Student Nutrition Access Center (SNAC)

At the Student Nutrition Access Center (SNAC) we are dedicated to helping students thrive. We provide Aggies with a hunger-free education by being a supportive and inclusive environment that offers nutritious and diverse food options, while also fostering educational opportunities to empower students in their academic pursuits.

SNAC is not supported by student fees, allowing anyone within the USU Community to access the services and resources.

pie chart showing 62%


of USU students surveyed experience low or very low food security

pie chart showing 71%


of SNAC users surveyed experience low or very low food security

pie chart showing 46%


of statewide students surveyed experience low or very low food security

*statistics based on 2023-2024 Assessment
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Receive Assistance

If at any time during your education you have trouble accessing enough food, use the USU food pantry — no questions asked.

Logan Campus

Student Center (TSC)
Room 332B

Blanding Campus

2nd Floor

Eastern Campus

Student Center (JLSC)
Nexus (2nd Floor)
Hours: Monday-Friday 8a - 5p
Contact: (435) 613-5559

We ask SNAC patrons to only take food for themselves. If you are interested in getting food for people other than yourself, your local community food pantry will be better able to assist you and your family.

ID Card  Bring your USU ID card.
Shopping Bag Icon  Bring a reusable bag.
Calendar Icon  You can receive food once a week.

Terms of Agreement

Dollar in Slot Icon


With your support, we can provide even more resources, workshops, and fitness opportunities that empower students to lead healthier lives and reach their full potential.

Hand with Heart Icon


Help ensure food security for students by volunteering at SNAC. Your time will be well spent and will help foster student well-being and success.

SNAC Users Are Benefitting From Services

pie chart showing 60%


report SNAC helps them avoid going hungry when they don't have enough money for food

pie chart showing 83%


say SNAC helps them feel less worried about having enough food

pie chart showing 68%


indicated SNAC helps them eat more balanced meals

pie chart showing 67%


report SNAC helps avoid cutting the size of meals or skipping meals altogether


USU Student Food Pantry Welcomes New Program Coordinator

The student food pantry on Utah State University’s Logan campus recently welcomed Jonathon Walters as the program’s new coordinator. The Student Nutrition Access Center, or SNAC, is dedicated to increasing access to food while educating students about nut...

SNAC sees increase in student usage

The Student Nutrition Access Center at Utah State University is located on the third floor of the Taggart Student Center. It is a free resource that provides students access to nutritious foods with a goal of reducing food insecurity and waste. SNAC has s...

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