Dr. Bruce Bugbee, USU Plants, Soils, and Climate Department Researcher
The Utah State University Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Department and the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) host Utah’s first ever public hemp seminar.
The event will be held Tuesday, Feb. 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Salt Lake Community College Miller Free Enterprise Center Auditorium in Sandy. The seminar will address hemp as a commercial agriculture crop in Utah and provides participants with opportunities to learn about laws, production and the industry.
The seminar features three panel discussions including a State of Utah industrial hemp program panel; a laws, economics and associations panel; and an industry and production panel. Panel members were chosen based on their experience in the field. Panel moderator is Professor Steve Daniels, USU Extension community development specialist. Professor Bruce Bugbee from the USU Plants, Soils and Climate Department will present on current hemp research at USU.
According to Justen Smith, director of the USU Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Department, hemp is an emerging agricultural opportunity in Utah, and with this new industry there are many unknowns and risks.
“Many farmers from around the state are already investing in hemp production,” he said. “This seminar is designed to help provide them with information to navigate the new market and the challenges of growing this crop.”
Cost of the seminar is $35. To see a schedule and to register, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/utah-hemp-seminar-tickets-86201666505. Registration will be capped at 300 participants, and early registration is encouraged. Food and drink will not be provided at the seminar.
For further information, contact Cody Penman at cody.penman@usu.edu or 435-919-1339.