Aishwarya Korkode



Aishwarya Korkode


Hailing from the bustling Garden city of India - Bengaluru, Aishwarya became interested in the challenges and opportunities posed by urbanisation on the city’s built and unbuilt spaces. Landscape architecture to her is an amalgamation of environment, art and sustainability.

She earned a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture and went on to pursue Masters in Landscape Architecture from Ramaiah Institute of Technology (School of Architecture) in Bengaluru. Her thesis centred on Conservation of Coral Reef Ecosystem along the Narara Reef in Gujarat, where she proposed an integrated and sustainable planning approach to sensitive and degrading Landscapes.

Her professional experience in the interdisciplinary fields include architectural planning, landscape architecture as well as teaching.

In her doctoral studies, she aims to further understand the relationship between urban landscapes and its community to foster a symbiotic and sustainable development.