Melanie Stock
Plants, Soils, & Climate (PSC)
Associate Professor, Urban & Small Farms Extension Specialist

Educational Background
Licensures & Certifications
Dr. Stock is a soil scientist. Her lab focuses on high-value crops and resource use efficiency to improve the environmental sustainability and economic viability of small farms. Visit the Small Farms Lab at + on Instagram! @usu_smallfarms
Teaching Interests
Community-based education through Extension outreach with microfarmers, master gardeners, and community gardens. Topics include cut flowers, high tunnels, backyard livestock, manure management, and soil fertility.
Research Interests
Adapting cut flower crops for Utah from basic cultivation methods to nutrient management and physics-based season extension, overwintering, and water-use efficiency.
Extension Innovator Award, 2023
Utah State University Extension
Editor’s Choice Article Award , 2023
Kenneth Post Award , 2022
American Society of Horticulture Science
Highlighted Paper, 2021
American Society of Horticulture Science
DC Faculty Fellows , 2019
Utah State University
Champ Tanner Agricultural Physics Award, 2018
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Soil Science
Best Student Speaker Award, 2017
American Water Resources Association, Wisconsin Chapter
Champ Tanner Agricultural Physics Award, 2017
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Soil Science
Soil and Water Management and Conservation: Student Oral Competition, 2nd place , 2017
Soil Science Society of America
William Rothermel Soils Scholarship, 2017
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Soil Science
Champ Tanner Agricultural Physics Award, 2016
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Soil Science
Ruth & Carl Miller Academic Merit Award, 2016
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Soil Physics and Hydrology Division Lightning Round, 2nd place, 2016
Soil Science Society of America
Jaya Iyer Student Presentation Award, 2015
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Department of Soil Science
Richard D. Powell Memorial Scholarship, 2015
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Ruth & Carl Miller Academic Merit Award, 2015
University of Wisconsin - Madison
G.A. Harris Fellowship, 2014
Decagon Devices, Inc.
William T. Dible Terra International, Inc. Scholarship, 2014
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Richard D. Powell Memorial Scholarship, 2011
University of Wisconsin - Madison
Publications | Abstracts
- Wagner, K.M, Stock, M., (2023). The effect of sun protection and plastic mulch color on production of two dahlia cultivars in Salt Lake County, Utah. American Society for Horticultural Science *
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., (2022). Evaluating Production Strategies for Anemone and Ranunculus in the Intermountain West. American Society for Horticultural Science
- Stock, M., Oliver, E., Wagner, K.M, Nischwitz, C., (2022). Improving Dahlia Production in Northern Utah through Nutrient and Temperature Management.. American Society for Horticultural Science
- Oliver, E., Stock, M., Grossl, P., (2021). A Survey of Soil Quality and Contamination for Urban Agriculture Along the Wasatch Front. Soil Science Society of America
- Stock, M., Pyakurel, S., Allen, N., (2021). Efficiency of Day Versus Night Irrigation of Urban Crops in a Semi-Arid Landscape. Soil Science Society of America
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., (2021). Evaluating Production Strategies for Ranunculus and Anemone in the Intermountain West. American Society for Horticultural Science
- Stock, M., Lewis, M., (2020). Advancing early season cut flower production with Peony in the US Intermountain West. American Society of Horticulture Science
- Prasad, L., Arriaga, F., Thompson, A., Karthikeyan, K., Stock, M., (2020). Event-based runoff evaluation from fall chisel tillage and no-tillage. Soil Science Society of America
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., (2020). High Tunnel Systems for Producing Snapdragon Cut Flowers in Northern Utah. American Society of Horticulture Science
- Durfee, T., Stock, M., Lewis, M., (2020). Improving Stock (Matthiola incana) cut flower production in the Intermountain West. American Society of Horticulture Science
- Stock, M., (2020). Instagram is an underutilized platform in agricultural extension that can engage nontraditional groups. American Society of Agronomy
- Pyakurel, S., Stock, M., (2020). Quantifying day versus night irrigation efficiency for urban crops with a water-energy balance approach. Soil Science Society of America
- Stock, M., (2019). Cut Flowers. Utah Urban and Small Farms Conference *
- Stock, M., Arriaga, F., Vadas, P., Ward-Good, L., Karthikeyan, K., (2018). Tillage, manure, and winter runoff. Wisconsin Agribusiness Classic *
- Vadas, P.A, Stock, M.N, Feyereisen, G.W, Arriaga, F.J, (2017). Processes Controlling Nutrient Loss in Runoff from Winter Applied Dairy Manure. Agronomy Society of America *
- Stock, M., Arriaga, F.J, Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, Karthikeyan, K., (2017). Reducing winter runoff losses from dairy agroecosystems through tillage and manure application timing. Soil Science Society of America *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Karthikeyan, K., Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, (2017). Reducing winter phosphorus losses from dairy agroecosystems through tillage and manure application timing. American Water Resources Association *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Karthikeyan, K., Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, (2016). Does tillage increase frozen soil infiltration?. Soil Science Society of America *
- Vadas, P.A, Jokela, W., Good, L.W, Arriaga, F.J, Karthikeyan, K., Stock, M.N, (2016). Impact of seasonal and short-term manure application decisions on phosphorus loss in runoff. American Society of Agronomy *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Karthikeyan, K., Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, (2016). Reducing winter phosphorus losses from dairy agroecosystems through tillage and manure application timing. American Society of Agronomy *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Karthikeyan, K., Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, (2015). A water-energy balance approach to quantify manure management under frozen conditions. Soil Science Society of America *
- Stock, M.N, Hart, D.J, Balster, N.J, (2012). Using Ground-Penetrating Radar to detect eastern American toads (A. a. americanus) belowground. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists *
- Stock, M.N, Balster, N., (2012). The effects of soil temperature on belowground amphibian hibernation in an urban versus rural environment. Wisconsin Wetlands Association *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Hawkes, J., Grossl, P., Stock, M., (2024). A beginner’s guide to growing mushrooms at home. USU Extension
- Harrison, A., Stock, M., Harrison, L., Pratt, A., Nischwitz, C., Volesky, N., (2024). Bells of Ireland cut flower production in Utah. USU Extension
- Harrison, A., Stock, M., Harrison, L., Pratt, A., Stewart, O., Nischwitz, C., Volesky, N., (2024). Cosmos cut flower production in Utah. USU Extension
- Stock, M., Harrison, A., Harrison, L., Pratt, A., Nischwitz, C., Volesky, N., (2024). Dusty miller cut foliage production in Utah. USU Extension
- Harrison, A., Stock, M., Harrison, L., Pratt, A., Nischwitz, C., Volesky, N., (2024). Echinacea cut flower production in Utah. USU Extension
- Volesky, N., Murray, M., Stock, M., (2024). Pest Management for Utah Cut Flower Production: Insects and their Relatives. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Langford, M., Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, Reid, C., Xiong, Y.V, Zesiger, C., (2024). Intermountain West Florist Local Cut Flower Sourcing Preferences. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Langford, M., Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, Reid, C., Xiong, Y.V, Zesiger, C., (2024). Intermountain West Florist Market Overview and Outlook. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Langford, M., Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, Reid, C., Xiong, Y.V, Zesiger, C., (2024). Intermountain West Wholesale Cut Flower Buyer Market Analysis. USU Extension
- Langford, M., Curtis, K., Stock, M., (2023). An Overview of the Cut Flower Industry. USU Extension
- Langford, M., Curtis, K., Stock, M., (2023). Cut Flower Markets and Marketing in the Intermountain West. USU Extension
- Langford, M., Curtis, K., Stock, M., (2023). Understanding Cut Flower Consumers. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., (2023). Anemone cut flower production in Utah. USU Extension
- Barker, B., Cardon, G., Yost, M., Stock, M., Creech, E., Gale, J.A, (2023). Management of saline and sodic soils and irrigation water. USU Extension
- Chelinski, M., Grossl, P., Stock, M., (2023). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in urban soils: Testing and management. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., (2023). Ranunculus cut flower production in Utah. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2023). Anemone Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2022.
- Stock, M., Pratt, A., Nischwitz, C., Oliver, E., Wagner, K.M, Volesky, N., (2023). Dahlia Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2023). Ranunculus Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Curtis, K., Stock, M., (2023). Utah Florist Preferences for Local Cut Flowers. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Collins, A., Stock, M., Lewis , M., Hansen, S., (2022). Celosia Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Extension
- Gleeson, S., Stock, M., Nischwitz, C., (2022). Dahlia mosaic virus on dahlia. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Stock, M., (2022). High Tunnel Cost Construction Calculation Workbook.. USU Extension
- Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2022). Stock Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Extension
- Chelinski, M., Stock, M., Grossl, P., Oliver, E., (2022). Trace Element Contamination in Urban Soils: Testing and Management. USU Extension
- Hansen, S., Drost, D.T, Stock, M., Black, B.L, (2022). Expected Vegetable, Berry, Fruit, and Cut Flowers for Urban Farms in Utah. USU Extension
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Ranunculus Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2022. USU Extension
- Stock, M., Hansen, S., Lewis, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2022). Lisianthus Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Extension
- Columbia, S., Stock, M., (2021). Cut Flowers for Community Supported Agriculture Production. University of Kentucky Extension
- S.R, Stock, M., Black, B., Drost, D., (2021). Low Tunnels for Field Cut Flower Production. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R., Black, B.L, Drost, D., (2021). Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One Field, Northern Utah, 2020. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, , Black, B., (2021). Peony Cut Flower Production Budget, One High Tunnel, Northern Utah, 2020. USU Extension
- Stock, M., Hadfield, J., Hadfield, J., Reed, N., (2021). Pet Rabbit Projects: Getting Started. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Maughan, T., Black, B., Drost, D., (2021). Snapdragon Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Extension
- Drost, D., Black, B.L, Stock, M., (2021). Water Management in High Tunnels. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one field. USU Extension
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one high tunnel. USU Extension
- Hansen, S., Drost, D.T, Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, (2020). Beginning and Small Acreage Farms: Nonmotorized Tool Selection. USU Extension
- Pratt, A., Stock, M., Hadfield, J., (2020). Nutrition Guide for Rabbits. USU Digital Commons
- Maughan, T., Stock, M., Lewis, M., (2020). Zinnia Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Digital Commons
- Wagner, K.M, Stock, M., Sagers, L.A, (2020). Preparing and Improving Garden Soil. USU Digital Commons
- Pratt, A., Wagner, K.M, Stock, M., (2020). Utah Visual Farm Guide: What is Healthy Soil? . USU Digital Commons
- Pratt, A., Wagner, K.M, Stock, M., (2020). Utah Visual Farm Guide: Year-round Soil Care. . USU Digital Commons
- Stock, M., Maughan, T., Grossl, P., (2020). Urban Garden Soils: Testing and Management. USU Digital Commons
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Maughan, T., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2019). Sweet Pea Cut Flower Production in Utah. USU Digital Commons
- Stock, M., Maughan, T., Miller, R., (2019). Sustainable Manure and Compost Application: Garden and Micro Farm Guidelines. Utah State University Extension
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Curriculum
- Curtis, K., Ward, R.A, Stock, M., (2018). Start-to-Farm. USU Extension
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Wagner, K.M, Curtis, K., Ward, R., Stock, M., Cultivating Farmers, Connections, and Careers: The Utah Urban and Small Farms Conference Experience. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR)
- Stock, M., Oliver, F., Nischwitz, C., (2024). Nitrogen Management and Virus Incidence on Cut Flower Production of Dahlia . Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 42, 14-22. doi:
- Oliver, F., Stock, M., Grossl, P., Cardon, G., (2023). Surveying and localized screening of soil contamination with the growth of urban community agriculture in Northern Utah. Urban Agriculture & Regional Food Systems, S8pecial Section:e200050, 4-13. doi:
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Black, B., Drost, D., Dai, X., (2023). Field Production Methods for Season Extension of Peony ‘Coral Charm’. HortScience, 58:4, 389-394. doi: 10.21273/hortsci16942-22
- Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2023). Field production methods for season extension of peony ‘Coral Charm’. HortScience, 58:4, 389-394. doi:
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B., Drost, D., Dai, X., Ward, R., (2022). Overwintering Improves Ranunculus Cut Flower Production in the US Intermountain West. Horticulturae, 8:12, doi:
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone Cut Flower Timing, Yield, and Quality in a High-Elevation Field and High Tunnel. Horticulturae, 9:1, doi:
- Lewis , M., Stock, M., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, Dai, X., (2021). Improving Snapdragon Cut Flower Production through High Tunnel Season Extension, Transplant Timing, and Cultivar Selection. HortScience, 56
- Rauter, S., Sun, Y., Stock, M., (2021). Visual Quality, Gas Exchange, and Yield of Anemone and Ranunculus Irrigated with Saline Water. HortTechnology, 31:6, 763-770. doi: 10.21273/horttech04930-21
- Stock, M., (2020). High Impact Extension Programming with Instagram. HortTechnology, 30:6, 654-658. doi: 10.21273/horttech04693-20
- Nocco, M.A, Feinstein, N.W, Stock, M., McGill, B.M, Kucharik, C.J, (2020). Knowledge co-production with agricultural trade associations. Water (Switzerland), 12:11, 1-15.
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, Casler, M.D, Karthikeyan, K.G, Zopp, Z., (2019). Fall tillage reduced nutrient loads from liquid manure application during the freezing season. Journal of Environmental Quality, 48:4, 889-898.
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Vadas, P.A, Karthikeyan, K.G, (2019). Manure application timing drives energy absorption for snowmelt on an agricultural soil. Journal of Hydrology, 569, 51-60.
- Vadas, P.A, Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Good, L.W, Karthikeyan, K.G, Zopp, Z.P, (2019). Dynamics of measured and simulated dissolved phosphorus in runoff from winter-applied dairy manure. Journal of Environmental Quality, 48:4, 899-906.
- Vadas, P.A, Stock, M.N, Feyereisen, G.W, Arriaga, F.J, Good, L.W, Karthikeyan, K.G, (2018). Temperature and manure placement in a snowpack affect nutrient release from dairy manure during snowmelt. Journal of Environmental Quality, 47:4, 848-855.
- Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, Jokela, W.E, Karthikeyan, K.G, Arriaga, F.J, Stock, M.N, (2017). Quantifying the impact of seasonal and short-term manure application decisions on phosphorus loss in surface runoff. Journal of Environmental Quality, 46:6, 1395-1402.
- Forshay, K.J, Johnson, P.T, Stock, M.N, Penalva, C., Dodson, S.I, (2008). Festering food: Chytridiomycete pathogen reduces quality of Daphnia host as a food resource. Ecology, 89:10, 2692-2699.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Other Reports
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Anemone cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2022 Annual Report *
- Rauter, S., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2022). Ranunculus cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2022 Annual Report *
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one field. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2020 Annual Report *
- Lewis, M., Stock, M., Ward, R.A, (2020). Snapdragon cut flower budget for one high tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2020 Annual Report *
- Stock, M., Lewis, M., Ward, R.A, (2019). Peony Cut Flower Budget for One High Tunnel. Utah Agricultural Statistics and Utah Dept. of Agriculture and Food 2019 Annual Report *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, (2017). Estimating winter albedo in dairy agroecosystems for researchers conducting plot-scale studies: A technical report. North Central SARE *
- Stock, M.N, Arriaga, F.J, Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, Karthikeyan, K., (2017). Linking nutrient transport to soil physical processes during freeze/thaw events to promote wintertime manure management, nutrient use efficiency, and surface water quality. North Central SARE *
- Stock, M., Arriaga, F.J, Vadas, P.A, Good, L.W, Karthikeyan, K., (2017). Fall tillage and manure application timing after corn silage affect winter runoff losses. North Central SARE *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Stock, M., (2022). Cut flower crops and programming are rapidly growing across Utah. Utah Pests Quarterly Newsletter, Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory & USU Extension *
- Nischwitz, C., Stock, M., (2022). New diseases detected on Utah cut flowers. Utah Pests Quarterly Newsletter, Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Laboratory & USU Extension *
- Compton, T., Nischwitz, C., Stock, M., (2020). Dahlia mosaic virus (DMV) on dahlia in Utah. Utah Pests News *
- Stock, M., (2019). A Closer Look at Utah’s Manure and Compost. Summit County Agriculture Producer Newsletter *
- Stock, M.N, Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2019). Improving production schedules for high-value perennial flowers in Utah: Peony. Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers (ASCFG) Cut Flower Quarterly *
- Stock, M.N, (2019). It’s SOILS Time! . Utah Cut Flower Farm Association Newsletter *
- Stock, M., Lewis, M., (2019). Reflecting on 2019: Incredible Economics to Devastating Disease. Utah Cut Flower Farm Association Newsletter *
- Stock, M., (2019). Ongoing Research at USU. Utah Cut Flower Farm Association *
- Stock, M., Nischwitz, C., (2021). Tackling the three challenges of dahlia production: bloom timing, nutrient management, and disease.. The Cut Flower Quarterly/Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers *
- Stock, M., Wagner, K.M, Hansen, S., Black, B.L, Drost, D.T, (2020). Evaluating production strategies for Ranunculus in the Intermountain West. The Cut Flower Quarterly/Association of Cut Flower Growers *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.