Tyson Sorensen
Applied Sciences, Technology & Education (ASTE)
Associate Professor | Agricultural Education, Teacher Education

Contact Information
Office Hours: By appointmentOffice Location: ASTE 111
Phone: 435-797-5741
Email: tyson.sorensen@usu.edu
Educational Background
Tyson is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Education with a Ph.D. earned from Oregon State University in 2015. He is the program lead for Agricultural Education at USU.
Teaching Interests
Agricultural Education, Career and Technical Education, Global Engagement
Research Interests
Assessing the need for a sufficient scientific and professional workforce through career and technical education.
Focus on: Teacher attrition and retention within CTE, the work-family interface of teachers, teacher professional development, global engagement, and student career preparation
Graduate Advising Philosophy Statement: My mentoring philosophy centers on building rapport, confidence, and trust with my advisees, and fostering experiential learning to empower graduate students for their future careers. I enjoy mentoring graduate students who have a clear understanding of their goals and aspirations. I believe in creating a dynamic mentor-mentee relationship where students actively engage in hands-on experiences that transcend theoretical knowledge through collaborative research projects, teaching, and other practical applications related to their career goals. My guidance extends beyond academic realms, focusing on holistic development of the individual. I am committed to tailoring experiences to align with individual career aspirations, ensuring each advisee gains the necessary skills and insights for success. As my mentoring approach is tailored to meet the needs of each individual student, I encourage autonomy and expect students to take initiative and work independently without my constant guidance. Ultimately, my mentoring approach is rooted in preparing graduate students not only for academic excellence but also for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their professional journeys.
Post Secondary Teacher of the Year, 2025
Utah Association of Career and Technical Education UACTE
USDA Teaching Award of Excellence, National Award, 2024
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences International Professor of the Year Award, 2024
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
USDA Teaching Award of Excellence, Western Region , 2024
2023 NSE Outstanding Paper, 2023
Natural Science Education Journal
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Teacher of the Year Award, 2022
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
United States Department of Agriculture Excellence in College and University Teaching in Food and Agricultural Sciences Award in the "Early Career" category, 2020
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences Undergraduate Research Mentor of the Year Award, 2020
College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences
Outstanding Research Impact Award, 2019
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Outstanding Research Poster , 2019
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Western Region Award for Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences in the New Teacher category, 2019
Outstanding Early Career (Young Member) Award, 2018
Western Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education
Outstanding Research Poster Design, 2018
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
President’s Volunteer Service Award, 2018
Winrock International
Most Outstanding Undergraduate Oral Presentation Award- Social Science & Education Discipline, 2018
Utah State University Student Research Symposium
Journal of Agricultural Education 2nd runner-up: Outstanding Journal Article for Volume 57, 2017
Journal of Agricultural Education; American Association for Agricultural Education
Journal of Agricultural Education runner-up: Outstanding Journal Article for Volume 57, 2017
Journal of Agricultural Education; American Association for Agricultural Education
Most Outstanding Research Paper, 2017
American Association for Agricultural Education
Secondary Education Outstanding Supervisor Award for 2016-2017, 2017
Utah State University, School of Teacher Education and Leadership
1st Place- Outstanding Research Poster, 2015
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Distinguished Manuscript Award, 2015
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Distinguished Manuscript Award, 2015
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Graduate Student Teaching Award, 2015
North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
Distinguished Manuscript Award, 2015
American Association for Agricultural Education
Distinguished Manuscript Award, 2015
American Association for Agricultural Education
Distinguished Manuscript Award, 2014
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Outstanding Research Presentation Award, 2014
Western Region, American Association for Agricultural Education
Publications | Curriculum
- Lawver, R.G, Sorensen, T., (2016). Utah Agricultural Education Natural Resources Science I and II Curriculum Library. Utah State Board of Education *
- Sorensen, T., Lawver, R.G, Lucas, M., Dutton, C., Dalling, C., (2016). Utah Curriculum for Agricultural Education. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Weeks, K.J, Lawver, R.G, Sorensen, T., Warnick, B.K, (2020). Do Teachers Have the Skills: 21st Century Skills in the Agricultural Education Classroom?. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61:4, 127-142. doi: 10.5032/jae.2020.04127
- Wood, M., Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M., Judd-Murray, R., Boschetto, L., (2024). Sowing success: The impact of pedagogical content knowledge and professional development on turnover intentions of SBAE teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 65:4, 161. doi: https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.v65i4.2789
- Hall, K., Bloxham, K., Judd-Murray, R., Sorensen, T., Bonner, J., (2024). An examination of instructional delivery method and college and career skill development on college graduates’ degree utilization. Issues in Information Systems, 25:2, 154-168. doi: https://doi.org/10.48009/2_iis_2024_112
- Wood, M.J, Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M.S, Judd-Murray, R., Boschetto, L., (2024). Roots of retention: Exploring job satisfaction, the professional identities, and turnover intentions of SBAE teachers by certification type. Career and Technical Education Reserach, 49:3, 141-155. doi: https://doi.org/10.5328/cter49.3.141
- Wood, M., Sorensen, T.J, Judd-Murray, R., Boschetto, L., Roots of retention: Exploring job satisfaction, the professional identities, and turnover intentions of SBAE teachers by certification type. Journal of Agricultural Education
- Sorensen, T., (2024). The donut model for agriculture teacher success: A model for theory and practice. Journal of Agricultural Education, 65:3, doi: https://jae-online.org/index.php/jae/article/view/2764
- Decker, S.K, Pate, M., Sorensen, T., Burrows, M., Kraus, K., (2024). Students’ perceptions of male and female post-secondary agricultural mechanics welding instructors. The NACTA Journal, 68:1, doi: https://doi.org/10.56103/nactaj.v68i1.168
- Decker, S.K, Pate, M., Sorensen, T., Burrows, M., Kraus, K., Edgar, D., (2024). Differences between Male and Female Welding Students’ Tinkering Self-Efficacy. Online Journal for Workforce Education and Development, 12:1
- Henderson, T.M, Sorensen, T., Stewart, J., (2023). Exploring student reflections towards an agricultural internship. North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) , 67:1, 89-98.
- Henderson, T.M, Sorensen, T.J, Stewart, J., Exploring student reflections towards an agricultural internship. North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Journal
- Hile, O., Sorensen, T.J, McKim, A.J, (2022). Meeting the needs of gifted and talented students in agricultural education: An exploratory study. Journal of Agricultural Education, 63:1, 13-28. doi: https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2022.01013
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, Burrows, M., (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic and agricultural education: An exploration of challenges faced by agriculture teachers. Natural Sciences Education, 50:1, 1-10. doi: 10.1002/nse2.20060
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, (2020). Agricultural Educators and the Pandemic: An Evaluation of Work and life Variables. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61:4, 214-228. doi: http://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2020.04214
- Gorter, E.K, Sorensen, T.J, Russell, J., Taylor, S., Henderson, T.M, (2020). Perceived changes among second-stage agriculture teachers following a professional development experience in Ecuador. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 1:3, 60-80. doi: https://doi.org/10.37433/aad.v1i3.69
- Kellie, C., Sorensen, T., Velez, J.J, Stewart, J., (2019). Examining the relationship of work-family conflict and turnover intentions of Oregon CTE teachers. Career and Technical Education Research Journal, 44:2, 114-143. doi: https://doi.org/10.5328/cter44.2.114
- Caitlin, P.M, McKim, A.J, Currey, K.W, R, M.B, Sorensen, T.J, (2019). Evaluating interdisciplinary teaching: Curriculum for agricultural science education. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education , 60:1, 158-171. doi: https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2019.01157
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T., McKendree, R.B, Pauley, C.M, (2018). Exploring student retention in postsecondary agriculture, food, and natural resources education program. Journal of Research in Technical Careers, 2:2, 16-25. doi: https://doi.org/10.9741/2578-2118.1047
- Sorensen, T.J, Lawver, R.G, Hopkins, N., Jensen, B., Dutton, C., Warnick, B.K, (2018). Preservice agriculture teachers’ development during the early phase of student teaching. Journal of Agricultural Education, 59:4, 105-119. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.04105
- McKim, A.J, Pauley, C.M, Velez, J.J, Sorensen, T.J, (2018). Interdisciplinary learning opportunities in agriculture, food, natural resources, and science: The role of the agriculture teacher. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE, 59:2, 179-196. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.02179
- Ingram, M., Sorensen, T.J, Warnick, B.K, Lawver, R.G, (2018). The influence of school-based agricultural education on pre-service agriculture teachers' choice to teach. . Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE, 59:2, 64-78. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.02064
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, (2018). An innovative model of agricultural education and training in Guinea: Trending toward self-sustainability. Journal of International Agricultural Education and Extension, 25, 1-14. doi: 10.5191/jiaee.2018.25102
- McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, Sorensen, T.J, (2018). A national analysis of school-based agricultural education involvement, graduation, STEM achievement, and income. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE, 59:1, 70-85. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.01070
- Chumbley, S.B, Haynes, C., Hainline, M., Sorensen, T.J, (2018). A measure of self-regulated learning in online agriculture courses. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE, 59:1, 153-170. doi: 10.5032/jae.2018.01153
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, Velez, J.J, Henderson, T.M, (2017). Analyzing the relationship between four teacher competence areas and career commitment. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58:4, 1-14. doi: 10.5032/jae.2017.04001
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T., Velez, J.J, Field, K.G, Crannell, W.K, Curtis, L.R, Diebel, P.L, Stone, D.L, Gaebel, K., (2017). Underrepresented Minority Students Find Balance in STEM: Implications for Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture. North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) , 61:4, 317-323.
- McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, Everett, M.W, Sorensen, T.J, (2017). The role of teachers in facilitating mathematics learning opportunities in agriculture, food, and natural resources. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE
- McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, Sorensen, T.J, (2017). Leadership learning opportunities in agriculture, food, and natural resources education: The role of the teacher. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE
- Sorensen, T.J, McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, (2017). A national study of work characteristics and work-family conflict among secondary agricultural educators. Journal of Agricultural Education/AAAE, 58:2, 214-231.
- Sorensen, T.J, McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, (2016). A national study of work-family balance and job satisfaction among agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57:4, 146-159. doi: 10.5032/jae.2016.04146
- Sorensen, T.J, McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, (2016). Leadership Identity Development through an Interdisciplinary Leadership Minor. Journal of Leadership Education/ Association of Leadership Educators, 15:1, 31-43. doi: 1012806/V15/I1/R3
- Sorensen, T.J, McKim, A.J, Velez, J.J, (2016). Why agriculture teachers leave: A national examination of turnover intentions and work-family conflict. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57:4, 186-201. doi: 10.5032/jae.2016.04186
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, Velez, J.J, (2016). Exploring the role of agriculture teachers in core academic integration. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57:4, 1-15. doi: 10.5032/jae.2016.04001
- Pate, M., Lawver, R.G, Sorensen, T., (2016). Safety in high school supervised agricultural experiences: Teachers’ training and students’ Injury Awareness. . Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 22:1, 150-166. doi: 10.13031/jash.22.11142
- McKim, A.J, Lambert, M.D, Sorensen, T., Velez, J.J, (2015). Examining the Common Core Standards in Agricultural Education. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education , 56:3, 134-145. doi: 10.5032/jae.2015.03134
- McKim, A.J, Sorensen, T.J, Velez, J.J, (2015). Identifying inputs to leadership development within an interdisciplinary leadership minor. Journal of Leadership Education/ Association of Leadership Educators, 14:2, 51-64. doi: 1012806/V14/I2/R4
- Lambert, M.D, Sorensen, T., Elliott, K.E, (2014). A comparison and analysis of preservice teachers' oral and written reflections. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education
- Sorensen, T., Lambert, M.D, McKim, A.J, (2014). Examining Oregon agriculture teachers’ professional development needs by career phase. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education
- Sorensen, T., McKim, A.J, (2014). Perceived work-life balance ability, job satisfaction, and professional commitment among agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education
- Velez, J.J, Cano, J., Sorensen, T., McKim, A.J, (2013). Self-efficacy and task value motivation of students based on classroom, instructor, and student variables. North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA)
- Sorensen, T., Tarpley, R.S, Warnick, B.K, (2010). In-service needs of Utah agriculture teachers. Journal of Agricultural Education/American Association for Agricultural Education
Professional Journal
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Sorensen, T., (2021). COVID-19 Roundtable Part 2. Owl Pellets for Ag Teachers: Tips for ag teachers (podcast) *
- Sorensen, T., (2021). COVID-19 Roundtable Part 1. Owl Pellets for Ag Teachers: Tips for ag teachers (podcast) *
- Sorensen, T., (2021). COVID-19 Effects on Ag Teachers. Owl Pellets for Ag Teachers: Tips for ag teachers (podcast) *
- Sorensen, T., (2019). Volunteers, not volunTEARS. Owl Pellets for Ag Teachers: Tips for ag teachers (podcast) *
- Sorensen, T., (2016). Balancing Work and Family. Owl Pellets for Ag Teachers: Tips for ag teachers (podcast) *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Other Reports
- Sorensen, T., (2017). CAFPPP Macenta (Republic of Guinea) Institutional Assessment and Strategic Plan: Final Report. . USAID and Winrock International Technical Report *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Sorensen, T., (2018). Agricultural education saving the world: Addressing food security and other complex issues. The Agricultural Education Magazine *
- Cromer, A., Sorensen, T., (2017). Investing in your career: Building career wealth through professional development in the early stages of the career. The Agricultural Education Magazine *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.