Dan Jost


Spring 2023 Distinguished Visiting Professor

Dan Jost


Daniel Jost, ASLA, is a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at Utah State University. Dan has spent much of the past two decades as a writer, researcher, designer, and teacher in the field of landscape architecture. He has written over 80 articles for Landscape Architecture Magazine, and his writing has been honored with the Bradford Williams Medal by the American Society of Landscape Architects. He is interested in how landscape architects can create artful spaces that support people's health, well-being, and social connection, while integrating ecological systems and cultural resources. In recent years, Dan has developed expertise in children's playscapes. He has presented scholarship related to landscapes for children at national and international conferences held by American Society of Landscape Architects, the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture, the Environmental Design Research Association, the U.S. Play Coalition, and the International Play Association. He's worked at the Natural Learning Initiative at North Carolina State University with Robin Moore and Nilda Cosco to remove regulatory barriers--both real and perceived--to children's connection to nature at childcare facilities. Working with a variety of stakeholders, he co-authored Playing by the Rules| Colorado and a similar guide in Texas to help people navigate state rules and regulations for childcare outdoor areas. He has worked with the National Wildlife Federation and state health departments to critically evaluate and reimagine existing childcare regulations to support nature play and learning. He has also conducted fieldwork exploring how the design of public park playscapes influences adults' supervision of school-age children. He is interested in how designers may encourage children's independent active free play. And he is undertaking historical research to understand the evolution of playground design standards.