Jim Keyes

Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences (ADVS)

Extension Associate Professor, Director Ranch Horse Management Program

Jim Keyes

Contact Information

Office Location: Blanding, BLTB 208B
Phone: (435) 678-8162
Email: jim.keyes@usu.edu

Educational Background

Other, Agricultural Economics, University of Arizona, 1988
MS, Animal Science, (Range Management), Utah State University, 1985
Lamb birthcoat relationship to the adult fleece in old-type Navajo sheep
BS, Animal Science, (Range Management), Utah State University, 1982


Have been with USU since 4/1/1985 (40Years). Served as Extension Agent, County Director, District Department Head for all Eastern Utah Extension Offices, and Beef Specialist for Eastern and Southern Utah Counties. Accepted position at USU-Blanding as Director USU Ranch Horse Management Program and teaching Animal Science.

Teaching Interests

Animal Science - Equine Sciences, Beef Cattle Productions


Communication Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2008

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

National Communication Award, 2008

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

Cooperator Award, 2006

USU Specialists Association

Distinguished Service Award, 2006

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

Vice President's Award For Excellence (Individual), 2005

Utah State University

Vice President’s Award for Excellence (Team), 2005

Utah State University

Extension Diversity Award, 2001

Utah State University

Pride Program Regional Winner, 1992

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

National Pride Program State WInner, 1992

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

National 4-H Record Book Team, 1991

National 4-H Program

National Communication Award, 1989

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

Outstanding Extension Livestock Agent, 1989

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

National Public Information Award, 1988

National Association of County Agricultural Agents

Youth Mentor Award, 1987

Navajo Nation Department of Agriculture

Outstanding Livestock Educator, 1986

Chicago Mercantile Board of Exchange

Publications | Abstracts

  • Keyes, J.D, (2015). Estrus synchronization and artificial insemination on a small scale. . National Association of Agricultural Agents
  • Keyes, J.D, (2015). The Navajo Livestock Reduction of the 1930s: An historical, economical, and animal husbandry perspective. . Western Section American Society of Animal Science
  • Keyes, J.D, Ransom, C., Ralphs, M.H, (2010). Herbicide control of broom snakeweed in the Colorado Plateau and Great Basin. Weed Science Society of America
  • Keyes, J.D, Ransom, C., Herbicide control of broom snakeweed on Colorado Plateau and the Great Basin. . Society for Range Management
  • Keyes, J.D, (2009). 4-H Working Ranch Horse Program. Western Section National Association of County Agricultural Agents
  • Keyes, J.D, (2006). Range Management Issues on Public Lands. . Western Section National Association of County Agricultural Agents
  • Keyes, J.D, (2005). Sheep Production on the Navajo Reservation. Western Section National Association of County Agricultural Agents
  • Keyes, J.D, (1987). Lamb Birthcoat Relationship to the Adult Fleece in Navajo/Churro Sheep. . Western Section American Society of Animal Science

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Fact Sheets

  • Keyes, J.D, Can Cows Eat Snow?.
  • Keyes, J.D, Horse Marketing: Answers and Options.
  • Keyes, J.D, McKendrick, S.S, Dolechek, K., (2011). Winterizing Your Horse.
  • Keyes, J.D, (2007). What Makes a Good Bull?. Utah State University *

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Curriculum

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Journal Articles

Academic Journal

  • Keyes, J.D, Banks, J.E, Ralphs, M.H, Ransom, C., (2013). Capture and Control of an Old West Desperado: Broom Snakeweed. Journal of the NACAA, 6(2), 17-21.

Professional Journal

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.

Publications | Other

An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.


"Time Among the Navajo", 2017 - Ongoing
Beef Quality Assurance for Beef Producers, 2010 - Ongoing
Evaluation of Conservation Strategies and Technologies, 2001 - Ongoing
Range Management and Grazing, 2012 - 2020
Beef Cattle Management, 2007 - 2020
Equine Owner and Equine Major clinics, 2010 - 2014
Civil Rights, 2008 - 2008