Student Nutrition Access Center (SNAC)

Our Services

The Student Nutrition Access Center, or SNAC, is the location of USU's food pantry. Our mission is to provide Aggies with a hunger-free education by being a supportive and inclusive environment that offers nutritious and diverse food options while also fostering educational opportunities to empower students in their academic pursuits. SNAC is not supported by student fees, so anyone in the USU Community can access the services and resources.

When you are in need, use the USU food pantry - no questions asked.


Receive Assistance

If at any time during your education you have trouble accessing enough food, use the USU food pantry — no questions asked.

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Those interested in sustainability, social justice issues, basic needs, food insecurity, local food systems, or nutrition can visit the SNAC page on Give Pulse to sign up for volunteer opportunities.

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Support USU Aggies by donating to fund SNAC operation costs and continue to provide Aggies with nutritious food. Donate today.