Kelly Kopp
Plants, Soils & Climate (PSC) | Extension
Professor, Extension Water Conservation and Turfgrass Specialist

Contact Information
Office Location: AGRS 334Phone: 435-757-6650
Additional Information:
Educational Background
Kelly Kopp is a Professor and Extension Specialist in the Plants, Soils & Climate department at Utah State University, where her research efforts are focused on landscape water conservation and sustainable turfgrass management. She serves on the Board of Directors of USU's Center for Water Efficient Landscaping and is board member and past president of the Utah Water Conservation Forum. She works directly with many of the federal, state, and municipal agencies that are working toward achieving water use efficiency in the state of Utah, the Intermountain West, and beyond.
Teaching Interests
landscape irrigation design
Research Interests
landscape irrigation efficiency, turfgrass water and nutrient dynamics, smart irrigation technologies, water efficiency programming
Crop Science Society of America Extension Education Award, 2022
Crop Science Society of America
Utah Nursery and Landscape Association Public Service Award, 2025
Utah Nursery and Landscape Association
Education Materials Outstanding Factsheet Award, 2024
American Society of Horticultural Science
USU Faculty University Service Award, 2024
USU College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Faculty University Service Award, 2023
USU College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
Career Specialist Award, 2021
USU Extension Specialists Association
Editor's Citation for Excellence (Reviewer), 2020
American Society of Agronomy
Best Fact Sheet Award, 2018
Utah Association of County Agricultural Agents
Best Publication Award, 2018
Utah Association of County Agricultural Agents
USU Extension Innovator Award, 2015
USU Cooperative Extension
Western Extension Directors Association Award of Excellence, 2014
Western Extension Directors Association
Innovative Program Award, 2014
USU Extension Specialist's Association
Nation's Top Trendsetter Award, 2007
Public Works Magazine
Cooperative Conservation Award, 2006
United States Department of the Interior
Outstanding New Extension Specialist Award, 2003
USU Cooperative Extension
Vice President's Award for Excellence - Water Issues, 2003
USU Cooperative Extension
Publications | Abstracts
- Chen, J., Sun, Y., Oki, L., Sisneroz, J., Reid, K., Nackley, L., Contreras, R., Kim, S., Haver, D., Kopp, K., Jones, S.B, Hipps, L.E, (2023). Climate-ready landscape plants: Garden roses trialed in Utah. ASHS
- Meza-Capcha, K., Torres-Rua, A., Gao, R., Hargreaves, O., Osorio, K., Hipps, L.E, Kopp, K., Christiansen, L., Gowing, I., Coopmans, C., (2022). Estimation of leaf area index in urban turfgrass using high resolution multispectral imagery for the two-source energy balance model. American Geophysical Union
- Chen, J., Sun, Y., Kopp, K., (2022). Detecting drought stress of penstemons using infrared thermal imaging. HortScience 57(9): S58. (Abstr.)
- Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Harris, P., Kopp, K., McAvoy, D., Price, S., St. Hilaire, R., (2022). Determining sap yield, sugar contents, and mineral composition of boxelder and Norway maples. HortScience 57(9): S4 (Abstr.)
- Kopp, K., Lander, P., Mayer, P., Getting Smart About the Colorado River Basin: Research Trends.
- Sun, H., Kopp, K., Jones, S.B, (2010). Simulation of Water and Nutrient Transport in Three Turf Species. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA
- Sun, H., Kopp, K., Dietz, M.E, Jones, S.B, Fan, J., (2010). A Comprehensive Research Method to Investigate the Environmental Issues of Urban Landscapes: Water Use and Nitrogen Leaching of Urban Landscapes on Community Water Quantity and Quality. American Society for Horticultural Science
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Books
- Kopp, K., (2016). Saving Water by Being Smart: Agronomy: Grow with it!. American Society of Agronomy
- Kopp, K., Jiang, Y., (2013). Turfgrass water use and physiology: Turfgrass: Biology, use, and management. American Society of Agronomy
- spranger, a.m, Cardon, G., Patterson, R., Heflebower, R.F, Croft, A., Kratsch, H., Kopp, K., Gunnell, J., Shao, M., G., Rupp, L.A, (2011). Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: A Professional Do-It-Yourself Guide: Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: A Professional Do-It-Yourself Guide. CHAPTER ONE: PLANNING AND DESIGN. USU Press
- Kopp, K., Gunnell, J., (2011). Principle 4: Practical Turfgrass Areas: Water-Efficient Landscaping in the Intermountain West: A Professional and Do-it-Yourself Guide. USU Academic Press
- Kopp, K., Y.J, Turfgrass Water Use: Turfgrass Monograph (Crop Science Society of America). Crop Science Society of America
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Beddes, T., Caron, M.S, Barnhill, J.V, Kopp, K., (2017). Supression and Control of Field Bindweed in Residential Areas.
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Wilde, T., (2016). Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Piute County.
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Wilde, T., (2016). Simple Sprinkler Testing for Wayne County.
- Beddes, T., Kopp, K., Whitesides, R.E, Gunnell, J., Caron, M.S, (2015). Weed Control Options for Residential Lawns in Utah.
- McCann, R.B, Lynch, J., Kopp, K., (2015). Greywater Systems.
- Kopp, K., Davis, R., Ramirez, R., (2013). Chinch Bugs.
- Nischwitz, C., Kopp, K., Gunnell, J., (2013). Necrotic Ring Spot and Summer Patch of Turfgrass.
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Nelson, R., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Beaver County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Johnson, M.S, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Blanding, Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Pace, M., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Box Elder County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Beddes, T., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Cache County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Patterson, R., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Carbon County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Cooper, T.D, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Duchesne County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Worwood, D.R, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Emery County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Wilde, T., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Fillmore, Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Heaton, K., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Garfield County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Johnson, M.S, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Hanksville, Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Schaible, C., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Iron County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Heaton, K., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Kane County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Wilde, T., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Millard County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Johnson, M.S, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Moab, Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Johnson, M.S, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Monticello, Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Barnhill, J.V, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Morgan County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Wagner, K.M, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Salt Lake County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Palmer, M.D, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Sanpete County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Greenhalgh, L., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Tooele County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Seaver, M., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Utah County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Sulser, A.R, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Wasatch County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Goodspeed, J., (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Weber County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Hunter, B., Allen, L., (2013). Simpler Sprinkler Performance Testing for Davis County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Banks, J.E, (2013). Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Juab County. Utah State University Extension
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Gale, J.A, (2013). Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Sevier County. USU Cooperative Extension Service
- Banks, S.J, Kopp, K., Allen, L., (2013). Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Summit County. USU Extension Service
- Kopp, K., Allen, L., Kitchen, B.M, (2013). Simple sprinkler performance testing for Uintah County. Utah State University Extension
- Goodspeed, J., Heflebower, R.F, Beddes, T., Kopp, K., (2012). Bermuda Grass in Utah Lawns.
- Beddes, T., Kopp, K., (2012). Lawn Fertilizers for Cool Season Turf.
- Alston, D.G, Kopp, K., (2010). Turgrass cultural practices and insect pest management. Utah State University Cooperative Extension *
- Koenig, R., Kopp, K., Reid, C.R, (2002). Water-Wise Landscaping: Monitoring irrigation with probes. USU Extension electronic publication
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Beard, F., Deer, H.M, Roe, A.H, Kopp, K., Karren, J.B, (2011). Structural and Health Related Pest Management. Utah Department of Agriculture and Food
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Kopp, K., (2025). Plant Growth–promoting Rhizobacteria Have Varied Effects on Quality and Yield of Drought-stressed Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera). HortTechnology, 35:1, 62-66. doi: 10.21273/horttech05550-24
- Boyle, P.E, Kopp, K., Dai, X., Bushman, B.S, Johnson, P.G, Grossl, P., (2024). Clover (Trifolium spp.) Inclusion in Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa pratensis) Lawns. Hort Science, 59:7, 1020-1026. doi:
- Mathews, J., Sun, Y., Harris, P., Dai, X., Price, S., McAvoy, D., Farrell, M., Kopp, K., (2024). Sap yield and sugar content of boxelder and Norway maple trees in northern Utah. HortTechnology, 34:1, 52-59. doi: 10.21273/horttech05304-23
- Meza, K., Torres-Rua, A., Hipps, L.E, Kustas, W.P, Gao, R., Christiansen, L., Kopp, K., Nieto, H., Burchard-Levine, V., Martin, M.P, Coopmans, C., Gowing, I., (2023). Spatial estimation of actual evapotranspiration over irrigated turfgrass using sUAS thermal and multispectral imagery and TSEB model. Irrigation Science, doi:
- Chen, J., Sun, Y., Oki, L., Sisneroz, J., Reid, K., Nackley, L., Contreras, R., Kim, S., Schuch, U., Haver, D., Stuke, M., Fron, A., Kopp, K., Jones, S.B, Hipps, L.E, (2023). Climate ready landscape plants: garden roses trialed at reduced irrigation frequency in Utah, USA. HortTechnology, 33:5, 477-492. doi: 10.21273/HORTTECH05252-23
- Sun, H., Kopp, K., Jones, S.B, (2022). Numerical Simulation of Water and Nitrogen Transport in Three Turf Species. Journal of Environmental Quality
- Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Dai, X., (2022). Comparing smart irrigation controllers for turfgrass landscapes. HortTechnology, 32:5, 415-424. doi:
- Pratt, T., Allen, L., Rosenberg, D.E, Keller, A., Kopp, K., (2018). Urban Agriculture and Small Farm Irrigation Efficiency: Case Studies and Trends from Cache Valley, Utah. Agricultural Water Management, 213, 24-35.
- Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R.K, Urzagaste, P., Dai, X., (2017). Physiological and quality responses of turfgrass and ornamental plants to weather-based irrigation control. International Turfgrass Research Journal, 13, 1-10.
- Sun, H., Kopp, K., (2013). Identifying high-risk areas of N leaching in the Salt Lake Valley. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 12, 39-46.
- Kopp, K., (2012). Water-efficient Urban Landscapes: Integrating Different Water Use Categorizations and Plant Types. HortScience, 47:2, 254-263. doi: 10.21273/hortsci.47.2.254
- Johnson, P.G, Van Dyke, A., Hodgson, E., Murray, M., Kopp, K., (2012). Interest, Incentives, and Education Towards Organic Golf Course Management: A Study of Utah Golf Course Superintendents.. Applied Turfgrass Science, doi: 10.1094/ATS-2012-0320-01-TT
- Sun, H., Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R.K, (2012). Water efficient urban landscapes-Integrating different water use categorizations and plant types. HortScience, 47, 254-263.
- Rosenberg, D.E, Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Rupp, L.A, Johnson, P.G, Kjelgren, R.K, (2011). Value Landscape Engineering: Identifying Costs, Water Use, Labor, and Impacts to Support Landscape Choice. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47:3, 635–649. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2011.00530.x
- McCammon, T., Marquardt-Pyatt, S., Kopp, K., (2009). Water-conserving landscapes: an evaluation of homeowner preference. Journal of Extension, 47:2
- Kopp, K., Guillard, K., (2009). Quantifying turfgrass-available N from returned clippings using anion exchange membranes. International Turfgrass Research Journal, 11, 41-54.
- Bunderson, L.D, Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., Van Dyke, A., (2009). Tools for evaluating native grasses as low maintenance turf. HortTechnology, 19, 626-632.
- Kopp, K., Cerny-Koenig, T., Lopez, R., (2007). Educating large landscape water users. Journal of Extension, 45:1
- Zollinger, N., Kjelgren, R., Cerny-Koenig, T., Kopp, K., Koenig, R., (2006). Drought responses of six ornamental herbaceous perennials. Scientia Horticulturae, 109, 267-274.
- Kopp, K., Guillard, K., (2005). Clipping contributions to nitrate leaching from creeping bentgrass under varying irrigation and N rates. International Turfgrass Research Journal
- Zollinger, N., Cerny-Koenig, T., Kjelgren, R., Koenig, R., Kopp, K., (2005). Salinity Tolerance of Eight Ornamental Herbaceous Perennials. HortScience, 40:4, 1034E-1035. doi: 10.21273/hortsci.40.4.1034e
- Koenig, R., Cerny, T., Heflebower, R.F, Mesner, N., Kopp, K., Hill, R.W, (2004). A team approach enhances statewide water issues programming. Journal of Extension, 42:3
- Guillard, K., Kopp, K., (2004). Nitrogen fertilizer form and associated nitrate leaching from cool-season lawn turf. Journal of Environmental Quality, 33, 1822-1827.
- Ebdon, J.S, Kopp, K., (2004). Relationships between water use efficiency, carbon isotope discrimination, and turf performance in genotypes of Kentucky bluegrass during drought. Crop Science, 44, 1754-1762.
- Johnson, P.G, Koenig, R.T, Kopp, K., (2003). Nitrogen, phosphorous, and potassium responses and requirements in calcareous sand greens. Agronomy Journal, 95, 697-702.
- Kopp, K., Guillard, K., (2002). Clipping management and nitrogen fertilization of turfgrass: growth, nitrogen utilization, and quality. Crop Science, 42, 1225-1231.
- Kopp, K., Guillard, K., (2002). Relationship of turfgrass growth and quality to soil nitrate desorbed from anion exchange membranes. Crop Science, 42, 1232-1240.
- Guillard, K., Warner, G.S, Kopp, K., Stake, J.D, (1999). Leaching of broadcast and banded Atrazine from maize plots. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28, 130-137.
- Guillard, K., Morris, T.F, Kopp, K., (1999). The pre-sidedress soil nitrogen test and nitrate leaching from corn. Journal of Environmental Quality, 28, 1845-1852.
Professional Journal
Public or Trade Journal
- Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Klotz, E., Miller, C., (2015). Water Use Efficiency on Golf Courses in Utah. Golf Course Management, 83, 114-117. *
- Kopp, K., (2006). Water conservation programs and the turfgrass industry. Turf News, 30, 34-38. *
- Kopp, K., Guillard, K., (2002). Adjusting N rates when clippings are returned. Golf Course Management, 70, 60-64. *
- Johnson, P.G, Koenig, R., Kopp, K., (2002). Fertilizing calcareous sand greens. Golf Course Management, 70, 81-84. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Rupp, L.A, Kopp, K., Endter-Wada, J.L, Sun, Y., Johnson, P.G, Schaible, C., (2019). Annual Report of the Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (2019). *
- Rupp, L.A, Endter-Wada, J.L, Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., Sun, Y., Wheaton, A., (2018). Annual Report of the Center for Water Efficient Landscaping (2018). *
- Rupp, L.A, Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R.K, Johnson, P.G, Extension Water Initiative Interim Report - Center for Water Efficient Landscaping. *
- Rosenberg, D.E, Kopp, K., Kratsch, H., Rupp, , Johnson, , Kjelgren, R.K, (2010). Value Landscape Engineering Lifecycle Analysis Final Report & User's Guide to the Spreadsheet Program. Central Utah Water Conservancy District *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Cerny, T., Kuhns, M.R, Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, (2002). Efficient irrigation of woody landscape plants. Utah State Univ. Extension Fact Sheet
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Evans, S.R, Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, Hansen, N.C, Hopkins, B.G, (2020). More "Pop" per Drop: Smart Irrigation. SportsField Management *
- Kopp, K., (2012). Plant scientist seeks understanding landscape architect for meaningful soil-plant-water relationship. American Society of Landscape Architecture *
- Johnson, P.G, Kopp, K., (2004). Maximum length of summer dormancy in Kentucky bluegrass without or with minimal irrigation. TurfNews [TPI] *
- Kopp, K., (2016). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Winter 2016.
- Kopp, K., (2015). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Spring 2015.
- Kopp, K., (2014). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Fall 2014.
- Kopp, K., (2014). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Summer 2014.
- Kopp, K., (2014). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Spring 2014.
- Kopp, K., (2014). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Winter 2014.
- Kopp, K., (2013). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Fall 2013.
- Kopp, K., (2013). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Summer 2013.
- Kopp, K., Ramirez, R., Messmer, T.A, (2013). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Spring 2013.
- Kopp, K., Johnson, P.G, (2013). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Winter 2013.
- Kopp, K., Davis, R., (2012). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Fall 2012.
- Kopp, K., Ramirez, R., Spears, L., (2012). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Summer 2012.
- Kopp, K., Ramirez, R., (2012). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Spring 2012.
- Kopp, K., Davis, R., (2010). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Fall 2010.
- Kopp, K., (2010). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Spring 2010.
- Kopp, K., Davis, R., (2009). Turfgrass IPM Advisory-Fall 2009.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.