Matriculation Process

Landscape Architecture & Environmental Planning


The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (BLA) degree program is an intensive four-year studio-based course of study, fully accredited by the American Society of Landscape Architects. Accreditation standards require the department to maintain a reasonable faculty/student ratio. Space in the program is restricted by available facilities and faculty size. Admission to the upper division is limited to students who are determined by the faculty to have the best potential for academic success. Up to 30 students may be matriculated into the upper division of the BLA program.

Matriculation Requirements

Students applying for matriculation must have:

  • A 3.0 minimum LAEP GPA
  • A B- or higher in any individual LAEP course
  • Completion of the following prerequisite course:
    • LAEP 1200
    • LAEP 1300
    • LAEP 1350
    • LAEP 2300
    • LAEP 2500
    • LAEP 2600
    • LAEP 2700
    • LAEP 2720
    • PSC 2620
  • Submission of an application to matriculate consisting of:  
    • A letter of intent
    • A portfolio demonstrating evidence of core competencies and visual/graphic communication ability 

Portfolio Design

Format: The applicant’s portfolio shall be submitted electronically as an Adobe Acrobat file (.pdf) in an 8.5 x 11-inch format. The file will be submitted with the student’s full name in the file name, as follows, LAST_FIRST.pdf, with the student’s full name also appearing on the front cover of the portfolio. The file may not be any larger than 100Mb. Graphic work shall be displayed on a maximum of 10 pages. This page count excludes the front and rear covers and your Statement of Intent, which is described below.

Content: The applicant’s overall creative, analytical, and intellectual competencies will be evaluated, along with their graphic and written communications skill. This can be portrayed in the portfolio by including examples drawn from exercises and projects completed in LAEP courses. Briefly explain each exhibit adding a clear indication of your contribution when the exhibit is the work of a team. Professional work done by the applicant, either on a self-employed basis or as an employee, may be included, but must clearly indicate the exact role of the applicant and the nature of their contribution in the execution of the work.

The applicant may choose to include examples of other design-oriented work such as drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, graphic design, and constructed designs (e.g., gardens, furniture, sculpture), as well as examples of non-graphic creative work (e.g., poetry, creative writing) not to exceed two of the allowable pages. Do not include non-professional materials such as personal and family photos.

In the front of the portfolio, the candidate is to place a Letter of Intent describing the applicant’s personal connection to the field, envisioned contribution to the profession, and interest in the major. This statement shall be a maximum of 1200 words in length and is in addition to the number of graphic pages noted above. The Letter of Intent will be used to gauge the seriousness of purpose of the individual to pursue a career in landscape architecture, as well as to demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills.

You can find portfolio examples on Canvas. To view the page, click here: Matriculation Portfolio Examples

Assessment Criteria

The applicant's Letter of Intent and Portfolio will constitute 50% of the matriculation assessment, with LAEP GPA making up the remaining 50%.

Letter of Intent and Portfolio will be assessed by LAEP faculty members according to the following general rubric:

Letter of Intent (20%)

  • Envisioned contribution to the profession
  • Compelling personal connection to the field
  • Grammar, spelling, formatting and composition

Visual Communication (40%)

  • Compelling cover
  • Overall graphic quality
  • Format, composition, flow and continuity

Evidence of Core Competencies (40%)

  • Textual explanations of the included work
    • Methods of production
    • Role in production
    • Time/effort required to complete
    • Insights gained
    • Professional competency demonstrated 
    • Explanation of critical thinking applied to the project 
  • Progression of quality in competencies
  • Overall quality of work across the breadth of competencies

Deadlines and Dates

Portfolios and letters of intent are to be submitted by March 31, 2025. The final selection of students to matriculate to the upper division is a decision of the LAEP faculty. The review of students for matriculation will take place during the week following spring semester final exams, and students will be notified as soon as possible thereafter.

Submitting your Portfolio

When you are ready to submit your portfolio, use the submission portal linked below. Students submitting portfolios after the deadline will not be considered for matriculation for the upcoming fall semester.

2025 LAEP Matriculation Portfolio Submission

If you have any difficulty submitting your portfolio, please contact Natalie Kae at

Computer Requirements

LAEP has specific minimum computer requirements. View computer requirements here.

Transfer Students

Transfer students from other programs of landscape architecture who have completed the equivalent of the lower-division USU LAEP coursework may apply for admission to the upper division of the program by submitting the following:
  • A portfolio
  • Letter of intent
  • Transcription of grades
  • Description of landscape architecture courses taken