Plant and Climate Degrees

Plants, Soils & Climate

Undergraduate Degrees

Climate Science (BS)

The Climate Science Degree (CSD) program integrates basic and applied principles of meteorology, climatology with environmental physics, which are concerned with how natural laws determine the climate. Physical oceanography and land surface physics are al...

Horticulture - Statewide Campus Only (BS)

The Horticulture major is designed for students in USU’s regional campus system along the Wasatch Front. It is targeted to the field of ornamental horticulture and will prepare students for careers in arboriculture, nursery production, landscape manageme...

Plant Science (BS)

USU is home to the only agriculturally focused plant science degree in the state. In this program, students focus on the research, production, and management of economically important plants. Students have access to faculty mentors and the opportunity to ...

Residential Landscape Design and Construction (BS)

In this major, students receive a well-rounded education that integrates aesthetic design with applied installation and maintenance skills. Students gain hands-on experience designing and planning landscape projects in addition to pouring concrete, planti...

Graduate Degrees

Climate Sciences (MS, PhD)

The program at USU focuses on climate variability, prediction/attribution, land surface processes, paleoclimate, and exchanges between land ecosystems and the atmosphere. These subjects impact agricultural crops, rangelands in the area, and mountain ecosy...

Ecology (MS, PhD)

The Ecology Center at USU has had a string of directors known nationally and worldwide as premier scientists in the field of ecology, and students graduating with a degree in ecology are able to make contacts with influential faculty that can help them as...

Plant Science (MS, PhD)

The plant science graduate degrees are centered on the biology, genetics, and management of plants and other issues related to agricultural and horticultural production. In particular, USU’s plant science programs focus on regional issues pertaining to th...

Soil Science (MS, PhD)

The graduate programs in soil science are concerned with the chemical, physical, and biological aspects of the soil. This program is particularly strong in water-related issues, especially regional issues involving water and irrigation in the West.


Agronomy (Minor)

Students investigate evolution, utilization, environmental adaptation, principles of agroecology, world production, and economic and social issues arising from crop production and management.

Climate Change and Energy (Minor)

Students gain understanding of the scientific process and practice critical thinking about science’s role in societal issues. Students integrate socio-economic and sustainability concepts in the analysis of current climate and energy problem(s).

Crop Biotechnology (Minor)

Crop Biotechnology minor catalog page in the Plants, Soils & Climate department as part of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University.

Horticulture (Minor)

Horticulture minor catalog page in the Plants, Soils & Climate department as part of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University.

Ornamental Horticulture (AAS, Minor)

Ornamental Horticulture minor and associates degree catalog page in the Plants, Soils & Climate department as part of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University.

Soil Science (Minor)

Soil Science minor catalog page in the Plants, Soils & Climate department as part of the College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences at Utah State University.