Scott Gutting

MLA, '83


Scott Gutting co-founded Energy Strategies in 1986. He leads the efforts of a team of economists, engineers, business strategists and financial analysts in Energy Strategies’ diverse consulting activities. These activities include regulatory consulting, energy procurement, energy project development, market intelligence and policy and strategy development. Since 1986 he has successfully completed hundreds of consulting engagements. These engagements have been completed for public and private sector clients including numerous Fortune 100 Companies.

Mr. Gutting is on the Board of the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC). WECC is one of 8 electric reliability councils in North America, encompassing an area equivalent to over half the United States and operating in three countries. WECC is responsible for assuring electric system reliability, supporting competitive markets and for coordinating the operating and planning activities of the western interconnected power grid.

Over his 21 year career in the private sector, Mr. Gutting has supported the development of over 6,000 MW of natural gas generation, transmission, hydroelectric, geothermal, cogeneration, solar, wind and biomass projects. In addition to his MLA from Utah State he has a BS in Environmental Science and Planning from Northern Arizona University.