Matt Yost
Plants, Soils, & Climate (PSC)
Associate Department Head | Associate Professor | Agroclimate Extension Specialist

Contact Information
Office Location: AGRS 325Phone: 435-764-1456
Additional Information:
Educational Background
Dr. Yost is a native of southern Idaho where he was raised on a dairy farm. After completing his PhD, he spent 4 years doing postdoctoral research in the U.S. Midwest. He has authored numerous journal and extension articles on research dealing with water optimization, nitrogen management, precision agriculture, soil conservation, and bioenergy crops.
Teaching Interests
Adult education programs through Extension that help crop producers and other stakeholders be more profitable and sustainable - particularly as it relates to handling weather variability and extremes and preparing for future climate changes.
Research Interests
Developing land management practices that promote resiliency to weather variation and changing climate. Such practices include precision management and conservation of water and other agricultural inputs, improving soil health, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and using climate scenarios and projections as decision aids for managing climate risk.
2024-25 Researcher of the Year award, 2024
USU College of Agric. & Applied Sciences
Communication Award , 2022
National Association of County Agricultural Agents
Specialist of the Year, 2022
USU Extension Agricultural Agents Association
Agronomy Journal Outstanding Associate Editor, 2021
Agronomy Journal
Graduate Research Mentor of the Year award, 2021
USU College of Agric. & Applied Sciences
Team Leader Award, 2021
USU Extension
New Specialist Award, 2020
USU Extension Specialist Association
Early Career Award, 2019
American Society of Agronomy
Soil and Water Management and Conservation Young Scientist Award, 2019
Soil Science Society of America
Charles and Dorothy Andrew Bird Award, 2013
Sigma Xi
Gordon and Lynette Marten Fellowship, 2013
University of Minnesota
Hueg-Harrison Fellowship, 2013
University of Minnesota
Soils and Environmental Quality Division Graduate Student Award, 2013
Soil Science Society of America
International Plant Nutrition Institute Scholar Award, 2012
International Plant Nutrition Institute
Gordon and Lynette Marten Fellowship, 2011
University of Minnesota
Graduate student award, 2011
North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conference
Hueg-Harrison Fellowship, 2011
University of Minnesota
Publications | Abstracts
- Yost, M., (2023). A deep learning-based method for detecting pot marigold flowers with complex backgrounds. CODATA-RDA Advanced Workshop for Research Data Science *
- Yost, M., (2023). Alfalfa and silage corn production with soil wetting agents for water conservation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). Critical period of weed control for drought-tolerant corn exposed to varied irrigation levels. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., (2023). Evaluating zinc requirements of forages. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
- Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Floral hemp cultivar trials for semi-arid Intermountain West production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). From disciplinary silos to interdisciplinary insights: Unpacking complex system characteristics in agroecology. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). Impact of variable-rate nitrogen on potato yield, nitrogen use efficiency, and profit. Western Nutrient Mgt. Conf. *
- Yost, M., (2023). Impacts of irrigation management and drought-tolerant genetics on alfalfa nutrient uptake. Western Nutrient Mgt. Conf. *
- Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Nutrient management for semi-arid cannabis production. Western Nutrient Mgt. Conf. *
- Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Nutrient management for semi-arid cannabis production. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). On-farm evaluation of variable rate irrigation in semi-arid western U.S.A.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Row spacing effects on dryland winter wheat yield and weed suppression in the Intermountain West. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Soil wetting agents and biologicals as drought defense options for alfalfa and corn production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Bugbee, B.G, (2023). Soil wetting agents and biologicals as drought defense options for alfalfa production. Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). Stacking and intersecting nutrient 4Rs on potato. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST) database and web application. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST) overview. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). The journey to defining the critical soil test value for FRST. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). United States (U.S.) efforts to align soil test P and K recommendations: The Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool (FRST). International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Comparison of Private and Public Lab Fertilizer Recommendations in Field Crops. Soil Science Society of America *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Irrigation management and variety selection for the semi-arid intermountain west cannabis production. Crop Science Society of America *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Minor Impacts of Soil Wetting Agents on Silage Corn Production. Soil Science Society of American *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Reevaluating Nitrogen Recommendations for Dryland Winter Wheat in the Intermountain West. Soil Science Society of America *
- Jensen, R., Shumate, S., Yost, M., (2022). Spatiotemporal variation of crop water productivity in an irrigated alfalfa field. Soil Science Society of America *
- Kerry, R., Hansen, N., Yost, M., (2022). Temporal stability of soil moisture and static variables to determine optimal sensor placements within variable rate irrigation systems. Soil Science Society of America *
- Kerry, R., Hansen, N., Yost, M., (2022). Variable rate nitrogen approach in a potato-wheat-wheat cropping system. Soil Science Society of America *
- Yost, M., (2021). Advancing predictability of fertilizer nitrogen requirements for second-year maize following alfalfa. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Boren, D., Creech, J.E, (2021). Effects of management factors on silage corn production. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Effects of management factors on silage corn production.. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Evaluation of private and public lab fertilizer recommendations for field crops. . ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2021). Exploring seasonal soil microbiome under corn production as influenced by soil order and nitrogen fertilization. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Sullivan, T., Creech, J.E, (2021). Irrigation and genetic effects on yield and quality of alfalfa. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Irrigation rates and sprinkler technologies influence on teff grass. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
- Yost, M., (2021). Nitrates in small grain and teff forages: A case study.
- Yost, M., (2021). Optimal number of sensors and sensor placement for sensor-based irrigation scheduling for a variable-rate irrigation system. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2021). Potato 4R nitrogen management. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Reducing pivot ruts with simple sprinkler changes.. Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Scope of 4R nitrogen and irrigation adoption in Utah and Idaho. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Evaluation of private and public lab fertilizer recommendations for field crops. . Western Alfalfa and Forage Symposium *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). Agricultural water optimization with advanced sprinkler packages for pivots. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2020). Effects of sprinkler maintenance and DATA-based water management decisions on alfalfa production. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2020). How a management stacking environment affects yield of silage corn. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). Soil health indicator temporal and spatial variation. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). Stacking and intersecting nutrient 4R’s and using in-season canopy health and petiole nitrate analysis on russet burbank potatoes. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2020). The impacts of irrigation, herbicide, and oat companion crop on spring-seed alfalfa. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). The impacts of irrigation, herbicide, and oat companion crop on spring-seed alfalfa. Western Society of Crop Science annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). Water use in western agriculture: Trends, resilience and efficiency in production. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2019). Agronomic strategies to improve seed set in organic quinoa..
- Yost, M., (2019). Crop, soil, and water management impacts on corn silage yield.
- Yost, M., (2019). Innovative water management using advanced irrigation systems and biochar.
- Yost, M., (2019). Irrigation equipment maintenance and scheduling impacts on alfalfa production.
- Yost, M., (2019). Irrigation maintenance impacts on alfalfa production.
- Yost, M., (2019). Methods for mapping variability in soil properties, canopy density and yield in tart cherry, and applications for precision orchard management.
- Yost, M., (2019). Modeling relationships among indicators, management, environment and yield for soil health planning.
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2019). New irrigation technologies are maintaining yield with less water.
- Yost, M., (2019). Nitrogen fertilizer needs of small grains after alfalfa.
- Yost, M., (2019). Nitrogen management in small grains after alfalfa.
- Yost, M., (2019). Nitrogen response in small grains after alfalfa.
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). Pivot irrigation innovations can maintain yield with less water.
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2019). Quantifying soil and tree canopy variation in tart cherries for precision irrigation applications.
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2019). Quantifying variation in tart cherry orchards for precision irrigation applications.
- Yost, M., (2019). Small grain forage after alfalfa rarely requires nitrogen.
- Yost, M., (2019). Soil Health Partnership Preliminary results and future prospects in soil health management.
- Yost, M., (2019). The Soil Health Partnership database: Preliminary results and future prospects in soil health management.
- Reeve, J., Crookston, B., Atoloye, I., Yost, M., (2024). Soil carbon response to farm management and soil type on working farms in Cache Valley, UT. American Geophysical Union
- Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2024). Long-term effects of compost on soil health and yield of winter wheat in semi-arid environments. International Union of Soil Scientists
- Yost, M., (2023). Automated surge irrigation as water optimization tool to help save the Great Salt Lake. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2023). Closed loop alfalfa monitoring to improve irrigation efficiency. American Water Resources Association Annual Meeting *
- Waring, E., Yost, M., (2023). User perspectives on climate change and the role of digital tools in sustainable water management for the water scarce western United States. AGU Annual Conference *
- Heaton, M., Yost, M., (2023). Using poultry litter as fertilizer in cool season pasture plantings. Chad Reid NACAA Western Region Professional Improvement Conference *
- Yost, M., (2023). What’s happening in the west: Fertilizer recommendation trends and opportunities. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Baker, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Gale, J.A, Zesiger, C., Pace, M., Price, S., Nelson, R., (2023). Evaluating zinc requirements of corn, small grains, and alfalfa. Western Nutrient Management Conference *
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Compost carryover and cover crops in dryland organic wheat in Utah. American Society of Agronomy *
- Yost, M., (2022). Prioritizing water optimization in western cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America *
- Yost, M., (2021). First county-level view of irrigation trends in the western United States. . ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Housley, A., Yost, M., Loveland, C., Ransom, C., Putnam, D., Samac, D., Creech, J.E, (2021). Glyphosate injury in glyphosate-resistant alfalfa when applied in periods of low temperatures. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2021). Hybrid vigor in remote and in-person extension programming. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Nelson, R., Yost, M., Ransom, C., Pace, M., Hadfield, J., Creech, J.E, (2021). Seeding rates for dormant seeded safflower. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). State-level FRST soil test correlation and calibration trials; View from Utah.. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Davis, B., Yost, M., Reeve, J., Jacobson, A., Creech, J.E, (2021). The response of organic dryland wheat to compost and cover crops in semi-arid conditions. ASA-CSSA-SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). Impacts of irrigation, cultivar, and nutrient management on hemp yield and quality. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Sullivan, T., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). The effects of stacking water management factors on forage quality. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Yost, M., (2020). Trends and opportunities in 4R nitrogen management of field and fruit crops in the Intermountain West. ASA, CSSA, SSSA annual meeting *
- Palmer, M.D, Pace, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2020). Utah cover crops research and demonstration. NACAA Annual Virtual Conference *
- Yost, M., Allen, L., (2019). Advancing use of agriculture water optimization innovations on Utah farms.
- Yost, M., (2019). Combinations of soil and water management for water optimization.
- Yost, M., (2019). Refining mobile drip irrigation rates for alfalfa.
- Yost, M., (2019). Testing pivot irrigation innovations on Utah farms.
- Gale, J.A, Pound, C.A, Yost, M., (2018). Small Grains Yield Response to Nitrogen Application Following Alfalfa in Sevier County, Utah. Proceedings - 2018 NACAA Western Region Annual Meeting and Professional Improvement Conference
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Gale, J.A, W.P, (2020). Soil and Water Conservation a Celebration of 75 Years: Water Optimization through Applied Irrigation Research. Soil and Water Conservation Society
Publications | Book Chapters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Fact Sheets
- Yost, M., (2023). Manure and Wastewater Sampling Guide.
- Yost, M., Barker, B., (2023). Precision irrigation guide for center pivots. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., (2023). Irrigation water quality sampling guide. Utah State University
- Pace, M., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2023). Speeding snowmelt to control snow mold. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., (2023). Understanding irrigation water optimization. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., (2023). Accurate Irrigation Water Flow Measurement in Pipes.
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Agriculture water use and economic value in the Great Salt Lake Basin.
- Yost, M., Barker, B., (2022). Ten Considerations for Solar-Powered Irrigation in Utah. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Barker, B., (2022). Water loss and recovery of irrigation systems. USU Extension
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Easy Calibration for Backpack and Canister (Handheld) Sprayers. USU Extension
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Easy Calibration for Boom Sprayers. USU Extension
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2022). Three Options for Mixing and Loading Spray Tanks. USU Extension
- Yost, M., (2021). Water advancement sensors are having large impacts in surface irrigation. USU Extension
- Yost, M., (2019). Fertigation Basics. Utah State University Extension
- Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., Dean, J., Richards, T., Davis, K., (2024). Agricultural Producers’ Motivations and Challenges with Improving Soil Health in Utah.
- Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., Dean, J., Schott, L., Creech, J.E, Richards, T., Davis, K., (2024). Crop Advisor Approaches to Soil Health Advising and Opportunities for Improvement.
- Yost, M., Anderson, C., Allen, L., Barker, B., Heaton, M., Clawson, J., (2024). Deficit Irrigation for Pastures.
- Yost, M., Anderson, C., Allen, N., Barker, B., Heaton, M., Clawson, J., Creech, J.E, (2024). Deficit irrigation of pastures. Utah State University Extension
- Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., Dean, J., Richards, T., Davis, K., (2024). Utah Producers and Soil Health: Results from a Statewide Survey.
- Baker, M., Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, Taylor, K., Zesiger, C., Gale, J.A, (2024). Alfalfa Nutrient Management Guide. Utah State University Extension
- Francis, C., Becker, K., Hotaling, S., Yost, M., (2024). Water Management, Irrigation Companies, and the Great Salt Lake: Balancing needs for Agriculture and the Environment Amidst a Changing Climate. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Baker, M., Zesiger, C., Gale, J.A, Clawson, J., Nelson, R., Palmer, M.D, Pace, M., Reid, C., Price, S., Creech, J.E, Ransom, C., Cardon, G., Anderson, C., Kunzler, M., (2024). 50 common questions about crops. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., Barker, B., (2023). Guide to pivot wheel track management.
- Zesiger, C., Gale, J.A, Yost, M., Cardon, G., (2023). Managing Soil pH for Crop Production in Calcareous-Alkaline Soil. Utah State University Extension
- Barker, B., Cardon, G., Yost, M., Stock, M., Creech, E., Gale, J.A, (2023). Management of saline and sodic soils and irrigation water. USU Extension
- Barker, B., Yost, M., (2023). Agricultural Irrigated Land and Irrigation Water Use in Utah. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Cardon, G., Baker, M., Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, Pace, M., Taylor, K., Zesiger, C., Evans, T., Miller, R.L, (2023). Soil sampling guide for crops . Utah State University
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). 25 Rules of thumb for field crops. USU Extension
- Yost, M., (2022). First county-level view of irrigation trends in Utah and the West. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Guide to drought tolerant crops. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Guide to on-farm trials. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2022). Sorghum-sudangrass production guide. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Biochar impacts on crop yield and water use. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Manure application through pressurized irrigation systems. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Strategies for deficit irrigation of forage crops. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Ten frequently asked questions about growing cannabis. USU Extension
- Yost, M., (2020). From The Field: Save on Nitrogen Fertilizer when Rotating from Alfalfa. *
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2020). Ten Reasons Why Alfalfa is Highly Suitable for the West. USU Extension
- Yost, M., (2020). USU Extension Impacts: Crops Programs. *
- Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2020). Considerations for crop rotation from alfalfa to corn. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2020). Nitrogen Fertilizer Guide for First-Year Small Grains Following Alfalfa.
- Yost, M., Reid, C.R, Winward, D., Creech, J.E, (2019). Precision mobile drip irrigation for pivots and laterals. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2019). 4R's of Irrigation Management. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2019). Defense against drought. Utah State University Extension
- Buckland, K., Creech, J.E, Reeve, J., Cardon, G., Yost, M., Despain, D., (2018). Cover crops for Utah. Utah State University Extension
- Yost, M., Cardon, G., Reeve, J., Crookston, B., Creech, J.E, Measuring and building soil health.
- Yost, M., Lake, D., Israelsen, C.E, Understanding Growing Degree Days.
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Journal Articles
Academic Journal
- Barnes, C., Wickwar, E., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Ramirez, R., (2024). The effects of water-stress, temperature, and plant traits on the outbreak potential of a specialist and generalist spider mite species (Acari:Tetranychidae). Journal of Applied Entomology, doi:
- Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., (2024). Utah producers and soil health: Digging deeper. Agriculture and Human Values
- Boren, D., Sullivan, T., Crookston, B.S, Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, (2024). Alfalfa potassium and phosphorus uptake and use efficiencies as impacted by irrigation technology, deficit irrigation, and alfalfa cultivar. Agronomy Journal, 116:6, 3273-3286. doi: 10.1002/agj2.21692
- Atoloye, I., Cappellazzi, S.B, Creech, J.E, Yost, M., Zhang, W., Jacobson, A., Reeve, J., (2024). Soil health benefits of compost persist two decades after single application to winter wheat. Agronomy Journal, 116:6, 2719-2734. doi: 10.1002/agj2.21716
- Hashemi, M., Peralta, R., Yost, M., (2024). Balancing Results from AI-Based Geostatistics versus Fuzzy Inference by Game Theory Bargaining to Improve a Groundwater Monitoring Network. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6:3, 1871-1893. doi: 10.3390/make6030092
- Yost, M., Cartee, R., Davis, B., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, Rasmussen, P., (2024). Long-term 4R nitrogen management in dryland wheat–fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88:4, 1297-1308. doi: 10.1002/saj2.20675
- Slaton, N.A, Pearce, A., Gatiboni, L., Osmond, D., Bolster, C., Miquez, F., Clark, J., Dhillon, J., Farmaha, B., Kaiser, D., Lyons, S., Margenot, A., Moore, A., Ruiz Diaz, D., Sotomayor, D., Spackman, J., Spargo, J., Yost, M., (2024). Models and sufficiency interpretation for estimating critical soil test values for the Fertilizer Recommendation Support Tool. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 88:4, 1419-1437. doi: 10.1002/saj2.20704
- Mufute, N.L, Yost, M., Larsen, D., Barker, B., Peters, T., Zamora-Re, M., (2024). Center-pivot maintenance trends in the western united states. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 150:3, doi: 10.1061/JIDEDH.IRENG-10209
- Hadfield, J., Zesiger, C., Taylor, K., Clawson, J., Pace, M., Gale, J.A, Creech, J.E, Yost, M., (2023). Identification of Effective Planting Times of Cover Crops Interseeded into Corn in Utah.. Journal of the National Association of County Agriculture Agents, 16:1
- Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Barker, B., (2023). Improving pivot ruts with simple sprinkler modifications. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 149:12, doi:
- Roberts, C., Yost, M., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2023). Oat companion seeding rate, herbicide, and irrigation effects on alfalfa establishment. Agronomy Journal
- Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Winward, D., Barker, B., (2023). On-farm assessments of overhead irrigation sprinkler packages at full and reduced rates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, doi:
- Petrzelka, P., Ulrich-Schad, J., Yost, M., (2023). “We’re very late to the party”: motivations and challenges with improving soil health in Utah. Agriculture and Human Values
- Loveland, L.C, Orloff, S.B, Yost, M., Bohle, M., Galdi, G.C, Getts, T., Putnam, D.H, Ransom, C., Samac, D.A, Wilson, R., Creech, J.E, (2023). Glyphosate-resistant alfalfa can exhibit injury after glyphosate application in the Intermountain West. Agronomy Journal, 115:4, 1827-1841.
- Scalici, M., McCabe, L., Alston, D.G, Peterson, S., Yost, M., Pitts-Singer, T., (2023). Blue orchard bee (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) origin and orchard growing region affect female retention at artificial nest sites in cherry orchards. Environmental Entomology, doi:
- Sullivan, T., Yost, M., Boren, D., Creech, J.E, Kitchen, B.M, Violett, R., Barker, B., (2023). Irrigation Technology, Irrigation Rate, and Drought-Tolerant Genetics Impacts on Silage Corn Production . Agronomy, doi: 10.3390/agronomy13051194
- Hammond, K., Kerry, R., Jensen, R.R, Spackman, R., Hulet, A., Hopkins, B.G, Yost, M., Hopkins, A.P, Hansen, N.C, (2023). Assessing Within-Field Variation in Alfalfa Leaf Area Index Using UAV Visible Vegetation Indices. Agronomy, 13:5
- Flint, E.A, Hopkins, B.G, Svedin, J.D, Kerry, R., Heaton, M.J, Jensen, R.R, Campbell, C.S, Yost, M., Hansen, N.C, (2023). Irrigation Zone Delineation and Management with a Field-Scale Variable Rate Irrigation System in Winter Wheat. Agronomy, 13:4
- Schumacher, B.L, Burchfield, E., Bean, B., Yost, M., (2023). Leveraging important covariate groups for corn yield prediction. Agriculture (Switzerland), 13:3
- Holt, J., Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., McAvoy, D., Winward, D., (2022). Biochar had minor impacts on yield, quality, and water availability of alfalfa, corn, and wheat. Agronomy Journal, 114, 1717-1730.
- Crookston, B., Yost, M., Bowman, M., Veum, K., Stevens, J.R, Microbial respiration gives early indication of soil health improvement following cover crops. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Stewart, S., Kitchen, N., Conway, L., Yost, M., (2021). Planting depth and within-field soil variability effects on corn stand establishment and yield. Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment
- Crookston, B., Yost, M., Bowman, M., Veum, K., (2021). Relationships among soil health interpretive frameworks, soil texture, and crop yield in the midwestern United States. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 86, 91-105.
- Crookston, B., Yost, M., Bowman, M., Veum, K., Cardon, G., Norton, J.M, (2021). Soil health indicator temporal and spatial variation dynamically influence soil security in midwestern United States. Soil Security
- Schumacher, B., Yost, M., Burchfield, E., Allen, L., Water in the West: trends, production efficiency, and a call for open data. . Journal of Environmental Management, 306, 114330.
- Yost, M., Pound, C., Kitchen, B.M, Creech, J.E, Cardon, G., Gale, J.A, Heaton, K., Price, S., Pace, M., Wilde, T., (2021). Nitrogen Fertilizer Needs of First-Year Small Grain Forages Following Alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 113, 2006-2017.
- Clark, J., Yost, M., Griggs, T., Cardon, G., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2021). Nitrogen fertilization and glyphosate-resistant alfalfa termination method effects on first-year silage corn. Agronomy Journal, 113, 1712-1723.
- Clark, J., Yost, M., Cardon, G., Ransom, C., Creech, J.E, (2021). Tillage method and glyphosate-resistant alfalfa termination timing affect soil properties and subsequent corn yield. Agronomy Journal, 113, 321-334.
- Yost, M.A, Pound, C.A, Creech, J.E, Cardon, G.E, Pace, M., Kitchen, B.M, Nelson, R., Russell, K., (2021). Nitrogen requirements of first-year small grains after alfalfa. Soil Science Society of America Journal / Wiley, 85:5, 1698-1709. doi: 10.1002/saj2.20269
- Conway, L., Yost, M., Kitchen, N., Sudduth, K., Massey, R., Sadler, E., Cropping system and landscape characteristics influence long-term grain crop profitability on claypan soil. Agroecosystems, Geosciences, and Environment
- Bean, G., Kitchen, N., Veum, K., Camberato, J., Ferguson, R., Fernandez, F., Franzen, D., Laboski, C., Nafziger, E., Sawyer, , Yost, M., Relating four-day soil respiration to corn nitrogen fertilizer needs across 49 US midwest fields. Soil Science Society of America Journal
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Peterson, W., Gale, J.A, Water conservation through applied irrigation research. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
- Chikamoto, Y., Wang, S., Yost, M., Yocom, L., Gillies, R.R, (2020). Colorado River water supply is predictable on multi-year timescales owing to long-term ocean memory. Communications Earth and Environment, doi: 10.1038/s43247-020-00027-0
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Massey, R.E, Sadler, E.J, Drummond, S.T, Volkmann, M.R, (2019). A long-term precision agriculture system sustains grain profitability. Precision Agriculture, 20:6, 1177-1198.
- Yost, M., Sudduth, K.A, Walthall, C.L, Kitchen, N.R, (2019). Public–private collaboration toward research, education and innovation opportunities in precision agriculture. Precision Agriculture, 20:1, 4-18.
- Yost, M., Veum, K.S, Kitchen, N.R, Sawyer, J.E, Camberato, J.J, Carter, P.R, Ferguson, R.B, Fernández, F.G, Franzen, D.W, Laboski, C.A, Nafziger, E.D, (2018). Evaluation of the Haney Soil Health Tool for corn nitrogen recommendations across eight Midwest states. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 73:5, 587-592.
- Bobryk, C.W, Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, (2018). Field variability and vulnerability index to identify regional precision agriculture opportunity. Precision Agriculture, 19:4, 589-605.
- Maughan, T., Black, B.L, Rupp, L.A, Yost, M., (2018). Propagation techniques for Sambucus cerulea (Blue Elderberry).. Native Plants Journal, 19:2, 80-88.
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Allphin, E., (2018). Miscanthus × Giganteus Growth and Nutrient Export on 22 Producer Fields. Bioenergy Research, 11:2, 426-439.
- Conway, L.S, Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Veum, K.S, (2018). Cropping system, landscape position, and topsoil depth affect soil fertility and nutrient buffering. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82:2, 382-391.
- Spiegal, S., Bestelmeyer, B.T, Archer, D.W, Augustine, D.J, Boughton, E.H, Boughton, R.K, Cavigelli, M.A, Clark, P.E, Derner, J.D, Duncan, E.W, Hapeman, C.J, Harmel, R.D, Heilman, P., Holly, M.A, Huggins, D.R, King, K., Kleinman, P.J, Liebig, M.A, Locke, M.A, McCarty, G.W, Millar, N., Mirsky, S.B, Moorman, T.B, Pierson, F.B, Rigby, J.R, Robertson, G.P, Steiner, J.L, Strickland, T.C, Swain, H.M, Wienhold, B.J, Wulfhorst, J.D, Yost, M., Walthall, C.L, (2018). Evaluating strategies for sustainable intensification of US agriculture through the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research network. Environmental Research Letters, 13:3
- Grabber, J.H, Yost, M., Coulter, J.A, Sullivan, M.L, (2017). Sorghum–sudangrass responses to nitrogen and tillage following polyphenol-containing legumes, alfalfa, reed canarygrass, and kale. Agronomy Journal, 109:5, 2050-2062.
- Conway, L.S, Yost, M.A, Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, (2017). Using topsoil thickness to improve site-specific phosphorus and potassium management on claypan soils. Agronomy Journal, 109:5, 2291-2301.
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Thompson, A.L, Allphin, E., (2017). Topsoil Thickness Influences Nitrogen Management of Switchgrass. Bioenergy Research, 10:2, 465-477.
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Thompson, A.L, Allphin, E., (2017). Topsoil thickness and harvest management influence switchgrass production and profitability. Agronomy Journal, 109:3, 985-994.
- Conway, L.S, Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Thompson, A.L, Massey, R.E, (2017). Topsoil thickness effects on corn, soybean, and switchgrass production on claypan soils. Agronomy Journal, 109:3, 782-794.
- Karlen, D.L, Goeser, N., Veum, K.S, Yost, M.A, (2017). On-farm soil health evaluations: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72, 26A-31A. *
- Yost, M., Randall, B.K, Kitchen, N.R, Heaton, E.A, Myers, R.L, (2017). Yield potential and nitrogen requirements of miscanthus × giganteus on eroded soil. Agronomy Journal, 109:2, 684-695.
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Sadler, E.J, Drummond, S.T, Volkmann, M.R, (2016). Long-term impact of a precision agriculture system on grain crop production. Precision Agriculture, 1-20.
- Randall, B.K, Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Heaton, E.A, Stelzer, H.E, Thompson, A.L, (2016). Impact of rhizome quality on Miscanthus establishment in claypan soil landscapes. Industrial Crops and Products, 85, 331-340.
- Yost, M., Kitchen, N.R, Sudduth, K.A, Sadler, E.J, Baffaut, C., Volkmann, M.R, Drummond, S.T, (2016). Long-term impacts of cropping systems and landscape positions on claypan-soil grain crop production. Agronomy Journal, 108:2, 713-725.
- Yost, M., Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, Schmitt, M.A, Sheaffer, C.C, Randall, G.W, (2015). Stand age affects fertilizer nitrogen response in first-year corn following alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 107:2, 486-494.
- Yost, M., Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, Bolstad, P.V, (2014). Alfalfa stand length and subsequent crop patterns in the upper midwestern United States. Agronomy Journal, 106:5, 1697-1708.
- Yost, M., Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, (2014). Field-specific fertilizer nitrogen requirements for first-year corn following alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 106:2, 645-658.
- Yost, M., Coulter, J.A, Russelle, M.P, Davenport, M.A, (2014). Opportunities exist to improve alfalfa and manure nitrogen crediting in corn following alfalfa. Agronomy Journal, 106:6, 2098-2106.
- Yost, M., Morris, T.F, Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, (2014). Second-year corn after alfalfa often requires no fertilizer nitrogen. Agronomy Journal, 106:2, 659-669.
- Yost, M., Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, (2013). Nitrogen requirements of first-year corn following alfalfa were not altered by fall-applied manure. Agronomy Journal, 105:4, 1061-1069.
- Yost, M., Coulter, J.A, Russelle, M.P, (2013). First-year corn after alfalfa showed no response to fertilizer nitrogen under no-tillage. Agronomy Journal, 105:1, 208-214.
- Yost, M., Coulter, J.A, Russelle, M.P, Sheaffer, C.C, Kaiser, D.E, (2012). Alfalfa nitrogen credit to first-year corn: Potassium, regrowth, and tillage timing effects. Agronomy Journal, 104:4, 953-962.
- Yost, M., Russelle, M.P, Coulter, J.A, Sheaffer, C.C, Kaiser, D.E, (2011). Potassium management during the rotation from alfalfa to corn. Agronomy Journal, 103:6, 1785-1793.
Public or Trade Journal
- Hopkins, B.G, Rogers, C.W, Yost, M., (2023). Soil Health: What We Know—and Don’t Know. Crops & Soils, 56:5, 43-49. *
- Yost, M., Holt, J., Gale, J.A, Nelson, R., Wilde, T., Creech, J.E, (2022). Optimizing overhead irrigation systems. Progressive Forage *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | MultiMedia
- Gale, J.A, Yost, M., Baker, M., (2023). Irrigation Water is a Source of Sulfur as a Crop Nutrient – PPT. 2023 Chad Reid Western Region NACAA AM/PIC *
- Gale, J.A, Yost, M., Baker, M., (2023). Laboratory Soil Fertility Recommendations and Cost Comparison in Sevier County, Utah - PPT. National Association of County Agricultural Agents *
- Gale, J.A, Yost, M., Baker, M., (2022). Soil Fertility Recommendation and Cost Comparison in Sevier County, Utah - PPT. Utah State University *
- Yost, M., (2020). Flood irrigation research. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). Small Grain Nitrogen Research. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). Stacking conservation practices. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). What are the basics of soil health testing?. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). What is surge irrigation?. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2021). Alfalfa irrigation updates. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2021). Corn water optimization studies. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2021). Hemp field research. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2021). Soil health sampling. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). 4R nitrogen research in Idaho and Utah. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). How does hemp establish under pivot irrigation? . USU Extension *
- Richards, T., Yost, M., (2020). How to setup a no-till drill. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). Irrigation scheduling research. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2020). Irrigation survey results. USU Extension *
- Yost, M., (2019). Agroclimate Specialist Introduction. *
- Yost, M., (2019). How to Build Soil Health. *
- Yost, M., (2019). What is Soil Health?. *
Other Media
- Yost, M., (2019). 4R's of Irrigation Infographic. *
- Yost, M., (2019). 6 tools for drought defense Infographic. *
- Yost, M., (2019). Five ways to connect with USU Extension Crops Infographic. *
- Yost, M., (2019). Soil Health Building Tips Infographic. *
- Yost, M., (2019). Steps to Take When Considering Mobile Drip Irrigation Infographic. *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Facebook Page. *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Instagram Page. *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). USU Extension Crops Twitter Page. *
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Technical Reports
Research Reports
- Yost, M., (2022). Agriculture water optimization. USU Janet Quinney-Lawson Institute Land, Water, and Air 2022 Report to Governor *
Other Reports
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.
Publications | Other
- Yost, M., Cardon, G., Creech, J.E, (2020). Chemigation guide. USU Extension
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Variable frequency drives for irrigation pumps. USU Extension
- Yost, M.A, (2015). Managing the rotation from alfalfa to corn. Univ. of MN Ext.
Magazine/Trade Publications
- Yost, M., (2015). Sidedressing and soil testing for enhanced nitrogen fertilizer management in corn following alfalfa on fine-textured soils. Forage Focus, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2012). Yield and nitrogen benefits for corn following alfalfa. Progressive Forage Grower *
- Yost, M., (2012). Yield and nitrogen benefits for corn following alfalfa. Plant Management Network *
- Yost, M., (2012). Predicting on-farm nitrogen credits from alfalfa to second- year corn. Minnesota Corn Growers Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2011). Accounting for alfalfa N credits increases returns to corn production. Forage Focus, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2024). 5 ways to manage pivot wheel ruts. AgProud Magazine *
- Yost, M., Sullivan, T., (2024). Soil Wetting Agents. AgProud Magazine *
- Yost, M., (2024). Ten tips for evaluating soil biological products. Hay and Forage Grower Magazine *
- Yost, M., (2021). Closing the gap in fertilizer recommendations. Progressive Forage *
- Yost, M., (2021). Ten tips for grant planning. CSA News *
- Yost, M., (2021). Turning down the irrigation spigot. Hay and Forage Grower *
- Yost, M., (2020). Defense Against Drought. Intermountain Mountain Farmers Association *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, Allen, L., (2020). Irrigation strategies that make sense. Progressive Forage *
- Yost, M., (2020). Save on nitrogen for small-grain forages after alfalfa. Progressive Forage *
- Yost, M., (2020). Soil moisture sensing for forage irrigation. Hay and Forage Grower *
- Yost, M., (2020). Utah-Idaho survey reveals nitrogen and irrigation trends. AgProud Magazine *
- Yost, M., Allen, L., Creech, J.E, (2020). Ten benefits of alfalfa in the west. National Alfalfa Forage Alliance *
- Yost, M., (2014). Nitrogen requirements of corn following young alfalfa stands. Forage Focus, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2014). Challenges, opportunities for improved N management in corn following alfalfa. Clippings, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2014). Satellite images reveal patterns in crop rotations with alfalfa. Forage Focus, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2014). Cash in on N credits when corn follows alfalfa. Hay and Forage Grower *
- Yost, M., (2013). Nitrogen for corn following alfalfa: When and how much?. Dairy Star LLC *
- Yost, M., (2013). Improved predictability of fertilizer nitrogen need for corn following alfalfa. Forage Focus, Midwest Forage Assoc. *
- Yost, M., (2022). Irrigation investment tool. USU Crops From the Field *
- Yost, M., Creech, J.E, (2019). From The Field E-Newsletter. *
- Yost, M., Barker, B., Peters, T., (2024). Depletion Differences for Irrigation System Changes (DISC). USU Extension *
- Petrzelka, P., Schad, J., Yost, M., Barnett, M.J, (2024). Crop advisors in the intermountain west and the challenges of soil health. Agricultural and Environmental Letters
An asterisk (*) at the end of a publication indicates that it has not been peer-reviewed.