Engineering Technology (AAS)

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Engineering Technology AAS

Are you passionate about hands-on problem-solving? Do you thrive on turning ideas into practical applications? Begin your adventure with an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Engineering Technology at Utah State University. This program empowers students to bridge the gap between innovative concepts and real-world design challenges.

The Engineering Technology AAS program is crafted based on direct feedback from industry leaders in advanced manufacturing. It’s tailored to equip you with the skills needed to excel in today’s dynamic industrial sectors.

At Utah State University, your journey from concept to creation is our priority. Dive into hands-on projects. Transform your original ideas into prototypes and, eventually, market-ready products.

Your pathway to a career in Engineering Technology begins here. We’re excited to guide you through every phase of your educational experience!

Elevate Your Educational Path

Did you know that your Engineering Technology AAS isn’t the end of the road? Why not consider applying your credits towards advancing to the Bachelor of Applied Science in Engineering Technology? It’s a strategic step that can propel your career to greater heights.

In less than 30 seconds you can request information about Engineering Technology at USU!

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the focus of the Engineering Technology AAS program?

The AAS program is designed to provide hands-on, practical skills in engineering technology, preparing students for immediate employment in the field.

How long does it take to complete the AAS program?

The program typically takes two years to complete, depending on the student’s full-time or part-time enrollment status.

Can credits from the AAS program be transferred to a BAS program?

Yes, credits earned in the AAS program can be applied toward a Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Engineering Technology.

What career opportunities are available with an AAS in Engineering Technology?

Graduates can pursue various technical roles in industries such as manufacturing, electronics, and product development.