By Chase Anderson | July 3, 2020
Puerto Rico Outdoor Recreation Industry Assocation (PRORIA)

Leaders from the Puerto Rico Outdoor Recreation Industry Association, the State of Utah Office of Outdoor Recreation, Outdoor Product Design & Development (OPDD), and the Puerto Rico Department of Economic Developmetn & Commerce discussed opportunities for collaboration as well as the potential for growth in the outdoor industry in Puerto Rico.

Presentations from both the state of Utah as well as the OPDD program shared state and university initiatives leading to growth in the outdoor economy. The webinar was held in order to strenghthen ties between organizations as well as help develop an economic development strategy to grow the outdoor industry on the island.

Panelists included the Director of the OPDD program, Dr. Andrew Deceuster, the Director of the Office of Outdoor Recreation, Pitt Grewe, as well as the head of the Department of Ecnomic Development and Commerce of Puerto Rico, Secretary Manuel laboy Rivera, as well as a visit from Dean Carlos Betancourt of the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico.

Watch the whole presentation on YouTube or listen on the Highlander Podcast.

Learn more about the visit to Puerto Rico, including time spent with faculty and students of the University of Puerto Rico, with our companion article.