Rhonda Miller
Applied Sciences, Technology, & Education (ASTE)
Professor | Agricultural Environmental Quality Extension Specialist

Dr. Miller is a professor in the ASTE Department. She currently serves as the Agricultural Environmental Quality Extension specialist and the director of the AgrAbility of Utah project.
Research Interests
My research focuses on nutrient cycling and intertwines with my Agricultural Environmental Quality role. Current research examines nutrient cycling in grazing systems; and nutrient leaching when using cover crops. Previous research has examined the impact of different swather conditioner systems on forage quality and dry down rates; the impact of various manure management practices on nutrient cycling; and farm safety in Utah. My goal is to help farm and ranch families succeed, protect the environment, and remain in agriculture.
Graduate Student Mentoring Philosophy
My goal is to help my students learn and grow, and to prepare them for their desired job. I want my students to realize that all topics, including chemistry, science, math, and agriculture, are interconnected with society and our daily lives. As scientists we tend to categorize subjects into discrete disciplines. In turn, our students take courses within the different disciplines, but often fail to see the connections and overlap. I want my students to see and understand this interconnectedness. I also want my students to critically analyze information and think on their own. I believe that learning is not only the key to success, but also the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life.
Graduate school is so much more than just the courses. Although coursework is required, graduate school is also about learning how research is conducted, understanding the bigger picture of how the research fits in to science, and life in general. It is also about the experiences whether that be attending professional meetings, helping conduct outreach events, learning how to operate the lab equipment, supervising undergraduate student workers, or assisting with departmental functions.
I have high expectations for my students. True learning involves work. Learning is not just passing time in a classroom while being entertained or being spoon-fed information. I believe in working hard, and also believe that students should be willing to work hard, to be curious, and to learn. I encourage my students to stretch and go the extra mile – and to participate in other activities and learning situations.
Robins Award: Faculty University Shared Governance, 2014
Utah State University
Undergraduate Research Mentor, 2012
College of Agriculture
Living on the Land Curriculum, Western Extension Directors, 2009
Living on the Land Curriculum, CSREES Partnership Award, 2008
NACTA Teacher Fellow Award, 2007
Teacher of the Year, 2005
Living on the Land Curriculum, Communication Award, 2002
Living on the Land Curriculum, Educational Materials Award, 2002
Publications | Abstracts
- Miller, R.L, Nielson, T., Jensen, M., Waldron, B.L, Bingham, T.J, Creech, J.E, Peel, M.D, (2016). Nutrient leaching under grazing systems with grass monocultures and grass-legume mixtures. American Society of Agronomy *
- Miller, R.L, Nielson, T., Jensen, M., (2015). Impact of tannins on greenhouse gas emissions from urine and feces collected from grazing cows. ASABE *
- Miller, R.L, Jensen, M., Nielson, T., (2014). Effects of Fertilizers on Medusahead Seedbank Potential and Seedling Growth. American Society of Agronomy *
- Nielson, T., Miller, R.L, Beard, F., (2014). Cost-Benefit Analysis of Drying Solid Manure and Sludge Prior to Transport. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
- Miller, R.L, Brown-Reither, A., Carlisle, D., (2014). Assistive Technology for Irrigation Systems in the West. International Society of Agricultural Safety and Health
- Miller, R.L, Heemstra, J., (2014). Apps in Agriculture. eXtension *
- Miller, R.L, (2014). Nutrient and Manure Management Apps. Utah State University Extension *
- Miller, R.L, Jensen, B.J, Trinca, L., (2011). Effect of Grazing on Compaction and Nutrient Cycling. American Society of Agronomy
- Miller, R.L, Petersen, M., Thomas, H., Anderson, J., Loveless, R., (2011). The Utah Strategy - using collaboration and cooperation to obtain voluntary compliance.. Region 8 EPA
- Miller, R.L, (2010). Understanding the new animal feeding operation regulations.. Utah State University Extension Annual Conference Abstracts
- Miller, R.L, (2010). Using zero-tension lysimeters to determine the effect of grazing on nutrient cycling. American Society of Agronomy 2010 Abstracts
- Miller, R.L, Petersen, L.A, (2010). Effect of compaction on nitrogen cycling. American Society of Agricultural and Bioligical Engineers
- Miller, R.L, Jensen, B., Munns, B., Cardon, G., (2009). Use of Steel Slag to Reduce Phosphorus Loading in Animal Waste Handling Systems. 2009 Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy *
- Miller, R.L, Brown, J., (2008). Effects of traditional grazing and deferred grazing on nutrient cycling. 2008 Agronomy Abstracts: American Society of Agronomy *
- Miller, R.L, Mortensen, D.N, (2007). Nutrient Leaching and Soil Compaction in Irrigated Pastures Under Management Intensive Grazing. 2007 Agronomy Abstracts *
- Rasmussen, C.L, Warnick, B.K, Miller, R.L, (2007). Changes in Student Perceptions of Agriculture and LIfe Science during a General Education Life Science Course. NACTA Journal *
- Miller, R.L, Warnick, B.K, Wheeler, J., (2007). Adding Rigor and Relevance to the Non-thesis Option of a Graduate Program in Agricultural Extension and Education. NACTA *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Yost, M., Cardon, G., Baker, M., Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, Pace, M., Taylor, K., Zesiger, C., Evans, T., Miller, R.L, (2023). Soil sampling guide for crops . Utah State University
- Stock, M., Maughan, T., Miller, R., (2019). Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines. Utah State University Extension
- Muntz, H., Miller, R.L, Alston, D.G, Alternative Pest Control Methods.
- Muntz, H.E, Miller, R.L, Alston, D.G, Understanding Pesticide Risks: Toxicity and Formulation.
- Muntz, H., Miller, R.L, Alston, D.G, A Guide to Understanding Pesticide Groups for Homeowners.
- Miller, R.L, Brown-Reither, A., (2015). Preventing back injury while working in agriculture. USU Extension
- Miller, R., (2015). Air quality and agriculture. USU Extension
- Miller, R., Brown-Reither, A., (2015). Farming in the heat with chronic health conditions. USU Extension
- Miller, R., Brown-Reither, A., (2014). Farming with an Amputation. USU Extension
- Gonzalez, N., Miller, R.L, (2013). Are We Running Out of Phosphorus?. USU Extension
- Miller, R.L, Major, J., Trinca, P., (2013). Lagoon Startup and Maintenance. USU Extension
- Bowcutt, J., Miller, R.L, Israelsen, C.E, Hansen, N., (2011). Fundamentals of Nutrient Management. Utah State University Extension
- Miller, R.L, Major, J., Trinca, L., (2011). How a Lagoon Works - for Livestock Wastewater Treatment. USU Extension
- Bowcutt, J., Hansen, N., Israelsen, C.E, Miller, R.L, (2011). Fundamentals of Nutrient Management. Utah State University Extension
- Miller, R.L, Young, A., Major, J., Trinca, L., (2010). Phosphorus in Dairy Cattle Diets. Utah State University Extension
- Miller, R.L, MacAdam, J.W, Koenig, R., (2003). Management intensive grazing systems and the environment. Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. USU Cooperative Extension Service, Electronic Bulletin AG/2003-10
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Greenland, M., Waldron, B., Isom, S., Fonnesbeck, S., Peel, M., Rood, K., Thornton-Kurth, K., Miller, R.L, Hadfield, J., Henderson, B., Creech, J.E, (2023). Dry-matter intake and feed efficiency of heifers from four dairy breed-types grazing organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil mixed pastures. Journal of Dairy Science, doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2022-22858
- Rose, M.F, Waldron, B.L, Isom, S.C, Peel, M.D, Thornton-Kurth, K., Miller, R.L, Rood, K.A, Hadfield, J.A, Long, J., Henderson, B., Creech, J.E, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Herbage characteristics affecting intake. Journal of Dairy Science, 104:10, 10879-10895. doi: https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19563
- Miller, R.L, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Heifer growth, performance, and economic impact. Journal of Dairy Science, 104:10, 10863-10878. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-19524
- Miller, R.L, (2021). The effects of organic grass and grass-birdsfoot trefoil pastures on Jersey heifer development: Herbage characteristics affecting intake. Journal of Dairy Science, 104:10, 10879-10895. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-19563
- Cox, S., Peel, M.D, Creech, J.E, Waldron, B.L, Eun, J., Zobell, D., Miller, R.L, Snyder, D.L, (2017). Forage production of grass-legume binary mixtures on Intermountain Western USA irrigated pastures. Crop Science, 57, 1-12.
- Miller, R.L, (2017). Forage Production of Grass–Legume Binary Mixtures on Intermountain Western USA Irrigated Pastures. Crop Science, 57:3, 1742-1753. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.04.0235
- Noviandi, C.T, Eun, J., Waldron, B.L, Min, B.R, Zobell, D., Miller, R.L, (2014). Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures. Professional Animal Scientist, In Press
- Noviandi, C.T, Eun, J., Peel, M.D, Waldron, B.L, Min, B.R, Zobell, D., Miller, R.L, (2014). Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures. Professional Animal Scientist, 30, 13–22.
- Noviandi, C.T, Eun, J., Peel, M.D, Waldron, B.L, Min, B.R, Zobell, D., Miller, R.L, Effects of energy supplementation in pasture forages on in vitro ruminal fermentation characteristics in continuous cultures. Professional Animal Scientist
- Major, J., Miller, R.L, (2012). Global 4-H Network: Laying the Groundwork Survey. Journal of Extension, 50:6, Article 6FEA3.
- Burritt, E., McNeal, L., Miller, R.L, Villar, F., (2012). Flushing ewes improves the number of offspring in a range management system. . Journal of the NACAA, 5:2
- Miller, R.L, Jensen, B.J, Munns, B.T, Cardon, G.E, (2011). Use of steel slag to remove dissolved phosphorus from lagoon supernatant. Transactions of ASABE, 54:1, 191-196.
- Mariger, S.C, Grisso, R.D, Perumpral, J.V, Sorenson, A.W, Christensen, N.K, Miller, R.L, (2009). Virginia Agricultural Health and Safety Survey.. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 15(1), 37-47.
- Miller, R.L, Israelsen, C.E, Jensen, J., (2008). Agroterrorism: A mixed methods study examining the attitudes and perceptions of Utah producers.. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 14(3), 273-282.
- Rasmussen, C.L, Warnick, B.K, Miller, R.L, (2008). Using a general education life science course to teach agriculture: Changing student perceptions. NACTA Journal, 52:1, 44-48.
- Miller, R.L, Platero, L.C, (2006). Technology transfer preferences of researchers and producers in sustainable agriculture. Journal of Extension [On-line], 44(3), Article:3RIB2.
- Burritt, E., Mayland, H., Provenza, F.D, Miller, R.L, Burns, J., (2005). Effect of added sugar on preference and intake by sheep of hay cut in the morning versus the afternoon. Applied animal behaviour science, 94:3, 245–254.
- Burritt, E.A, Mayland, H.F, Provenza, F.D, Miller, R.L, Burns, J.C, (2005). Effect of added sugar on preference and intake by sheep of hay cut in the morning versus the afternoon. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 94(3-4), 245-254.
- Tarpley, R.S, Miller, R.L, (2004). Factors associated with the choice of college major in Utah. NACTA Journal, 48:2, 13-16.
- Miller, R.L, Beard, F.R, (2004). Instructional display for electrical safety. Journal of Agricultural Systems Technology and Management (online), 19
- Miller, R.L, Webster, J., Mariger, C., (2004). Nonfatal injury rates of Utah agricultural producers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 10:4, 287-295.
- Miller, R.L, Shibles, R.M, Hammond, E.G, Green, D.E, (1996). Effect of unique cytoplasms in reciprocal crosses of soybean. Crop Science, 36, 1196-1206.
Professional Journal
- Miller, R.L, Israelsen, C.E, (2008). Agroterrorism: Attitudes and perceptions of Utah producers.. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
Public or Trade Journal
- Miller, R.L, Hobby, J., Hargreaves, M., (2010). AgrAbility Program Finds A Good Neighbor in Local Rancher and School Teacher. Utah Farm Bureau News , 56(3):18-19 *
- Miller, R.L, Hobby, J., Petersen, L., (2009). Working Together to Weather the Storm. Utah Farm Bureau News, 24-25. *
- Miller, R.L, Hobby, J., Petersen, L., (2009). AgrAbility: Working Together to Keep Everyone Involved in the Family Farm. Utah Farm Bureau News, 20-22. *
- Miller, R.L, Hobby, J., Petersen, L., (2009). Young Rancher's Dreams Fulfilled with Help from AgrAbility. Utah Farm Bureau News, 18-19. *
- Miller, R.L, Ferguson, A.J, (2004). AgrAbility of Utah assists farm families with disabilities. Utah Farm Bureau News, 50(7), 12. *
- Miller, R.L, Novak, S., (2003). A fourth-generation rancher's success story. AgrAbility Quarterly, 3(4), 1-2. *
- Miller, R.L, (2002). AgrAbility of Utah: Helping people stay in agriculture. Utah Farm Bureau News, 48, 1. *
- Miller, R.L, (2002). Never say never: AgrAbility program keeps disabled farmers, families active. ASAE Resource, 178997160.6. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Miller, R.L, (2024). AgWellness Podcast: How AgrAbility and AgWellness can Help Farmers and Ranchers. USU Extension *
- Miller, R.L, Waldron, B., Creech, J.E, (2021). The nutrient cycle of pastured heifers.. Utah State University *
- Miller, R.L, (2020). Agriculture and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Are Cattle Destroying our Planet?. Utah State University *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Miller, R.L, (2024). FSA: AgrAbility of Utah. FSA *
- Miller, R.L, (2024). Utah Farm Bureau: AgrAbility of Utah. Utah Farm Bureau *
Miscellaneous Extension
- Miscellaneous-Extension
- Miller, R.L, Sutitarnnontr, P., Jones, S.B, (2015). The importance of rapid manure incorporation. USU Extension *
- Miller, R.L, Schaible, C., (2015). Understanding and using your soil test results to protect the environment. USU Extension *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). Home-Town Hero. Daily News Spectrum *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). AgrAbility Helps Keep Farm Family Member Involved. American Farm Bureau News *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). AgrAbility: Ingenuity Allows Farmers to Keep Working Despite Physical Disabilities. The Herald Journal *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). AgrAbility and OTs can Help Patients Reach their Goals. OT Newsletter *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). Utah Strategy - Phase II. *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). Students Create Award-Winning Device- Independence Given. *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). An AgrAbility Success Story. OPTIONS for Independence Newsletter *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). AgrAbility of Utah Project. FSA Newsletter *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). An AgrAbility Success Story. Extension Newsletter *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). New AFO/CAFO Regulations. *
- Miller, R.L, (2009). Beating the Odds. The Herald Journal *
- Miller, R.L, (2008). Effects of traditional grazing and deferred grazing on nutrient cycling.. *
- Miller, R.L, (2008). Module 4: Pasture establishment and rennovation: Living on the Land: Stewardship for Small Acreages. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Nutrient leaching and soil compaction in irrigated pastures under management intensive grazing. *
- Miller, R.L, Petersen, L.A, Hessenius, A.L, (2007). Polio Lasting Effects. AgrAbility Quarterly *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Navigating Obstacles. Richfield Reaper *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Agrability de Utah. *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). AgrAbility of Utah. *
- Miller, R.L, Baer, R.D, Petersen, L.A, (2007). AgrAbility of Utah: Helping Farmers and Ranchers with Disabilities. CPD CenterPoint News *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Time Marches On: Farmers Getting Older. The Spectrum and Daily News *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Utah farmers get older as the young bail out. Daily Herald *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). The Graying of Agriculture. Herald Journal *
- Miller, R.L, (2007). Ranching and Farming with a Disability. Red Rock Review *
- Miller, R.L, (2006). Helping Farmers Farm. Herald Journal *
- Miller, R.L, MacAdam, J., Koenig, R., (2004). Management intensive grazing systems and the environment: Nitrogen and phosphorus leaching. USU Extension *
- Miller, R.L, (2002). Nutrient leaching in intensively managed irrigated pasture in northern Utah. M.S. Thesis. Logan, UT: Utah State University. *
- Miller, R.L, (2002). Nutrient leaching under management intensive grazing systems. Utah Pasture Handbook. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station and Utah State University Extension *
- Miller, R.L, (2001). Module 4: Pasture establishment and rennovation: Living on the Land: Stewardship for Small Acreages. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension *
- Miller, R.L, Gonzalez, M., (2001). ATV Safety. USU Extension AHS-12. Utah State University. *
- Miller, R.L, (2000). Comparing the preferences for technology transfer practices between selected agricultural producers and principal investigators in the Western Region of the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. M.S. Thesis. Logan, UT: Utah State University. *
- Miller, R.L, (2000). Effects of exogenous cellulase and sulfur supplementation on ewes wintered on low-quality forage. M.S. Thesis. Logan, UT: Utah State University. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.