Q&A with Annalisa Broadhead

Q: Tell us about your background in food science and your current job as a research food scientist for Aggie Creamery.
A: I have a Master's in food science from Utah State and a Bachelor's in food science from BYU-Idaho. I interned for Basic American Foods, Lactalis, and Post Consumer Foods doing quality assurance, product development, and process improvement. I started working as a research food scientist for Aggie Ice Cream and the NDFS department in 2022. I have been working on projects to update and improve practices in the creamery, optimizing our yogurt and cheese makes, and helping teach the dairy processing class.

Q: What do you love about your career?
A: I love that every day is different! I get to be in the DPL working with our team making ice cream or cheese, teaching students about how dairy products are made and the science behind them, working to keep Aggie Ice Cream safe for consumers and employees, and working with grad students on research. I love that I get to be involved in learning so many aspects of the department. I also love that I am constantly learning.

Q: Tell us about a memorable moment of your career so far.
A: I think one of the more memorable moments of my short career has simply been interacting with students in the Dairy Processing class. The students are so bright, and I learn a lot from them. I have enjoyed being able to help them understand more of the dairy processing world.

Q: How do you spend your free time?
A: I love to be outside in the summer playing sports, being in the mountains, or just enjoying the sun. In the winter I love to cook and read. I am always looking for new recipes to try with my husband.

Q: Favorite book or movie? 
A: I have a lot of books I love! One of my favorites is The Hiding Place.

Q: What advice do you have for young/undergraduate food scientists?
A: Take every opportunity to learn and find out what you love learning about. Internships are a great opportunity to learn and find out what you love learning about. Internships are a great opportunity to apply the things you are learning. Experiences with internships help to solidify and build on the knowledge you are gaining. Don't be afraid to ask lots of questions.

annalisa broadhead

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