2002.. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Changes in Fed Cattle Marketing Methods: Survey Results.. In Cattleman's Day 2003, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, Report of Progress 908 pp 88-91 *
      • Feuz, D., (2003). Changes in Fed Cattle Marketing Methods: Survey Results. Cattlemen�s Day 2003 *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). A Simulated Economic Analysis of Altering Days on Feed and Marketing Cattle on Specific Value-Based Pricing Grids.. 2002 Nebraska Beef Report, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Country of Origin Labeling: What Does it Mean for the Nebraska Meat Industries.. Neb Fact. Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Country of Origin Labeling: What Does it Mean for the Nebraska Meat Industries. NebFact *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Fed Cattle Marketing Trends and Concerns: Cattle Feeder Survey Results.. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Beef Industry Structure, Marketing and Policy Issues.. FOCUS-Economic Issues for Nebraskans. Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln. *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Historical Cattle and Beef Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for Nebraska, 1960-2001.. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extensive Service, Panhandle Research and Extension Center PHREC 02-21 *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Historical Crop Prices, Seasonal Patterns, and Futures Basis for the Nebraska Panhandle 1983-2001.. University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension Service, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, *
      • Feuz, D., (2002). Comments on Economic Impacts of Proposed Legislation to Prohibit Beef and Pork Packer Ownership, Feeding, or Control of Livestock. *
      • Feuz, D., (2001). Using Experimental Auction Markets to Study Consumer Demand: Will Consumers pay for their Preferred Beef Flavor?. FOCUS- Economic Issues for Nebraskans. Department of Agricultural Economics, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln *

      An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


      APEC 2500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2024
      APEC 5710, 6710 - Frontiers in Agribusiness, Spring 2024
      APEC 2500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2023
      APEC 5010 - Firm Marketing and Price Analysis, Fall 2023
      APEC 4900 - Directed Readings, Research, or Seminar Series, Spring 2023
      APEC 6910 - Independent Research, Spring 2023
      APEC 2500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2022
      APEC 2500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2021
      APEC 2120 - Small Firm Accounting Basics, Fall 2021
      APEC 3500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2020
      APEC 6030 - Agricultural Marketing, Fall 2019
      APEC 3500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2019
      APEC 3012 - Introduction to Natural Resource and Regional Economics, Fall 2019
      APEC 7950 - Department of Economics Graduate Seminar, Spring 2019
      APEC 6030 - Agricultural Marketing, Fall 2018
      APEC 3500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2018
      APEC 3500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2017
      APEC 3500 - Commodity Futures and Options Trading and Analysis, Fall 2016
      APEC 6040 - Agribusiness Production and Supply Chain Management, Fall 2012
      APEC 5010 - Firm Marketing and Price Analysis, Fall 2012
      APEC 6030 - Agricultural Marketing, Fall 2011
      APEC 5010 - Firm Marketing and Price Analysis, Fall 2011
      APEC 6030 - Agricultural Marketing, Fall 2010
      APEC 6030 - Agricultural Marketing, Fall 2010
      APEC 5010 - Firm Marketing and Price Analysis, Fall 2010
      APEC 5010 - Firm Marketing and Price Analysis, Fall 2010
      APEC 6030 - AG MARKETING, Fall 2009
      APEC 5010 - FIRM MKTG AND PRICE ANALYS(QI), Fall 2009
      ECON 6030 - AG MARKETING, Fall 2008
      ECON 5030 - AG MKT/PRICE ANALYSIS, Fall 2008
      ECON 5030 - AG MKT/PRICE ANALYSIS, Fall 2006


      Ranch Economics and Commodity Marketing, 2022 - 2027
      General Beef Cattle/Ranch Economics Education Programs, 2007 - 2021
      Production Agriculture and Agricultural Economics, 2010 - 2016
      Beginning Rancher Program, 2010 - 2013
      Civil Rights-General Plan, 2008 - 2012
      Cattle Marketing and Ranch Management, 2007 - 2012
      Crop Marketing, 2007 - 2012
      MBM Program, 2011 - 2011
      Production Agriculture and Agricultural Economics, 2010 - 2010

      Graduate Students Mentored

      Ryan Bake, Applied Economics, September 2023
      Garret Nelson, Applied Economics, August 2018 - December 2019
      Claire Hutchins, Applied Economics, September 2017 - December 2018
      Trevor Nielson, Applied Economics, August 2015 - May 2017
      Aaron Kastelar, Applied Economics, September 2012 - May 2017
      Justin Dickamore, Applied Economics, August 2014 - December 2015
      Jesse Russell, Applied Economics, September 2013 - December 2014
      Prabuddha Ghosh, Applied Economics, August 2008 - May 2012
      Matt Hirschi, Applied Economics, September 2009 - December 2010
      Caleb Bott, Applied Economics, September 2008 - May 2010
      Ryan Drollette, Applied Economics, September 2008 - December 2009
      John Olson, Applied Economics, September 2007 - August 2009
      Chad Haris, Applied Economics, September 2006 - May 2008