USU Reyboona Cash

Reyzin the Cash X Queen Cisco

USU Reyboona Cash is a 2022 filly at USU in the yearling sales prep class. She is currently 706 lbs and is 13 hands. “Shania” is 6-panel negative and up to date on vaccinations and deworming. This filly is proficient in leading, standing tied, picking up feet, loading in a trailer, going over various obstacles, bathing, blanketing, and round penning. Her Pedigree backs up her natural born intelligence and athleticism. Her sire, REYZIN THE CASH, was the 2016 NCHA open classic/champion & 2015 NCHA Open Derby Champion. He has produced over 145 money-earners averaging $21,500 per offspring. Her dam, QUEEN CISCO, is a NCHA earner of $45,811. USU REYBOONA CASH is a smart filly and ready to be a champion
