Undergrad Research
The College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences is an active and diverse research environment. From cloning cells to studying new ways to conserve water, CAAS undergraduate researchers have the opportunity to impact future generations while strengthening their resume and making valuable faculty contacts.
How to Get Started
1. Visit the Office of Research and Graduate Studies website
Established to aid researchers of all skill levels, RGS serves as an especially good resource for new researchers. On their website you will find funding opportunities as well as additional help regarding how to get started and make your research experience as successful as possible. Visit rgs.usu.edu
2. Search through the faculty directory
By searching through the faculty directory, you will be able to learn more about the research interests of professors on campus, build a short list of professors for you to contact and ask if there are any undergraduate research opportunities.
3. Talk to the faculty you know
Reach out to professors who have taught classes you did well in and enjoyed. Even if the professor is not currently seeking a researcher, he or she might be able to connect you with a colleague who is.
4. Talk to your friends
If you have friends currently engaged in research, ask them how they got started and if they know of any other research opportunities.
5. Talk to your advisor
Your advisor often has a good feel for what is going on in the college and is also probably well versed in the undergraduate research process. Make sure to tap this resource.