Society of Chinese Bioscientists' 12th Biennial International Symposium

Virologist Joseph Li's lab at Utah State University may be a long way from Asia-culturally and geographically-but Li and his colleagues in the Society of Chinese Bioscientists in America (SCBA) know that goals like advancing biological and medical knowledge transcend all sorts of intellectual and political boundaries.

Li recently returned from the SCBA's 12th Biennial International Symposium which he has organized at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan. Over 1,500 scientists gathered for five days of sharing their most current work related to the meeting's theme, "Science for a Healthier and Better Life." Session topics ranged from structural biology to cancer research, from neurobiology to aquaculture, and from epigenetics to infectious diseases, all supporting the society's aim of advancing biology and strengthening cooperation among scientists in the U.S. and Asia.

In an interview with Science magazine, Li said the 25-year-old society has contributed significantly to efforts to get scientists and leaders in many Asian regions to give health and environmental issues greater attention. Li and his colleagues anticipate dramatic scientific progress in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan and mainland China over the next decade and will continue act as liaisons between scientists there and in the U.S., promoting the scientific rigor, educational opportunities and collaborative research that will benefit people worldwide.

Among the SCBA's objectives are facilitating networking among members, improving occupational opportunities, advancing knowledge and establishing a spirit of fraternity and international cooperation. As one of the SCBA Founders, Li has also served as the SCBA Executive Director since he joined the faculty at USU.

For more information about the SCBA, visit their website at