Lacee Boschetto to present at AAFCS
By CJ Dvorak | July 25, 2023

Congratulations to Lacee Boschetto, from the FCSE program, for being selected to present at the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) Leadership Academy.
Boschetto was one of nine new AAFCS professionals chosen from across the U.S. to participate in the leadership academy, held June 22-23, 2023, in Baltimore, Maryland. The event, taking place prior to the 114th AAFCS Annual Conference and Expo, is part of year-long activities with the purpose of providing leadership development for current AAFCS leaders as they prepare to step into national leadership roles with AAFCS to further its mission: To elevate the profession by inspiring research, leadership, and service to empower individuals, families and communities.
This event highlights just how diverse the department of Family and Consumer Sciences can be. The FCSE department at USU focuses on both community and classroom-based education. Students can choose either path, but still get the chance to develop their skills and learn techniques. Once the FCSE program is completed the students can teach a variety of different topics in a variety of situations. They can also work for a variety of agencies such as the state Extension.
Boschetto also currently serves as the Human Development and Family Studies Chair for the Utah Association of Family and Consumer Sciences.