David Frame
Animal, Dairy & Vet Sciences
Extension Poultry Specialist

Contact Information
Office Location: West Campus, Snow College, Ephraim, UT Room 12Phone: 435-851-2233
Email: david.frame@usu.edu
Special Recognition Award, 2018
Western Poultry Disease Conference
"Scientist of the Year", 2016
Pacific Egg & Poultry Association
Service Appreciation, 2006
Service Appreciation, 2005
Service Appreciation, 2004
Publications | Abstracts
- Kelly, E., Frame, D., (2019). Virulent Newcastle disease in backyard exhibition chickens in Utah. American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians
- Kelly, E., Frame, D., Dilated cardiomyopathy in a Rio Grande wild turkey in Utah.
- Palmer, M.D, Frame, D., (2010). Chickens inthe Vegetable Garden. National Association of County Agricultural Agents
- Palmer, M.D, Frame, D., (2010). Chickens in the vegetable garden. National Association of County Agricultural Agents Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference Proceedings
- Frame, D., (1999). Environmental Gas Levels in Turkey Facilities. Annual Mtg., Poultry Science *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
- Steinitz, T., Wagner, K.M, Drost, D.T, Alston, D.G, Hunter, B., Nischwitz, C., Ramirez, R., Allen, L., Barnhill, J.V, Frame, D., Pace, M., Durward, C., Reeve, J., Jewkes, M., Heflebower, R.F, (2014). A Guide to Common Organic Gardening Questions. USU Extension *
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Frame, D., Van Wettere, A., (2015). Collection Procedure for Submitting PCR Samples to Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory for Avian Influenza Testing in Turkeys, Chickens, and Game Birds. *
- Cooper, T.D, Rothlisberger, D., Frame, D., (2014). Basic Selection, Nutrition and Care of Show Poultry. USU Extension
- T.S, Frame, D., B.M, (2013). Marek’s Disease (MD, Range Paralysis, Gray Eye). Utah State University Extension
- Ellis, L.T, Frame, D., (2012). 4-H Poultry Showmanship Questions.
- Cooper, T.D, Frame, D., (2012). Information for the Poultry Showmanship Judge. USU Extension
- Cooper, T.D, Frame, D., (2012). Preparing Your Bird for the Poultry Showmanship Contest. USU Extension
- Frame, D., (2012). Causes and Control of Selected Diseases Related to Backyard Chicken Flocks in Utah. USU Extension
- Frame, D., (2012). Postmortem Evaluation of Turkeys. USU Extension
- Cooper, T.D, Frame, D., (2012). What Is Expected of the Poultry Showman?. USU Extension
- Cooper, T.D, Frame, D., (2012). Organizing a Poultry Showmanship Contest.
- Frame, D., Procedure and Checklist for Vaccinating Commercial Meat Turkey Flocks. USU Extension
- Frame, D., (2010). Postmortem Evaluation of Game Birds.
- Frame, D., (2010). Poultry and Game Bird Hatchery Sanitation and Biosecurity.
- Frame, D., (2010). Selecting and Preparing Broilers for Show. USU Extension
- Frame, D., (2010). Basics for Raising Backyard Chickens. USU Extension
- Frame, D., Rood, K., (2010). Handling Baby Poultry. USU Extension web site
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Frame, D., Kelly, E., Van Wettere, A., (2015). Cardiomyopathy in Rio Grande Subspecies of Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) in Southern Utah, USA, 2013. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 51 (3), 790-792.
- Frame, D., (2007). Use of Camelina sativa in Diet of Young Turkeys. 2007 Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 16, 381-386..
- Frame, D., (2004). Dairy Compost as a Source of Turkey Brooder Bedding. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 13, 614-618.
- Frame, D., (2002). Pelletized newspaper bedding for turkeys and its effect on brooding performance. J. of Applied Poultry Research, 11, 229-232.
- Frame, D., (2002). Random amplified polymorphic DNA and amplified fragment length polymorphism analyses of Pasteurella multocida isolates from fatal fowl cholera infections. J. of Clinical Microbiology, 40, 2163-2168.
- Frame, D., (2001). Interactive effects of dietary sodium and chloride on the incidence of spontaneous cardiomyopathy (round heart) in turkeys. Poultry Sci., 80, 1572-1577.
- Frame, D., (1987). Pasteurella anatipestifer infection in commercial meat-type turkeys in California.. Avian Dis. 31:913-917.
Professional Journal
Public or Trade Journal
- Frame, D., (2009). How to Keep Your Chickens Healthy. Wasatch Community Gardens online, *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Frame, D., (2000). Enterprise Budget: Raising Hen Turkeys, 7,500 Poults, Utah, 1999. 2000 Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food Annual *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Frame, D., (2016). Responsibly raising chickens. Utah Farm Bureau *
- Frame, D., (2016). Enjoy Chickens at Home. Cache Conservation News *
- Frame, D., (2014). Ornithobacterium rhinotracheale (ORT): An Emerging Disease in the Sanpete Valley. Norbest Growers Newsletter *
- Stiers, J., Frame, D., (2014). Utah Agriculture and Food magazine -- Food Safety Focus on Quality: Egg Industry Ensures Safety of Its Product. Journal Communications Incorporated *
- Frame, D., (2014). Fowl Cholera: Review of Signs, Treatment, and Control. Norbest Growers Newsletter *
- Frame, D., (2014). Update on Bordetella avium (Turkey Coryza). Norbest Growers Newsletter *
- Frame, D., (2016). Winterizing Backyard Chickens: Utah Ag Industry Highlights. USU Extension *
- Frame, D., (2009). Partnership Aggreement of the Utah Egg Quality Assurance Plan. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food *
- Frame, D., (2009). Keeping Their Eggs in Their Backyard Nests. New York Times *
- Frame, D., (2009). Poultry Raising. Herald Journal *
- Frame, D., (2009). Considerations in Raising Small Backyard Flocks of Poultry in Population-dense Communities. AG/Poultry/2009-02pr *
- Frame, D., (2009). From Foul Economy to Fowl Economy. Utah Farm Bureau News *
- Frame, D., (2009). Extension Service Provides Backyard Poultry Raising Tips. Spanish Fork Press *
- Frame, D., (2009). Raising Backyard Poultry Proves Popular. North Sanpete Pyramid *
- Frame, D., (2009). Raising Backyard Poultry Proves Popular. The Times-News Nephi *
- Frame, D., (2009). Raising Backyard Poultry Proves Popular. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food *
- Frame, D., (2009). Molting and Determining Production of Laying Hens. AG/Poultry/2009-01pr *
- Frame, D., (2009). Housing Backyard Chickens. *
- Frame, D., (2009). Principles of Feeding Small Flocks of Chickens. AG/Poultry/2008-02pr *
- Frame, D., (2007). USU Turkey Research farm provides practical advice for area producers. Utah Farm Bureau News (facilitated article) *
- Frame, D., (2006). BAT06-3: Potential Camelina sativa Use in Turkey Diets. Utah Turkey Marketing Board *
- Frame, D., (2006). A06-2: Nutridense Corn Trial Through Growout. Moroni Feed Company Research Committee *
- Frame, D., (2006). F06-3: Hybrid Converter Tom Feeding Programs. Moroni Feed Company Annual Nutrition Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2006). W06-3: Hybrid Converter Hen Feeding Programs. Moroni Feed Company *
- Frame, D., (2006). Avian Influenza: Talking Points for County Agricultural Educators and Suggested Biosecurity Guidelines. USU Extension, Fact Sheet *
- Frame, D., (2006). W06-1: Lubing Drinker Cup Trial. Moroni Feed Company Research Committee *
- Frame, D., (2006). Biosecurity Rules for the 2006 Utah Turkey Show. Fact sheet and oral presentation *
- Frame, D., (2005). F05-4 Summary Orlopp Mid Tom Test (129 & 136 d). Moroni Feed Company Annual Nutrition Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2005). Orlopp Heavy Hens and Mid Toms: Feed Conversion. Moroni Feed Company Annual Nutrition Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2005). Research Report: Feeding Schedule of Orlopp Turkey. Moroni Feed Company Annual Nutrition Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2005). W05-4 Summary Orlopp Heavy Hen Test (119 & 126 d). Moroni Feed Company Annual Nutrition Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2005). A05-3: Nicholas Strain Test. Moroni Feed Company Research Committee *
- Frame, D., (2005). Use of Nutridense Corn in Poult Starter Diets. May 2005. *
- Frame, D., (2005). W05-2 Results of 2005 Mid Tom Test (135 d). Moroni Feed Company Research Committee *
- Frame, D., (2005). A05-1 Results of 2005 Heavy Hen Test (122 d). Moroni Feed Company Research Committee *
- Frame, D., (2004). Utah Broiler Handbook. *
- Frame, D., (2003). Biosecurity Principles: Protecting the Utah Turkey Industry.. Ag/Poultry/Health/Biosecurity/03 *
- Frame, D., (2003). Biosecurity Principles: Protecting Your Investment. USU Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet *
- Frame, D., (2003). C38 E. coli Colonization Trial at the USU Turkey Research Center. Moroni Feed Company Research Committee Meeting *
- Frame, D., (2003). Exotic Newcastle Disease/La Enfermedad de Newcastle Ex?tica. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension *
- Frame, D., (2003). Nutrient Content of Turkey Litter. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2003). Poultry Farm Biosecurity Evaluation Form. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2002). Utah Jr. Turkey Show Handbook. *
- Frame, D., (2001). An experience with Newcastle and hemmorhagic enteritis at the USU Turkey Research Center. Research Report *
- Frame, D., (2001). Nicholas vs. Orlopp Performance of Mid and Heavy Toms. Research Report *
- Frame, D., (2001). Steps in Evaluating Power Ventilation Needs in Utah Turkey Facilities. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2001). Understanding Static Pressure. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2001). Ventilation Basics for Utah Turkey Facilities. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2000). Cold Weather Growout (Observations). Poultry Extension Update *
- Frame, D., (2000). Costs and Returns of Utah Turkey Flocks, Microsoft Excel. Dept. of Extension, Utah State University *
- Frame, D., (2000). Daily Water Consumption of Turkeys Raised in Utah. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2000). H7N3 Outbreak Halted by Vaccine. World Poultry, Elsevier *
- Frame, D., (2000). Hen Density Study (Summary. Poultry Extension Update *
- Frame, D., (2000). Light Tom Density Study (Results). Poultry Extension Update *
- Frame, D., (2000). Midnight Snacking. Poultry Extension Upddate *
- Frame, D., (2000). Roundheart vs. Dietary Sodium and Chloride. Poultry Extension Update *
- Frame, D., (2000). Turkey building ventilation and heat estimate (R:Base 2000): Used to calculate fan capacity, BTU needs, air exchange rates, and ventilation guidelines for retrofitting old buildings or building new ones. USU Cooperative Extension, Utah State University *
- Frame, D., (2000). Weekly feed consumption of light consumer-size turkeys raised in Utah. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (2000). Weekly growth characteristics of consumer-size Orlopp turkeys raised in Utah. Fact Sheet, USU Cooperative Extension Service *
- Frame, D., (1999). Causes and Control of Spontaneous Cardiomyopathy or Roundheart Disease in Utah Turkeys. USU Electronic Extension *
- Frame, D., (1997). Outbreaks of Low Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in U.S.A.. Fourth Intrl. Symp., Avian Influenza. Athens, GA. May 28-31. *
- Frame, D., (1995). Effects of lowered dietary sodium chloride on spontaneous cardiomyopathy mortality in turkeys.. Proc., 44th Western Poultry Disease Conference. p. 22. *
- Frame, D., (1994). Recurrent outbreaks of a cutaneous form of Pasteurella multocida infection in turkeys.. Avian Dis. 38:390-392. *
- Frame, D., (1993). An analysis of turkey facilities and management practices in Utah.. American Society of Agricultural Engineers/Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineers 1993 International Summer Meeting. Paper No. 93-3014. *
- Frame, D., (1993). Serologic evidence of an outbreak of avian encephalomyelitis in meat turkeys and turkey breeder hens.. Proc., 42nd Western Poultry Disease Conference. p. 8. *
- Frame, D., (1991). Roundheart disease in Utah turkey flocks.. Proc., 4th Western Poultry Conf., Acapulco, Mexico. pp. 95-96. *
- Frame, D., (1986). An outbreak of coccidiosis and necrotic enteritis in 16-week old cage-reared layer replacement pullets. Avian Dis. 30:601-602.. *
- Frame, D., (1986). Contributory addendum to: Bickford, A.A. Diseases affecting reproducing/laying birds and reproductive performance. Australian Vet. Poult. Assoc. Proc., 92:759-776.. *
- Frame, D., (1986). Summary of Litter Layer Fatigue or Adult Rickets, and Fatty Liver Syndrome.. Australian Vet. Poult. Assoc. Proc., 92:773-774. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.